Black Desert Online Black Desert Online er en ambisiøs sandbox fantasy MMORPG. med åpen verden PvP, ingen nivåhett og en robust åpen verden. Gjennom en endeløs krig må spillerne skrive sin egen individuelle historie som en del av epoken som er Black Desert Online. Spillere kan se etter flotte funksjoner, inkludert væskeaksjonsbekjempelse, verdensomspennende boliger og en svært detaljert levende verden. I den store åpne verdenen Black Desert Online er det sømløs gameplay hvor fantasi er din eneste grense i denne flotte sandkassen. Reise over hele verden og oppsøke nye utfordringer og opplevelser uten å se en laste skjerm Black Desert Online Nøkkelfunksjoner Aldri se en laste skjerm 8211 Black Desert Online8217s store åpne verden betyr at du kan reise over hele verden og aldri se en lasteskjerm Dynamiske værvirkninger til hvilke spillere som må tilpasse, dypere opplevelsen Mange stier å følge 8211 Spillere kan velge mellom 9 svært forskjellige klasser fra den raske og dødelige Blader til de mystiske krefter Wizarded, hver tilbyr et stort sett forskjellige alternativer og gameplay Crafting Redefined 8211 Håndverk i Black Desert Online krever tid og tålmodighet, men belønningene er verdt ventetiden. Bygg et verksted, ansett NPCer for å samle de nødvendige materialene, og ansett andre for å faktisk lage varen til deg. Denne tilnærmingen gir spillerne frihet til å spille spillet, i stedet for å søke etter knappe ressurs noder PvP That Matters 8211 Et tegn mister erfaring når de dør i PvP i åpen verden, og faller noen elementer. Å drepe en annen spiller koster deg karma jo lavere din karma, jo flere ting du slipper når du dør Spillere kan kjempe i en PvP-arena, som ligger i alle større byer, uten straff. Parkour 8211 Tegn kan engasjere seg i parkour i spillet og løpe over hustak og hoppe mellom bygninger Gå hvor vinden tar deg Les mer om Black Desert OnlineYes, du kan. Hvis du er på parole eller prøve, må du kanskje få godkjenning av en saksbehandler eller en dommer. Ofte vil de legge til en bestemmelse om at du ikke skal dyrke eller gi til en kollektiv. Dette høres ut som om det strider mot dine Prop 215 SB 420-rettigheter, men det er teknisk ikke fordi du må godta vilkårene for parole eller prøvetaking, og når du er enig i ikke å få tilgang til cannabis, sitter du fast. Noen ganger er it8217s best å ta det opp foran, spesielt hvis du vil vokse din egen. Ellers, med mindre det spesifikt forbyder bruken av cannabis, besittelse av mindre enn en unse, er det nå en overtredelse per HS 11357 (c) som ikke bør påvirke vilkårene for parole eller prøvetid, men uautorisert dyrking er fortsatt en forbrytelse. Vær forsiktig og lykke til. Jeg var ute etter hva som betraktes som en 8220 levende levende planter8221 slik at en klone bare ble kuttet og i sin oppstart av rotte men ingen rotter er formet og hvordan ser det ut en sann juridisk plante som du kan bli belastet for at alt avhenger av om kostnadene er føderale eller hvilken stat gjør kostnadene. For eksempel, i føderal domstol må en kutting av en hvilken som helst høyde ha røtter som en plante. I California-loven, forplantning til og med av urørte stiklinger, passer under overskriften 8220cultivation8221, og så selv å ta stiklinger eller spire frø regnes som dyrking, men det er ingen grenser for antall planter for personlig kommersiell bruk, det er bare basert på hva virker rimelig for retten. Så noen få små planter eller til og med et ganske stort antall kan betraktes som personlige, men bare noen få store planter med mye knopp på dem kan virke kommersielle. I henhold til føderal lov kan 50 planter få deg 3 år i fengsel, 100 vil gi deg en obligatorisk 5 år, og 1000 planter er en obligatorisk 10 år, pluss det er pistolforbedringer, konspirasjonslover, etc. for å ødelegge livet ditt. Den amerikanske regjeringen er utrolig korrupt og råtten, så don8217t snakker seg med dem, eller Obama vil skyte en drone-missil på deg. Bare tuller. På en måte. Inntil han begynner å skyte droner på produsenter, i det minste. hei jeg ble raidet 6911 av en felles føderale arbeidsstyrke i huset mitt at jeg vokste opp. de brukte atf, dea, ntf 8230 de sparket i alle mine dører og nektet å la oss åpne eller gi dem nøkler. da nektet de å vise meg surch warrant eller la meg ringe den lokale pd8230 jeg bor med 4 medlem av mitt coop og de tok all vår medisin vi alle nå går tilbake på våre farmakologiske stoffer for tiden jeg antar jeg spør for hva som helst hjelp eller råd jeg kan få. tho det ser ut til at mange avgifter allerede er droppet. men jeg vil være perpared og kontakte deg. min kontakt 6198699506 Edward Brown Hei, Edward, beklager, jeg har akkurat denne meldingen, vi får så mye spam som vi oversett denne. Er saken din fortsatt? Har du en advokat Din beste innsats ville være å få din advokat, ta kontakt med domstolskvalifisert cannabisekspert Chris Conrad, chrisconrad. og snakk med ham om situasjonen for å se hva han anbefaler. Føderale anklager er mye vanskeligere å slå, men kanskje vil de overføre det til staten der du kan vinne i retten. Det er en viktig dom som kom ut for California, People v Jackson (2012), ut av San Diego. Det burde hjelpe deg. Jackson-avgjørelse: 8220Aftersom vi tolker MMPA, må den kollektive eller kooperative foreningen som kreves av loven ikke inneholde aktiv deltakelse av alle medlemmer i dyrkingsprosessen, men kan begrenses til økonomisk støtte ved marihuana kjøp fra organisasjonen.8221 Se chrisconradexpert. witnessjackson2012.html. Edwin Maire sier: Hei, jeg heter Ed. Min primære doktor er redd for 8220recomend8221 (Yep, I8217m i nordlige Ca.), selv om postene mine viser at jeg tilfredsstiller kriteriene, og har hatt en i 8 år før. At Dr. ble veldig syk og etter 8 år å være min primære drpain mgmt gruppe avsluttet sin praksis. Det tok et år å få en annen doc, og han vant8217t skrive anbefalingen. Jeg kan ikke ha råd til 200,00 for en appt jeg trenger, så jeg kan lovlig overholde 8220be8221. Jeg kaller toro caca. Føler seg som en narkotikahandel8221 Vil du være lovlig. Hvis din vanlige lege vunnet, men du har gode journaler, foreslår jeg at du tar opp til en rabattlege som vil se dem over og gi deg en godkjenning for under 100. Det er et sted i Vallejo du kan prøve, alternativ medisin 707 -554-1000 altmednc. Siden jeg don8217t vet hvor du befinner deg, foreslår jeg bare å gjøre et online søk for rabatt medisinske marihuana anbefalinger og finne et sted som ligger i nærheten av deg. Hvordan kan jeg legitimt være omsorgsperson for 8 eller 9 personer uten å være under lovens granskning 1. Eksempel. kan jeg vokse 96 planter i NV fylke hvis jeg er navngitt omsorgsperson med åtte personer 2. Hva er maksimalt antall resepter som en omsorgsperson kan ha, I NV fylke 3. er produsentene tillatelse til 99 eller mindre legitime (jeg har blitt informert om dem er ikke) 4. Jeg har hørt en ny California lovpakke om mengden medisin en omsorgsperson kan lovlig vokse eller posess, (i NV fylke) Det er to standarder, du har et godt lovlig forsvar for å gjøre det i henhold til California lov, nemlig HS11362.775 (se chrisconradexpert. witnesssb420-03.htm11362.775), men det kan også være en by eller fylkeskommun på at du må komme deg rundt. For informasjon om de lokale retningslinjene, besøk caNorml. org. De har den mest oppdaterte info. CAROLYN FITZGERALD sier: hei jeg leier en trailer Det er et hus på samme eiendom vi begge vokser cannabis, og jeg legger et gjerde for å skille veksten. min bekymring er at hvis de ikke overholder wlaw kan jeg være i trøbbel på grunn av at det grådighet vil noen hjelp være så verdsatt. takk Carolyn Jeg vil gjøre røyking marihuana lovlig for barna mine når jeg har dem. Jeg trenger ting å forandre, så mine barn kan bli medisinerte. Kjæresten min og jeg har begge fordeler fra Marijuana og vet at barna våre vil også være basert på genetikk. Vi vil be for et perfekt barn skjønt. Jeg er så takknemlig for reglene nei og ønsker å fremme dem. Shannon peel sier: Jeg hadde halsen min ødelagt i 1996, en av de foreskrevne medisinene (Celebrex) har forårsaket at mageforingen min blir betennet. Jeg fant det ut på grunn av å ha en endoskopi og legen tok en biopsi tenkning hva han så var ikke kreft, men betennelse og infeksjon fra min foreskrevne Celebrex. Unødvendig å si, jeg er elendig. Jeg jobber på et distriktskontor for et skoleområde og lurte på hva som ville skje hvis folkene i Human Resources fant ut at jeg hadde et medisinsk marihuana-kort. Jeg trenger jobben min, men jeg trenger også litt lettelse. Jeg tar for tiden Aloe Cure (organisk aloe vera fra tropene) som hjelper noen. TAKK I FORBINDELSE MED DIG BISTAND. Hvis de virkelig vil legalisere cannabis i år 2012, tror jeg at de må endre formuleringen av proposisjonen slik at den ikke bruker begrepet 8220recreational use8221. Forslaget skal angi noe som 8220medisinsk marihuana for medisinsk bruk, bør gjøres tilgjengelig for alle over 21 år uten lisens.8221 Noe sånn kan fungere, men jeg tror ikke at 8220recreational use8221 vil passere lovgivningen. Hvis du er enig med dette 8211, send denne informasjonen på. Tydeligvis, dette er veldig informativ. Jeg kom over nettstedet ditt thro8217 søkemotor. Jeg vil gjerne dele denne informasjonen med andre. Jeg hilser oppriktig takk til deg. Takk. Jeg har et spørsmål .. Jeg vil ha et canabis-kort, men idk hvor du skal begynne eller hvordan du starter det8230i har spiseproblemer n noen ryggsmerter, men jeg vet bare ikke hva jeg trengte så trinnvis step8230.n for å få en lege anbefaling . Jeg vet ikke hvor jeg skal begynne. Ville tat b nok for å få et canabis-kort. Jeg spiser ikke mye på all8230food ikke smaker godt i alle sammen, etter at jeg har marajuana i kroppen min, så smaker alt godt, men det er nok for meg å få et kort Hei it8217s meg, jeg besøker også dette nettstedet regelmessig, dette nettstedet er virkelig hyggelig og de besøkende deler virkelig hyggelige tanker. I henhold til California lov kan du vokse noen 8220reasonable8221 mengder og pasienter kan vokse sammen. Lokale forordninger kan begrense mengden og plasseringen der du vokser, og domstolene har ikke avgjort om disse er bindende eller ikke så lenge de har sivile i stedet for strafferettslige sanksjoner. Under AG-retningslinjene som nevnt i People v Colvin og People v Jackson, California, kan pasienter og omsorgspersoner ha en mengde i sammenheng med antall pasientmedlemmer. Problemet er at alt må vises 8220reasonable8221 og it8217s en politimann som hater marihuana-brukere som er den første personen som ringer, så de sier sjelden at alt er 8220reasonabelt.8221 Så kort sagt, ja, det kan du gjøre, men alle må være en kvalifisert pasient, det bør være en slags medlemskapsordning, og hele greia må være 8220reasonable8221 i beløpene. Så vær forsiktig med hvordan du fortsetter, og du bør ha det bra. Du kan bære den rundt i California så lenge beløpet er 8220reasonabelt8221 for reisen din. For eksempel, hvis du kjøper en forsyning og kjører hjem for å lagre den, kan du ha minst 8 gram. Hvis du kjører rundt med 8 gram i bilen på vei til en fest eller en musikkfestival, kan politiet og retten ikke tro det er rimelig fordi du ikke trenger å kjøre den med deg, du kunne ha forlatt det hjem. Saken her er hvor en ung mann som bodde hjemme, ble fortalt av sin mor at han ikke kunne lagre den i huset, så han holdt den i bilen til han ble trukket over. Da hevdet retten at de to unser han hadde, ikke behøvde å være i bilen på den tiden, så han ble dømt for transport. I mellomtiden hadde Pebbles Trippet tre pounds av risting i bilen, ble dømt og Appeals-domstolen vred overbevisningen. Så i utgangspunktet kan du reise innen staten med en relativt liten mengde eller en større mengde hvis det er en god nok 8220reason8221 for å ha det beløpet du har (for eksempel it8217s for mer enn en pasient, det blir tatt hjem for lagring, det er nok for en utvidet reise, etc.) Helsehelsetjenesten Hashish i California er praktisk talt ingenting alt det nye. Snarere har denne tilstanden fungert som grunnlaget for 14 andre stater i fagforeningen for å proaktivt avkriminalisere marihuana for medisinsk bruk. Mange takk til det progressive helsevesenet cannabis-systemet i California, langt flere og flere individer begynner å forstå hvor mange funksjonelle helseprogrammer som California tilbyr. For pasienter som sliter, har de nå et alternativ alternativ til helsepersonell som mange finner for å yte den hjelpen de søker, men i tilfelle av fasettutfall, bivirkninger eller interaksjoner som er utbredt med mange reseptbelagte medisiner. Gjeldende forskrifter om California Healthcare Hashish Reglene listet her kan være utfordrende å forstå hvis du ikke er advokat. Imidlertid kan de brytes ned til grunnleggende setninger for å gjøre dem lettere å gå ned. Loven sørger for at 8220 alvorlig syke californians har det riktige å motta og bruke marihuana for helsepersonellbehov.8221 De er utviklet for å sikre at personer og deres hovedomsorgere som anskaffer og bruker marihuana til medisinske formål på råd fra en medisinsk faglig, ikke er gjenstand for strafferettslig forfølgelse eller sanksjoner av noe slag. 8221 Hvem kan lovlig bruke California Healthcare Cannabis Som for enhver regulering, er det bare lider og deres påpekt akkreditert omsorgspersoner. Ifølge California lov, må alle individer være registrert med medisinsk programmet, som forvaltes av California-delen av General Public Health (CDPH). For å kvalifisere, må kundene undersøkes av en lege og komponere et forslag til hash. Deretter bør de sende inn en søknad til helsekontoret med den anbefalingen om å bli utstedt et helse-relatert cannabis-kort fra California. Hvor kan du kjøpe Healthcare Cannabis i California Når du mottar ditt California Health Health Hashish-kort i posten, vil du være i stand til å kjøpe cannabis fra ulike dispensarer som er plassert under staten. Dispensasjonene lar kun gyldige kortinnehavere få inngang og kjøper (eller deres store omsorgspersoner som holder legitime kort). Hvert fylke har sine egne lover angående mengden cannabis som en person kan kjøpe eller ha til enhver tid. Kvalifiserende helseproblemer for Hashish i California Denne tilstanden skiller seg vesentlig fra de andre statene som har legalisert cannabis for medisinske anvendelser. Dette skyldes at helsemessige Hashish i California er vert for den mest liberale helsevesenet marihuana planen. For øyeblikket er det 166 kvalifiserende forhold. Noen er inkludert og fjernet hvert kalenderår av velgere. En cannabis medisinsk profesjonell kan hjelpe deg med å bestemme om du kvalifiserer under statlig lov. jeg har et stort spørsmål8230 nå er alle marijuana-planter virkelig høye eller er det noen slags som forblir relativt korte, fordi jeg prøver å vokse min under huset mitt, resulterer i at jeg har omtrent 27 tommers varighet i rommet ned der8217s en hel masse plass jeg kan vokse mange planter i hvis de bare var ca 27 tommer høye, jeg kan grave skittet mye mer for å få det omtrent 35 i det meste, men det er det. Generelt er den mer 8220sativa8221 stammen der i en frølinje, jo høyere planter (og tynnere brosjyrene), og jo mer 8220indica8221 den kortere og bushier (og dypere brosjyrer, så vel). For å få kortere planter, legg dem i blomst mens de fortsatt er små. Si at du lar dem komme til 88243 høy vegetativ og deretter sette dem i blomst, plantene dine skal passe inn i høyden du har beskrevet. Hvis du lar dem vokse til 18 tommer vegetativt og deretter blomst, vil de gå over lampens topper som du har beskrevet dem. Voksende korte små planter bare 88243 eller så fra hverandre, kalles 8220sea green, 8221 en teknikk designet for mellomrom som din. Men siden politi meste bare teller planter og går nøtter som utgjør fremtidige utbytter, er det fare. Si at du har 32 planter som vokser som beskrevet ovenfor, du kan få et pund bud, men politiet kan si 8220a pund en plante kommer til 32 pounds utbytte, 8221 så å ha færre planter reduserer den juridiske risikoen. Kompromisset er en 8220-skjerm med green8221-operasjon hvor du vil vokse, si 8 planter vokst til 188243 høye, og bøy deretter grenene ned med en scrim-type nett for å holde dem nede i minst en fot under lampene, da når de vokser opp vil fylle ut området som et hav av grønt, men med mindre plantetall. Taco krydderblanding, 1 kopp kokte pinto bønner, maisgrønn, 2 kopper co-jack ost, pluss tillegg til servering knuste, skarpe tortillaplater, din favoritt salsa (jeg brukte hjemmelaget jalapeno salsa) Cook kyllingen først i et lite cannabis smør og legg til litt hash olje 8211 kut kyllingen i små terninger. Bruk spansk ris og lag ingrediensene i et taco skall. God natt. Movers Dayton sier: I motsetning til elektroniske lesere trenger du ikke et batteri, strøm eller Internett-tilkobling for å lese avis, og de er vanligvis fakturert og korrekturleset, som internett ikke er. Ikke at det er mye bias i aviser, særlig pro-corporate grådighet, men generelt er informasjonen mye mer pålitelig. Bare noen få steder, som våre på safeaccessnow. ta deg tid til å være virkelig begeistret. Det er hvorfor. Sjekk også West Coast Leaf avisen online på westcoastleaf. På den måten kan du lese en avis, en PDF eller en utgitt kopi. Du er så fantastisk jeg antar ikke at jeg har lest en enkelt ting som før. Så hyggelig å oppdage noen med unike tanker om dette emnet. Alvor. takk for at du startet opp dette. Denne nettsiden er en ting som kreves på nettet, noen med liten originalitet. Obligatorisk grøft ble først antatt å være det perfekte valget for bigots å holde pottenrykkere arbeidsledige og underutdannede, men siden denne diskrimineringsformen ble utviklet og markedsført av regjeringsbetalte forskere som Robert DuPont på NIDA for å bli en nasjonal politikk, har det kommet mange måter å slå en test på, for eksempel falsk urin, ren naturlig urin, fortynning og detoxpulver. Noen spurte meg om Goldn no Drug Test Powder 8212 Hva er det, og jeg skal vite hva jeg skal tenke på. Også er cleartest et godt nettsted for å få produkter. Er det noen måte å straffe disse korrupte politikosene som DuPont som publiserer falske studier som malignerer cannabis og deretter dra nytte av å undertrykke folk som bruker naturlig urt. Er fengselet og alkohollobbyen bak all denne dumheten jeg mener , virkelig, disse bedriftene skjerm ut og brann de beste medarbeiderne deres hvis de var jenter, de ville være i stand til å skyte dem for inkompetanse, så pissprøver er åpenbart rettet mot velrenommerte og produktive ansatte. Hvorfor velger bedrifter å kaste ut gode arbeidere for skitarbeidere over innholdet i deres urin Insane idioter Finansielt motiverte Det gir ingen mening. Takk for din assistanse. Har du noen gang vurdert å publisere en e-bok eller gjesteforfattering på andre nettsteder? Jeg har en blogg sentrert om de samme emnene du diskuterer, og vil virkelig gjerne dele deg med noen historier. Jeg vet at de besøkende ville nyte arbeidet ditt. Hvis du selv er eksternt interessert, kan du gjerne sende meg en e-post. Hei Jeg er på jakt etter informasjon om røyking marihuana i offentlig. Jeg bor i et lite leilighetskompleks som har flere leietakere som spenner fra små barn, studenter, voksne og eldre. Flere av de voksne leietakere har resepter for bruk av medisinsk marihuana og ofte røyker det ut av boligen (ofte på grunn av å ha barn) eller bor i et røykfritt boligområde. Informasjonen jeg leter etter er om det er lovlig å røyke marihuana ute i offentlige områder, for eksempel offentlige parker, gater, utleieboliger og spesielt i et barnevennlig lokalsamfunn eller til og med ute i nærheten av egen døråpning. Hei, Shadowcloud, California har ingen statewide rettspolitikk for å røyke medisinsk marihuana i offentligheten. Fordi flere og flere steder har vedtatt politikk mot røyking innendørs, har de kanskje velmenende politikkene ført til en økning i røyking utendørs. Noen mennesker kan finne dette irriterende, men det er ufarlig fra et helsemessig og samfunnsmessig synspunkt. Det er ingen fare for beruselse fra 8220 sekunders håndrøyk8221 fra cannabis. Det er for fortynnet for å føle effekten, og marihuana har vist seg å ikke forårsake kreft, emfysem eller andre helserisiko, selv fra tungt hyppig personlig bruk (det kan bidra til bronkitt, men ). Marijuana bruk av ungdom har avtatt i stater som tillater medisinsk bruk av cannabis, så det er ingen grunn til å forvente noen tegninger for unge mennesker. Det har faktisk blitt påpekt at å se at gamle mennesker røyker marihuana fordi de er syke, gjør det mindre interessant for den yngre publikum. 8220Boring8221 Men hvis denne oppførelsen plager deg, kan og må noen skritt tas. Du kan sikkert be folk om å avstå fra å røyke nær din egen døråpning, og hvis de ikke er lydhør, kan du diskutere det med eiendomsforvalteren eller bruke en mediator for å løse problemet. For eksempel kan eiendomsforvaltere utpeke et område for 8220medication8221 for folk å røyke og plassere det fra unge øyne. Innendørs røykeområder bør ventileres for å kontrollere røyken. Det er pasientens ansvar å handle på nabo måte, og de fleste vil gjerne gjøre noe ut når du forklarer dine bekymringer angående røyk, lukt og hvordan deres oppførsel påvirker deg uten å komme inn i et argument om marihuana. Du kan kanskje kjøpe noen av disse askeskuffene med kullfilter og små vifter for å gi pasientene å bruke og bidra til å holde lukten nede. Den akten av generøsitet kan få ting på høyre fot fordi det viser at du er villig til å jobbe med dem. Lykke til. Honning voks er vanligvis laget med BHO utvinning prosesser som er ulovlig i California. Butan er veldig rent og sprer seg nesten umiddelbart, det har blitt testet mange ganger og etterlater ikke spor. Men med en liten gnistbutan kan det eksplodere i flammer, så det er regulert som et brennbart løsningsmiddel. Bruk av butan til å behandle cannabis behandles ifølge loven det samme som å ha et meth-laboratorium på grunn av eksplosjonsfare og brann. Med en doktor8217s godkjenning er oljevoks lovlig å ha, men det er ikke noe juridisk forsvar å produsere via butan, se People v Bergen-regjeringen på chrisconradexpert. witnessBergen08CalAppB203793hashOil. pdf. Hvis det er laget med å gni alkohol som sannsynligvis er lovlig. CO2 eller vannutvinning er definitivt i en annen kategori. Hvis du blir arrestert med noen, er det beste å vise doktorgraden din og ikke diskutere hvor den kom fra. Generelt, når du konfronteres med politiet, vis doktorgraden din og velg deretter å være stille. It8217s din rett og din beste juridiske beskyttelse. Hold deg trygg Hei, jeg bor på Oahu og I8217ve en autistisk 7 kalenderår gammel sønn. Jeg er interessert i å se om marijuana gjør det mulig å roe ham. Hvordan går jeg om dette må jeg gå til en lege for å gi en reseptbilde av folks republikk Chinas territoriale krav Kina (2001322269 Zhnggu), offisielt kjent som People's Republic of China (20013213262015427665208492164422269 Zhnghu Rnmn Gnghgu) er en stort land i Øst-Asia (omtrent samme størrelse som USA) med verdens største befolkning. Med kyster på Øst-Kinahavet, Korea Bay, Yellow Sea og South China Sea, grenser det totalt 14 nasjoner. Den grenser til Afghanistan. Pakistan (gjennom det omstridte territoriet i Kashmir), India. Nepal. Bhutan. Myanmar. Laos og Vietnam i Sør-Tadsjikistan. Kasakhstan og Kirgisistan i vest Russland og Mongolia i nord og Nord-Korea i øst. Dette antall nabostater er lik bare av Chinas store nabo til nord, Russland. Denne artikkelen dekker bare fastlandet Kina. For Hong Kong. Macau og Taiwan. se separate artikler. Forstå Rediger Jeg er ikke en som ble født i besittelse av kunnskap. Jeg er en som er glad i antikken, og er seriøs i å søke den der. 8212 Konfucius Den omtrent 5000 år gamle kinesiske sivilisasjonen har utholdt seg gjennom tusenvis av forstyrrende omveltninger og revolusjoner, perioder med gylden tid og anarki. Gjennom den nylige økonomiske boom som ble initiert av reformene av Deng Xiaoping, er Kina igjen en av verdens ledende nasjoner, opptatt av sin store, industrielle befolkning og rikelig med naturressurser. Dybden og kompleksiteten til den kinesiske sivilisasjonen, med sin rike arv, har fascinert vestlige som Marco Polo og Gottfried Leibniz gjennom Great Silk Road og flere måter å utveksle kultur på i århundrer tidligere, og vil fortsette å excitere - og forvirre - den reisende i dag. Historikk Rediger Denne artikkelen eller delen samsvarer ikke med vår håndbok for stil eller trenger annen redigering. Vennligst gå forover. gi den din oppmerksomhet og få den til å bli bedre. Forslag til rettelser. Historikk delen må trimmes ned tungt. Se Japan for et eksempel. Ancient China Edit Den opptegnede historien om den kinesiske sivilisasjonen kan spores til den gule elvedalen, som sies å være den kinesiske sivilisens vugge. Xia-dynastiet var det første dynastiet som ble beskrevet i gamle historiske kronikker, men hittil er det ikke funnet noe konkret bevis for dets eksistens. Ikke desto mindre har arkeologiske bevis vist at i det minste en tidlig bronsealder den kinesiske sivilisasjonen hadde utviklet seg etter den beskrevne perioden. Shang-dynastiet. Chinas første historisk bekreftede dynasti, og Zhou-dynastiet regjerte over Yellow River-bassenget. Zhou vedtok et desentralisert regjeringssystem hvor de feodale herrer regjerte over sine respektive territorier med høy grad av selvstendighet, selv opprettholde sine egne hærer, samtidig som de hilste kongen og anerkjente ham som den symbolske herskeren av Kina. Det var også det lengste regjeringsdynastiet i kinesisk historie, som varer i 800 år. Til tross for denne levetiden, i løpet av andre halvdel av Zhou-perioden, kom Kina ned i århundrer med politisk uro, med feudale herrer av mange små fiefdoms som stod for kraft i løpet av vår - og høstperioden. og senere stabilisert i syv store stater i perioden med krigsstater. Denne tumultiske perioden fødte Kinas største tenkere, inkludert Confucius, Mencius og Laozi, som bidro betydelig til kinesisk tanke og kultur. Imperial China Edit Kina ble til slutt forenet i 221 f. Kr. av Qin Shi Huang, den første keiseren, og Qin-dynastiet opprettet et sentralisert system for regjeringen for hele Kina, og standardiserte vekter og tiltak, kinesiske tegn og valuta for å skape enhet. Frem til i dag er idealet om et enhetlig og sterkt sentralisert system fortsatt sterkt i kinesisk tenkning. På grunn av den despotiske og harde regelen, fortsatte Qin-dynastiet i bare 15 år da Han-dynastiet overtok i 206 BC etter en opprørstid. Med oppfinnelsen av papir og omfattende handel med Vesten langs Silkeveien, sammen med relativt velvillig keiserlig regjering, var Han den første gyldne alder av den kinesiske sivilisasjonen. Etnisk kineser anser seg for å være en del av Han-rase til denne dagen. Kollapsen av Han-dynastiet i 220 e. Kr. førte til en periode med politisk uro og krig kjent som den tre kongedømmeperioden. som så Kina splittet i de tre separate statene Wei, Shu og Wu. Til tross for varigheten i bare rundt 60 år er det en svært romantisert periode med kinesisk historie. Kina ble så kort gjenforent under Jin-dynastiet. før nedover i en periode med splittelse og anarki igjen. Divisjonens epoke kulminerte med Sui, som gjenforente Kina i 581. Sui var kjent for store offentlige arbeider, for eksempel engineering feat på Canal Grande, som koblet Beijing i nord til Hangzhou i sør. Visse deler av kanalen er fortsatt navigerbare i dag. Konflikt av krig og overdreven statlig utgift ble Sui erstattet av Tang-dynastiet. opplyser den andre gyldne alder av den kinesiske sivilisasjonen, preget av en blomstring av kinesisk poesi, buddhisme og statecraft, og så også utviklingen av keiserlige undersøkelsessystemet som forsøkte å velge rettsmedarbeidere av evne i stedet for familiebakgrunn. Chinatowns i utlandet er ofte kjent som Tang of Tang People (Tngrn ji) på kinesisk. Kollapsen av Tang-dynastiet så så Kina delt igjen, til det ble gjenforent av Song-dynastiet. Denne sammenbruddet ble ført av Vietnams oppsigelse og uavhengighet i 938 CE. Sangen regjerte over det meste av Kina i over 150 år før de ble drevet sør for Huai-elven ved Jurchens, hvor de fortsatte å herske som den sørlige sangen, og selv om de var militært svake, oppnådde et nivå av kommersiell og økonomisk utvikling uendelig til Vesten Industrielle revolusjon. Yuan (Mongol) - dynastiet beseiret først Jurchens, deretter fortsatte å erobre sangen i 1279, og styrte sitt enorme eurasiske imperium fra dagens Beijing. Etter å ha beseiret mongolene, reiste Ming-dynastiet (1368-1644) regjeringen av etnisk Han. Ming-perioden ble notert for handel og utforskning, med Zheng Hes mange reiser til Sørøst-Asia, India og den arabiske verden. Første kontakt med europeiske handelsmenn mente Kina gradvis høste frukten av den colombianske utvekslingen, med sølv som strømmer inn i galionen gjennom handel med portugisisk og spansk. Berømte bygninger i Beijing, som Den forbudte by og Himmelens tempel, ble bygget i denne perioden. Det siste dynastiet i Qing (Manchu) - dynastiet (1644-1911), så det kinesiske imperiet vokse til sin nåværende størrelse, og omfatter de vestlige regionene Xinjiang og Tibet. Qing-dynastiet falt i forfall i sine siste år for å bli den syke mannen i Asia, hvor den ble nibbled fra hverandre av vestlige krefter. Vestmennene etablerte sine egne traktatporter i Guangzhou, Shanghai og Tianjin. Kina mistet flere territorier til utenlandske krefter Hong Kong og Weihai ble ceded til Storbritannia, Taiwan og Liaodong var til Japan, deler av Nord-Øst, inkludert Dalian og deler av Ytre Manchuria til Russland, mens Qingdao ble ceded til Tyskland. Shanghai var delt mellom Kina og åtte forskjellige land. I tillegg mistet Kina kontroll over sine tributasjoner, med Korea og Ryukyu-øyene ceded til Japan. Republikken og andre verdenskrig Rediger Det to tusen år gamle keiserlige systemet kollapset i 1911, hvor Sun Yat-Sen (, Sn Zhngshn) grunnla Kina (Zhnghu Mngu). Den sentrale regelen kollapset i 1916 etter at Yuan Shih-kai, Republikkens andre president og selvopptrådte keiser, døde Kina kom ned i anarki, med ulike selvbetjente krigsherrer som hersket over forskjellige regioner i Kina. I 1919 fødte studentprotester i Beijing fødselen til den fjerde fjerde bevegelsen (W S Yndng), som inneholdt ulike reformer for det kinesiske samfunnet, for eksempel bruk av vernacularen skriftlig, samt utvikling av vitenskap og demokrati. The intellectual ferment of the May Fourth Movement gave birth to the reorganized Kuomintang (KMT) in 1919 and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in the French Concession in Shanghai, 1921. After uniting much of eastern China under KMT rule in 1928, the CCP and the KMT turned on each other, with the CCP fleeing to Yanan in Shaanxi in the epic Long March. During the period from 1922 to 1937, The eastern provinces of China grew economically under the leadership of Chiang Kai-shek and his KMT government, with marked economic expansion, industrialization and urbanization. Shanghai became a truly cosmopolitan city, as one of the worlds busiest ports, and the most prosperous city in East Asia, home to millions of Chinese and 60,000 foreigners from all corners of the globe. However, underlying problems throughout the vast country side, particularly the more inland parts of the country, such as civil unrest, famines and warlord conflict, still remained. Japan established a puppet state under the name Manchukuo in Manchuria in 1931, and launched a full-scale invasion of Chinas heartland in 1937. The Japanese initiated a brutal system of rule in Eastern China, culminating in the Nanjing Massacre of 1937. After fleeing west to Chongqing, the KMT realized the urgency of the situation signed a tenuous agreement with the CCP to form a second united front against the Japanese. With the defeat of Japan in 1945, the KMT and CCP armies maneuvered for positions in north China, setting the stage for the civil war in the years to come. The civil war lasted from 1946 to 1949 and ended with the Kuomintang defeated and sent packing to Taiwan where they hoped to re-establish themselves and recapture the mainland some day. A Red China Edit Mao Zedong officially declared the establishment of the Peoples Republic of China on 1 Oct 1949. The new Communist government implemented strong measures to restore law and order and revive industrial, agricultural and commercial institutions reeling from more than a decade of war. By 1955, Chinas economy had returned to pre-war levels of output as factories, farms, labor unions, civil society and governance were brought under Party control. After an initial period closely hewing to the Soviet model of heavy industrialization and comprehensive central economic planning, China began to experiment with adapting Marxism to a largely agrarian society. Massive social experiments such as the Hundred Flowers Campaign ( bihu yndng), the Great Leap Forward ( dyujn), intended to collectivize and industrialize China quickly, and the Cultural Revolution ( wchn jij wnhu d gmng), aimed at changing everything by discipline, destruction of the Four Olds, and total dedication to Mao Zedong Thought, rocked China from 1957 to 1976. The Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution are generally considered disastrous failures in China. During the Cultural Revolution in particular, Chinas cultural heritage, including monuments, temples, historical artifacts, and works of literature sustained catastrophic damage at the hands of Red Guard factions. It was only due to the intervention of Zhou Enlai and the PLA that major sites, such as the Potala Palace, the Mogao Caves, and the Forbidden City escaped destruction during the Cultural Revolution. Mao Zedong died in 1976, and in 1978, Deng Xiaoping became Chinas paramount leader. Deng and his lieutenants gradually introduced market-oriented reforms and decentralized economic decision making. Economic output quadrupled by 2000 and continues to grow by 8-10 per year, but huge problems remain 8212 bouts of serious inflation, regional income inequality, human rights abuses, ethnic unrest, massive pollution, rural poverty and corruption. While the larger cities near the coast like Beijing. Shanghai and Guangzhou have grown to become rich and modern, many of the more inland and rural parts of the country remain poor and underdeveloped. The former General Secretary of the Communist Party, Hu Jintao, has proclaimed a policy for a Harmonious Society ( hxi shhu) which promises to restore balanced economic growth and channel investment and prosperity into Chinas central and western provinces, which have been largely left behind in the post-1978 economic boom. The current General Secretary of the Communist Party, Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang, have pursued an ambitious policy of social reform, particularly income redistribution, poverty relief, and environmental improvements. Furthermore, a highly ambitious crackdown on corruption started by the previous administration has only been expanded. Growth in China has finally slowed down in recent years and seems to be leveling off. Politics Edit China is a single-party socialist state ruled by the Communist Party of China. China has actually only experienced one open nation-wide election, in 1912. The government consists of an executive branch known as the State Council ( Gu W Yun), as well as a unicameral legislature known as the National Peoples Congress ( Qungu Rnmn Dibio Dhu). The nominal Head of State is the President ( zhx, lit chairman ) which is a largely ceremonial office with limited powers and the Head of Government is the Premier ( zngl). In practice, while neither one holds absolute power, the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China holds the most power, while the Premier of the State Council is the second most powerful person in the country. The country is administratively divided into 22 provinces, 5 autonomous regions and 4 directly-controlled municipalities. Each of the provincial governments is given power over the internal, often economic, affairs of their provinces. Autonomous regions are given more freedom than regular provinces, one example of which is the right to declare additional official languages in the region besides Mandarin. In addition, there are the Special Administrative Regions (SAR) of Hong Kong, Macau, and Wolong. Both Hong Kong and Macau have separate legal systems and immigration departments from the mainland, and are given the freedom to enact laws separately from the mainland. Their political systems are more open and directly electoral in nature. Wolongs legal system is limited to nature preservation. Taiwan is also claimed by the PRC as a province, though no part of Taiwan is currently under the control of the PRC. Both governments support re-unification in principle and recently signed a trade pact to closer link their economies, essentially removing the danger of war. People and Habits Edit China is a very diverse place with large variations in culture, language, customs and economic levels. The economic landscape is particularly diverse. The major cities such as Beijing, Guangzhou and Shanghai are modern and comparatively wealthy. However, about 50 of Chinese still live in rural areas even though only 10 of Chinas land is arable. Hundreds of millions of rural residents still farm with manual labour or draft animals. Some 200 to 300 million former peasants have migrated to townships and cities in search of work. Government estimates for 2005 reported that 90 million people lived on less than 924 a year and 26 million were under the official poverty line of 668 a year. Generally the southern and eastern coastal regions are more wealthy while inland areas, the far west and north, and the southwest are much much less developed. The cultural landscape is unsurprisingly very diverse given the sheer size of the country. China has 56 officially recognized ethnic groups the largest by far is the Han which comprise over 90 of the population. The other 55 groups enjoy affirmative action for university admission and exemption from the one-child policy. The Han, however, are far from homogeneous and speak a wide variety of mutually unintelligible local dialects which most linguists actually classify as different languages using more or less the same set of Chinese characters. Many of the minority ethnic groups have their own languages as well. Contrary to popular belief, there is no single unified Han Chinese culture, and while they share certain common elements such as Confucian and Taoist beliefs, the regional variations in culture among the Han ethnic group are actually very diverse. Many customs and deities are specific to individual regions and even villages. Celebrations for the lunar new year and other national festivals vary drastically from region to region. Specific customs related to the celebration of important occasions such as weddings, funerals and births also vary widely. In general contemporary urban Chinese society is rather secular and traditional culture is more of an underlying current in every day life. Among ethnic minorities, the Zhuang, Manchu, Hui and Miao are the largest in size. Other notable ethnic minorities include: Koreans, Tibetans, Mongols, Uighurs, Kirghiz and even Russians. In fact, China is home to the largest Korean population outside Korea and is also home to more ethnic Mongols than the Republic of Mongolia itself. Many minorities have been assimilated to various degrees with the loss of language and customs or a fusing with Han traditions. An exception to this trend is the current situation of the Tibetans and Uighurs in China who remain fiercely defensive of their cultures. Some behaviours that are quite normal in China may be somewhat jarring and vulgar for foreigners: No spitting please Spitting: in the street, shops, supermarkets, hotel lobbies, hallways, restaurants, on buses and even in hospitals. Traditional Chinese medical thought believes it is unhealthy to swallow phlegm. Spitting has declined considerably in more developed urban areas like Beijing and Shanghai since the SARS epidemic of 2002. However, in other areas the habit persists to varying degrees, from moderate to ever-present. Smoking: almost anywhere, including areas with no smoking signs including health clubs, football pitches and even hospitals. Few restaurants have no smoking areas although Beijing now forbids smoking in most restaurants. Enforcement of smoking bans can vary but with the exception of Hong Kong, they most likely will not be. Lower class establishments often do not even have ashtrays. Western restaurants seem to be the only ones who consistently enforce the ban. Masks would be good idea for long distance bus trips. It is perfectly common for someone to smoke in a lift, restroom, in a massage parlor, even in the hospital. If your country of origin has banned smoking in most public places, then this aspect of China may be shocking. Anyone who does not look Chinese will find that calls of hello or laowai are common: lowi () literally means old outsider, a colloquial term for foreigner the more formal term is wigurn (). Calls of laowai are ubiquitous outside of the big cities (and even there, occasionally) these calls will come from just about anyone, of any age, and are even more likely from the very young and can occur many times in any given day. Dark skin discrimination is quite a common issue to deal with in China. Staring: This is common through most of the country. The staring usually originates out of sheer curiosity, almost never out of hostility. Dont be surprised if someone comes right up to you and just looks as if they are watching the TV, no harm done Drinking: It is quite common for older members to toast younger members when eating. It is considered extremely disrespectful to turn down the toast, even in good faith. Loud conversations, noise, discussions or public arguments: These are very common. Many mainland Chinese speak very loudly in public (including in the early mornings) and it may be one of the first things you notice upon arrival. Loud speech usually does not mean that the speaker is angry or engaged in an argument (although obviously it can). Full-blown fights involving physical violence are not very common, but they do occur. If you witness such an event, leave the vicinity and do not get involved. Foreigners are almost never targets in China and you will either be treated with respect or just ignored provided you dont act recklessly. The majority of violence or disrespect directed towards foreigners comes in the form of passive aggressive comments or in being grossly overcharged for pretty much everything. Noise means life, and China is rooted in a community based culture, so you may want to bring earplugs for long bus or train rides Pushing, shoving andor jumping queues: This often occurs anywhere where there are queues, (or lack thereof) particularly at train stations. Again, often there simply are no queues at all. Therefore, queue jumping is a major problem in China. Best bet is to pick a line that looks like its moving or just wait for everyone to get on or off the bus or train first but you may be left behind Keep in mind that the concept of personal space more or less does not exist in China. It is perfectly common and acceptable behaviour for someone to come in very close contact with you or to bump into you and say nothing. Dont get mad as they will be surprised and most likely wont even understand why you are offended General disregard of city, provincial andor national rules, regulations and laws. This includes (among many other things) dangerous and negligent driving, (see Driving in China ) that includes excessive speeding, not using head lights at night, lack of use of turn signals, and driving on the wrong side of the street, jaywalking, and smoking in non-smoking areas or defiance of smoking bans. Sanitation: Many Chinese do not cover their mouths when they sneeze. Also, it is not uncommon for small children (2-4 years old) to eliminate their waste in public (in bushes, on public sidewalks, even in train stations). Some long-time foreign residents say such behaviours are getting worse others say the opposite. The cause is usually attributed to the influx of millions of migrants from the countryside who are unfamiliar with big city life. Some department stores place attendants at the foot of each escalator to keep folks from stopping to have a look-see as soon as they get off - when the escalator behind them is fully packed. On the whole, however, the Chinese love a good laugh and because there are so many ethnic groups and outsiders from other regions, they are used to different ways of doing things and are quite okay with that (in tier one and tier two cities at least). Indeed the Chinese often make conversation with strangers by discussing differences in accent or dialect. They are very used to sign language and quick to see a non-verbal joke or pun wherever they can spot one. Note that a laugh doesnt necessarily mean scorn, just amusement. The Chinese like a collective good laugh often at times or circumstances that westerners might consider rude. Finally, the Chinese love and adore children, allow them a great deal of freedom, and heap attention upon them. If you have children, bring them Lucky Numbers Edit In general, 3, 6, 8, and 9 are lucky numbers for most of the Chinese. Three means high above shine the three stars while the three stars include gods of fortune, prosperity and longevity. Six represents smoothness or success. Many young people choose the dates with six as their wedding days, such as the 6th, 16th and 26th. Eight sounds so close to the word for wealth that many people believe eight is a number that is linked to prosperity. So it is no surprise that the opening ceremony for the Olympics started at 8:08:08 on 08082008. Nine is also regarded as a lucky number with the meaning of everlasting. Four is a taboo for most Chinese because the pronunciation in Mandarin is close to death. Some hotels will have their floor numbers go straight from three to five much like some American hotels have their floor numbers go from twelve to fourteen, skipping the unlucky number 13. Climate and Terrain Edit Given the countrys size the climate is extremely diverse, from tropical regions in the south to subarctic in the north. Hainan Island is roughly at the same latitude as Jamaica, while Harbin. one of the largest cities in the north, is at roughly the latitude of Montreal and has the climate to match. North China has four distinct seasons with intensely hot summers and bitterly cold winters. Southern China tends to be milder and wetter. The further north and west you travel, the drier the climate. Once you leave eastern China and enter the majestic Tibetan highlands or the vast steppes and deserts of Gansu and Xinjiang, distances are vast and the land is very harsh. Back in the days of the planned economy, the rules stated that buildings in areas north of the Yangtze River got heat in the winter, but anything south of it did not 8212 this meant unheated buildings in places like Shanghai and Nanjing, which routinely see temperatures below freezing in winter. The rule has long since been relaxed, but the effects are still visible. In general, Chinese use less heating, less building insulation, and wear more warm clothing than Westerners in comparable climates. In a schools or apartments and office buildings, even if the rooms are heated, the corridors are not. Double glazing is quite rare. Students wear winter jackets in class, along with their teachers and long underwear is very common. Air conditioning is increasingly common but is similarly not used in corridors and is often used with the windows and doors open. There is a wide range of terrain to be found in China with many inland mountain ranges, high plateaus, and deserts in center and the far west. Plains, deltas, and hills dominate the east. The Pearl River Delta region around Guangzhou and Hong Kong and the Yangtze delta around Shanghai are major global economic powerhouses, as is the North China plain around Beijing and the Yellow River. On the border between Tibet, (the Tibet Autonomous Region) and the nation of Nepal lies Mount Everest. at 8,850 m, the highest point on earth. The Turpan depression, in northwest Chinas Xinjiang is the lowest point in the country, at 154 m below sea level. This is also the second lowest point on land in the world after the Dead Sea. Holidays Edit China is a huge country with endless and affordable travel opportunities. During holidays, however, hundreds of millions of migrant workers return home and millions of other Chinese travel within the country (but many in the service sector stay behind, enjoying extra pay). Travelers may want to seriously consider scheduling to avoid being on the road, on the rails, or in the air during the major holidays. At the very least, travel should be planned well well in advance. Every mode of transport is extremely crowded tickets of any kind are hard to come by, and will cost you a lot more, so it may be necessary to book well in advance (especially for those travelling from remote western China to the east coast or in the opposite direction). Train and bus tickets are usually quite easy to buy in China, (during the non-holiday season), but difficulties arising from crowded conditions at these times cannot be overstated . Travellers who are stranded at these times, unable to buy tickets, can sometimes manage to get air tickets, which tend to sell out more slowly because of the higher but still affordable (by western standards) prices. For the most comfortable mode of transportation, air travel is the obvious choice. There is an emerging ultra-modern bullet train network which is also very nice, but you may still have to potentially deal with many insanely overcrowded, smoke-filled, cold, loud and disorganized train depots to get on-board. The spring festival (Chinese New Year) is the largest annual migration of people on earth. Lunar New Year dates The year of the Horse started on 31 Jan 2014 The year of the Goat will begin on 19 Feb 2015 The year of the Monkey will begin on 8 Feb 2016 The year of the Rooster will begin on 28 Jan 2017 China has five major annual holidays: Chinese New Year or Spring Festival ( chnji) - late Januarymid-February Qingming Festival usually 46 Apr, or the tomb sweeping day, cemeteries are crowded with people who go to sweep the tombs of their ancestors and offer sacrifices. Traffic on the way to cemeteries can be very heavy. Labor Day or May Day ( lodngji) - 1 May Dragon Boat Festival ( dunwji) - 5th day of the 5th lunar month, usually May-Jun. Boat races and eating zongzi (, steamed pouches of sticky rice) are a traditional parts of the celebration. Mid-Autumn Day ( zhngqiji - 15th day of the 8th lunar month, usually Oct. Also called the Moon Cake Festival after its signature treat, moon cakes ( yubng). People meet outside, putting food on tables and looking up at the full harvest moon while talking about life. National Day ( guqngji) - 1 Oct The Chinese New Year and National Day are not one-day holidays nearly all workers get at least a week for Chinese New Year, some get two or three, and students get four to six weeks. For National Day, a week is typical. The Chinese New Year is especially busy. Not only is it the longest holiday, it is also a traditional time to visit family. The entire country is pretty much shut down during the period. More or less all the migrant workers who have left their farms and villages for better pay in the cities go home. This is often the only chance they have. Everyone wants to go home, and China has a lot of everyone Around the Chinese New Year, many stores and other businesses will close for seve ral days, a week, or even longer, so unless you have close friends or relatives in China, it is not ideal to visit during this period. Also, during early July university students (twenty-odd million of them) go home and in late August they return to school, jamming transportation options especially between the east coast and the western regions of Sichuan, Gansu, Tibet, and Xinjiang. A complete list of Chinese festivals would be very long since many areas or ethnic groups have their own local ones. See listings for individual towns for details. Here is a list of some of the nationally important festivals not mentioned above: Lantern Festival ( yunxioji or shngyunji) - 15th day of the 1st lunar month, just after Chinese New Year, usually in February or March. In some cities, such as Quanzhou, this is a big festival with elaborate lanterns all over town. Double Seventh Festival ( qx) - 7th day of the 7th lunar month, usually August, is a festival of romance, sort of a Chinese Valentines Day. Double Ninth Festival or Chongyang Festival ( chngyngji) - 9th day of the 9th lunar month, usually in October. Winter Solstice Festival ( dngzh) - December 22 or 23. In addition to these, some Western festivals are noticeable, at least in major cities. Around Christmas, one hears carols 8212 mostly English, a few in Latin, plus Chinese versions of Jingle Bells, Amazing Grace, and for some reason Oh Susana. Some stores are decorated and one sees many shop assistants in red and white elf hats. For Valentines Day, many restaurants offer special meals. Chinese Christians celebrate services and masses at officially sanctioned Protestant and Catholic churches as well. Books Edit Non-guidebooks, either about China, or by Chinese writers. The Travels of Marco Polo by Marco Polo - the Venetian travelers stories in the Middle Kingdom ( see also: On the trail of Marco Polo ) Dialogues Tibetan Dialogues Han by Hann ( ISBN 9789889799939 ) - Tibet through the Tibetans with a Han traveler Behind the Wall - A journey through china by Colin Thubron. Thubron recounts his 1987 travels through China, from Beijing to Jiayuguan. The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck - The classic tale of Chinese peasant life at the turn of the twentieth century, by the author who kindled the American publics interest in China in the 1930s. Ms. Buck won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1938 for the body of her work about China. Winter Stars by Beatrice Lao ( ISBN 988979991X ) - a collection of poems born between the Alps and the Tyrrhenian Romance of the Three Kingdoms () - the classic Chinese novel of the heroic deeds of the generals and leaders of the three kingdoms following the collapse of the Han dynasty. Noted for its details of cunning military and political strategies. One of the Four Great Classics. It continues to inspire films, TV series, comics, and video games throughout East Asia. Water Margin or Outlaws of the Marsh () - a Song Dynasty tale of bandits living in the Huai River Valley who fight against the corrupt government. Noted for the rebellious nature of its main characters against an established order. Its the Chinese version of sticking it to the man. One of the Four Great Classics. Journey to the West () - perhaps the most famous Chinese novel, a fantasy account of Xuan Zangs Tang Dynasty journey to retrieve sacred Buddhist texts with the aid of the monkey king Sun Wukong, the gluttonous Zhu Bajie and dependable Sha Wujing. Noted for its extremely creative fantasies and adventures. One of the Four Great Classics. Dream of the Red Chamber () also known as The Story of the Stone (Penguin Classics, 5 volumes)- a lively account of aristocratic life in the Qing dynasty told through the stories of three powerful families. Noted for its extremely accurate portrayal of Chinese aristocrats and the work is often regarded as the zenith of Chinese literature. One of the Four Great Classics. Twilight in The Forbidden City by R. F. Johnston ( ISBN 0968045952 ) Also available in Kindle Edition. As the British-born Tutor to the Dragon Emperor, Johnston was the only foreigner in history to be allowed inside the inner court of the Qing Dynasty. Johnston carried high imperial titles and lived in both the Forbidden City and the New Summer Palace. Twilight in the Forbidden City reflects his eyewitness accounts of the memorable events of the time. The Search for Modern China by Jonathan Spence - a renowned book written by a Yale professor about Chinese history since 1644. 1587, A Year of No Significance by Ray Huang - describes an uneventful year in the history of Ming Dynasty China. Its Chinese edition is one of the most well known history books on this period. China: A New History by John K. Fairbank - the last book of a prominent American academic that helped shape modern Sinology. The Cambridge History of China - ongoing series of books published by Cambridge University Press covering the early and modern history of China. This is the largest and most comprehensive history of China in the English language. The Open Empire: A History of China to 1600 by Valerie Hansen - presents in colorful detail the history, culture, and socio-economic development of China from the Shang period to the Ming. 1421, The Year China Discovered the World by Gavin Menzies ( ISBN 0553815229 ) - well known but well contested account of Chinas alleged efforts to explore and map the entire world. Interestingly, this book which suggests that Chinese first discovered the New World is largely denounced as fictional by Chinese academics. The Sextants of Beijing by Joanna Waley-Cohen - a book that summarizes recent thinking on how China was much more open and less xenophobic than often assumed. Red Star Over China by Edgar Snow - recounts the months that he spent with the Chinese Red Army in the summer and fall of 1936. The Rape of Nanking by Iris Chang ( ISBN 0140277447 ) - the forgotten Holocaust in WWII The Good Man of Nanking: The Diaries of John Rabe by John Rabe - firsthand description of the sadistic rapes, torture and slaughter perpetrated by Japanese soldiers in WWII and Rabes ultimate success in saving perhaps a quarter of a million lives Wild Swans by Jung Chang ( ISBN 0007176155 ) - a biography of three generations, from the warlord days to the end of Maos era, illustrating life under Chinas version of nationalism and communism (banned in China) Mao-An unknown story by Jung Chang and Jon Halliday. A biography of Mao and an account of China under his rule. Red China Blues: My Long March from Mao to Now by Jan Wong, a reporter for the Globe and Mail of Toronto, Canada. The book describes her experiences as one of the first foreign exchange students to study in China after the Cultural Revolution and her life and experiences as a reporter in China until the mid 1990s. Cinema Edit Bernardo Bertolucci - The Last Emperor (1987) Zhang Yimou - Raise the Red Lantern (1991) Chen Kaige - Farewell My Concubine (1993) Zhang Yimou - To Live (1994) Wu Ziniu - Dont Cry, Nanking (1995) Zhang Yimou - Keep cool (1997) Xie Jin - The Opium War (1997) Zhang Yang - Shower (1999) Feng Xiao Gang - Sorry Baby (1999) Zhang Yimou - Not one less (1999) Xiaoshuai Wang Beijing bicycle (2001) Zhang Yimou - Riding Alone for Thousands of Miles (2005) Gianni Amelio - La stella che non c or The Missing Star (2006) Zhang Yuan - Little Red Flowers (2006) Daniel Lee - Three Kingdoms: Resurrection of the Dragon (2008) Roger Spottiswoode - The Children of Huangshi (2008) Wu Tianming - The King of Masks (1996) Regions Edit For a complete list of provinces and an explanation of Chinas political geography, see: List of Chinese provinces and regions. The entrance to the Forbidden City, Beijing China has many large and famous cities. Below is a top ten list of some of those most important to travellers in mainland China. Other cities are listed under their specific regional section. See the Dynasties and capitals section for a detailed list of Chinas many previous capitals. Beijing () the capital and cultural centre Guangzhou () one of the most prosperous and liberal cities in the south, near Hong Kong Guilin () popular destination for both Chinese and foreign tourists with sensational mountain and river scenery Hangzhou () famously beautiful city and major centre for the silk industry Kunming () capital of Yunnan and gateway to a rainbow of ethnic minority areas Nanjing () a renowned historical and cultural city with many historic sites Shanghai () famous for its riverside cityscape, Chinas largest city is a major commercial center with many shopping opportunities Suzhou () Venice of the East, an ancient city famous for canals and gardens just west of Shanghai Xian () the oldest city and ancient capital of China, home to ten dynasties including the Han and the Tang, terminus of the ancient Silk Road. and home of the terracotta warriors Yangzhou () Epitome of China with a history of over 2,500 years, Marco Polo served as the citys governor for three years in the late 13th century. You can travel to many of these cities using the new fast trains. In particular, the Hangzhou - Shanghai - Suzhou - Nanjing line is a convenient way to see these historic areas. Other destinations Edit Great Wall of China () longer than 8,000 km, this ancient wall is the most iconic landmark of China Hainan () a tropical paradise island undergoing heavy tourist-oriented development Jiuzhaigou Nature Reserve () known as the habitat of giant pandas and for its many multi-level waterfalls and colourful lakes Leshan most famous for its huge riverside cliff-carving of Buddha and nearby Mount Emei Mount Everest straddling the border between Nepal and Tibet, this is the worlds highest mountain Mount Tai ( Ti Shn) one of the five Daoist sacred mountains in China, and because of its history the most climbed mountain in China Tibet () with a majority of Tibetan Buddhists and traditional Tibetan culture, it feels like an entirely different world Turpan in the Islamic area of Xinjiang, this area is known for its grapes, harsh climate and Uighur culture Yungang Grottoes these mountain-side caves and recesses number more than 50 in all and are filled with 51,000 Bu ddhist statues Get in Edit Visa-free Edit Citizens of the following countries do not need a visa to travel to Mainland China Visa-free via international airports Edit You must have a confirmed, onward ticket to a third country before you board your flight to China. Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan are international flights so you may fly there on a non-stop flight after your time in China. You cannot have a return ticket to the country you came from, even if the cities are different (i. e. New York-Beijing-Los Angeles would not work). You also must fly into and fly out of the same city and airport. Note: In Shanghai you can fly into or out of either airport, I. e. into Pudong and out of Hongqiao or vice-versa. You may not leave the metropolitan area of the city you arrive in. For example: You cannot fly into Beijing, take another flight to Shanghai or Guangzhou and leave China from there under the 72-hour transit rule. More details can be found here: 1 Pearl River Delta Edit Those visiting Hong Kong and Macau are able to visit the Pearl River Delta visa-free only under certain conditions. The visitor is a national of a country which has diplomatic relations with the Peoples Republic of China The visitor is visiting the Pearl River Delta as part of a tour group organised by a Hong Kong or Macao based travel agency. The stay is six days or less (21 days for citizens of Germany. South Korea and Russia ) The visitor stays only within the cities of Guangzhou. Shenzhen. Zhuhai. Foshan. Dongguan. Zhongshan. Jiangmen. Zhaoqing. Huizhou and Shantou . Tour group Edit Citizens of Azerbaijan. Belarus. Georgia. Moldova. Russia. and Turkmenistan can visit visa-free for 30 days, if traveling with a tour group that is accompanied by a representative of a tour operator registered in both countries. Border Cities Edit Citizens of Russia can visit the city of Suifenhe visa-free for up to 15 days. As long as you are accompanied by someone. Residents of the Amur oblast can visit the city of Heihe visa-free for 24 hours. Residents of the East Kazakhstan Region in Kazakhstan can visit the city of Tacheng without a visa for 72 hours, which is about 3 days. Most travellers will need a visa ( qinzhng) to visit mainland China. In most cases, this should be obtained from a Chinese embassy or consulate before departure. Visas for Hong Kong and Macau can be obtained through a Chinese embassy or consulate, but must be applied for separately from the mainland Chinese visa. However, citizens from most Western countries do not need visas to visit Hong Kong and Macau. Visitors from most western countries can stay in Hong Kong with free visa for 7 to 90 day. The time duration should depend on which country you are from. However, people from Afghanistan, Albania, Armenia, Bangladesh, Belarus, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cuba and Ethiopia have to apply for a visa for Hong Kong before they travel to HK. The most notable exception to this rule is transit through certain airports. Most airports allow a 12- to 24-hour stay without a visa so long as you do do not pass through immigration and customs (stay airside) and are en-route to a different country. To visit mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau residents of Chinese nationality need to apply at the China Travel Service, the sole authorized issuing agent, to obtain a Home Return Permit (), a credit card sized ID allowing multiple entries and unlimited stay for 10 years with no restrictions including on employment. Taiwan residents may obtain an entry permit (valid for 3 months) at airports in Dalian, Fuhzou, Haikou, Qingdao, Sanya, Shanghai, Wuhan, Xiamen and China Travel Services in Hong Kong and Macau. Visitors must hold a Republic of China passport, Taiwanese Identity Card and Taiwan Compatriot Pass ( tibozhng). The Compatriot Pass may be obtained for single use at airports in Fuzhou, Haikou, Qingdao, Sanya, Wuhan and Xiamen. The entry permit fee is 100 plus 50 for issuing a single-use Taiwan Compatriot Pass. Travellers should check the most up-to-date information before traveling. C visa - international flight crews D visa - permanent residents F visa - business trips, exchanges, and study trips G visa - transit J visa - journalists, incl. J-1 and J-2 visa types L visa - for general visitors M visa - trade and commercial activities Q visa - overseas Chinese visiting for family reunions, incl. Q-1 and Q-2 visa types R visa - foreigner workers urgently needed within the mainland S visa - foreigners visiting for family reunions, incl. S-1 and S-2 visa types X visa - for students, incl. X-1 and X-1 visa types Z visa - foreign workers Getting a tourist visa is fairly easy for most passports as you dont need an invitation, which is required for business or working visas. The usual tourist single-entry visa is valid for a visit of 30 days and must be used within three months of the date of issue. A double-entry tourist visa must be used within six months of the date of issue. It is possible to secure a tourist visa for up to 90 days for citizens of some countries. Tourist visa extensions can be applied for at the local Entry amp Exit Bureaus against handing in the following documents: valid passport, visa extension application form including one 2-inch-sized picture, a copy of the Registration Form of Temporary Residence which you receive from the local police station at registration. Some travellers will need a dual entry or multiple entry visa. For example, if you enter China on a single entry visa, then depart the mainland to Hong Kong or Macau, you need a new visa to re-enter the mainland. In Hong Kong, multiple entry visas are officially available only to HKID holders, but the authorities are willing to bend the rules somewhat and may approve three-month multiple entry visas for short-term Hong Kong qualified residents, including exchange students. It is recommended to apply directly with the Chinese government in this case, as some agents will be unwilling to submit such an application on your behalf. For holders of multiple entry visas to renew your visa you must leave China. The easist way was to go to Hong Kong, Seoul or some other country, cross the border and re-enter China. A new way is to go to Xiamen and cross to Jinmen island. Jinmen is held by Taiwan and like Hong Kong is offically considered leaving China. See details of below on boats to China. There may be restrictions on visas for political reasons and these vary over time. For example: The visa fee for American nationals was increased to US140 (or US110 as part of a group tour) in reciprocation for increased fees for Chinese nationals visiting America. 2 Visas issued in Hong Kong are generally limited to 30 days, same day service is difficult to get. Multiple-entry visas have also become much harder or impossible to get. Indian nationals are limited to 10- or 15-day tourist visas, and are required to show US100 per day of visa validity in the form of travellers checks (US 1,000 and 1,500, respectively). A few years ago, the Z (working) visa was a long-term visa. Now a Z-visa only gets you into the country for 30 days once you are there, the employer gets you a residence permit. This is effectively a multiple-entry visa you can leave China and return using it. Some local visa offices will refuse to issue a residence permit if you entered China on a tourist (L) visa. In those cases, you have to enter on a Z-visa. These are only issued outside China, so obtaining one will likely require a departure from the mainland, for example to a neighbouring country. (Note that in Korea, tourists not holding an alien registration card must now travel to Busan, as the Chinese consulate in Seoul does not issue visas to non-residents in Korea.) They also usually require an invitation letter from the employer. In other cases it is possible to convert an L visa to a residence permit it depends upon which office you are dealing with and perhaps on your employers connections. It is possible for most foreigners to get a visa in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. 3. (Dec 2010) Reservations for travel and hotel are acceptable. During busy periods, they may refuse entry after 11:00. There can be long queues so arrive early. Also be aware of major Chinese holidays, the Consular Section may be closed for several days. Special Economic Zone Visa Edit Obtaining a Visa on Arrival is possible usually only for the Shenzhen or Zhuhai Special Economic Zones, and such visas are limited to those areas. When crossing from Hong Kong to Shenzhen at Lo Wu railway station, and notably not at Lok Ma Chau, a five day Shenzhen-only visa can be obtained during extended office hours on the spot for 160 (Oct 2007 price) for passport holders of many nationalities, for example Irish or New Zealand or Canadian. Americans are not eligible, while the fee for UK nationals is 450. The office accepts only Chinese yuan. Any non-Chinese citizen must have a Tibet Travel Permit in order to enter Tibet. This permit is issued by the Tibet Tourism Bureau, and will be checked when going on board any buses, trains or airlines that bound for the TAR. However, the only way to obtain a Tibet Travel Permit is to arrange a tour operated by a Tibet travel agent which at least includes hotels and transportation. Foreigners are also not permitted to travel by public buses across Tibet and are only allowed to travel by private transportation as organised in the tour. Moreover, if entering Tibet from Nepal, one must also joined a group tour and be only allowed on a group visa. The Tibet Travel Permit has to be handed in to the tour guide upon arrival in the airport or train station, and to tour guide will keep the permit until the traveler left the TAR. The Tibet Travel Permit is also required by Taiwanese holding a Mainland Travel Permit for Taiwan Residents, but it is not required for Chinese citizens from Hong Kong or Macao holding a Mainland Travel Permit for Hong Kong and Macao Residents. Registering your abode Edit If staying in a hotel, guest house or hostel, the staff will request to see, and often scan, your passport, visa, and entry stamps at check-in. If you are staying in a private residence, you are in theory required to register your abode with the local police within 24 (city) to 72 (countryside) hours of arrival, though in practice the law is rarely if ever enforced so long as you dont cause any trouble. The police will ask for (1) a copy of the photograph page of your passport, (2) a copy of your visa, (3) a copy of your immigration entry stamp, (4) a photograph, (5) a copy of the tenancy agreement or other document concerning the place you are staying in. That agreement might not be in your name but it will still be requested. Registration needs to be done each time you come into China (except for resident permit holders - they should register only after a new visa is issued) A fine of up to 500 can be levied if you didnt register within 24 hours. The process is quite long (more than 3 hours) and its better to come with an interpreter. (In Shanghai this is not required of holders of residence permits of any kind, only for visa holders) By plane Edit The main international gateways to mainland China are Beijing. Shanghai and Guangzhou. Almost every sizable city will have an international airport, but options are usually limited to flights from Hong Kong. neighbouring countries such as South Korea and Japan. and sometimes Southeast Asia. Transiting Hong Kong and Macau If arriving in Hong Kong or Macau there are ferries that can shuttle passengers straight to another destination such as Shekou or Baoan Airport in Shenzhen, Macau Airport, Zhuhai and elsewhere without actually entering Hong Kong or Macau. A shuttle bus takes transit passengers to the ferry terminal so their official entry point, where they clear immigration, will be the ferry destination rather than the airport. Please note that the ferries do have different hours so landing late at night may make it necessary to enter either territory to catch another bus or ferry to ones ultimate destination. For example, it would be necessary to clear immigration if going from HK Intl Airport to Macau via the Macau Ferry Terminal. The most recent information on the ferries to Hong Kong can be found at the Hong Kong International Airport website.4 While many major airlines now fly to Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Hong Kong, budget seats are often scarce. For good offers, book as early as possible. Tickets are particularly expensive or hard to come by at the beginning or end of summer when Chinese students abroad return home or fly back to their universities around the world. As with other travel in China, tickets can be difficult to get and will be expensive around Chinese New Year. If you live in a city with a sizable overseas Chinese community, check for cheap flights with someone in that community or visit travel agencies operated by Chinese. Sometimes flights advertised only in Chinese newspapers or travel agencies cost significantly less than posted fares in English. However if you ask, you can get the same discount price. Information: As a result of the H1N1-flu pandemic there are some kinds of health-checks currently in effect. These may be as simple as a customs person judging your appearance to IR-cameras checking for elevated body temperature. If there is a suspicion of flu, you will be quarantined for seven days. Airlines and Routes Chinas carriers are growing rapidly. Airbus estimates the size of Chinas passenger aircraft fleet will triple from 1,400 planes in 2009 to 4,200 planes in 2029. Major domestic airlines include China Southern 5. China Eastern 6. Air China 7. and Hainan Airlines 8. Fliers may prefer Asian airlines as they generally have more cabin staff and quality service. Hong Kong based Cathay Pacific 9 is an obvious possibility. Other candidates include Singapore Airlines 10. Japan Airlines 11. and Garuda Indonesia 12. Korean Air 13 often has good prices on flights from various places in Asia such as Bangkok via Seoul to North America. Connecting flights may be cheaper than direct flights so keep this in mind. Korean Air also flies to more than a dozen Chinese cities. North America. Delta Air Lines 14 serves Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou through its hub at Narita and directly from Detroit, Boston and Seattle. United 15 has the most nonstop flights, serving Hong Kong, Beijing, Chengdu and Shanghai from Chicago, San Francisco. Newark. and Washington. American 16 flies nonstop to Shanghai, Beijing and Hong Kong from Chicago. Air Canada 17 serves Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong from Toronto and Vancouver . Australia. Qantas 18 offers direct flights from Sydney. Melbourne. Brisbane and Perth to Hong Kong. Qantas also flies to Beijing and Shanghai from Sydney but only offers a code-share service to Shanghai from Melbourne. There may be cheaper flights via Southeast Asia some of the discount airlines there fly to Australia. China Southern Airlines now offers direct flights from Brisbane. Sydney and Melbourne to Guangzhou with ongoing connections to the major cities. New Zealand. Air New Zealand 19 offers direct flights to Shanghai and Hong Kong. China Southern Airlines now offers direct flights from Auckland to Guangzhou with ongoing connections to the major cities. Southeast Asia. Singapore has arguably the best connections, due to its large ethnic Chinese population, with flights to all the major cities as well as some regional centers such as Xiamen, Kunming and Shenzhen. Besides Singapore, Kuala Lumpur. Bangkok and Manila offer good connections. Tiger Airways 20. Jetstar 21. Air Asia 22. and Cebu Pacific 23 offer low-priced flights from Southeast Asia (Bangkok, Chiang Mai. Singapore, Kuala Lumpur and Manila ) to various destinations in southern China, including Xiamen, Jinghong. Guangzhou, Haikou and Macau. Europa. Most of the major European airlines, including Air France 24. British Airways 25. and Finnair 26 have direct flights from their hubs to Hong Kong, Beijing and Shanghai several fly to Guangzhou as well. A few have links to other Chinese cities. For example KLM 27 flies direct from Amsterdam to Chengdu. Hangzhou and Xiamen and Lufthansa 28 flies a Frankfurt to Nanjing route. Taiwan. Regular direct flights between Taiwan and Mainland China resumed in 2008, after a 59 year ban. There are now daily direct flights between Taipei and major cities in China. Flights between Europe and China By train Edit China can be reached by train from many of its neighboring countries and even all the way from Europe. Russia amp Europe - two lines of the Trans-Siberian Railway (Trans-Mongolian and Trans-Manchurian) run between Moscow and Beijing, stopping in various other Russian cities, and for the Trans-Mongolian, in Ulaanbaatar. Mongolia. Kazakhstan amp Central Asia - from Almaty. Kazakhstan, one can travel by rail to Urumqi in the northwestern province of Xinjiang. There are long waits at the border crossing for customs, as well as for changing the wheelbase for the next countrys track. Hong Kong - regular services link mainland China with Hong Kong. Direct trains run from Hong Kongs Hung Hom direct to Guangzhou East station. Immigration is done at the respective station rather that at the border. Some trains also stop at other Guangdong stations. The Hong Kong MTR runs from the city to 2 points on the Shenzhen border. The main border crossing is at Lo WuLuo Hu, which is next to Shenzhens main station. Vietnam - from Nanning in Guangxi province into Vietnam via the Friendship Pass. Services from Kunming have been suspended since 2002. North Korea - four weekly connections between the North Korean capital Pyongyang and Beijing. By road Edit China has land borders with 14 different countries a number matched only by its northern neighbour, Russia. In addition, mainland China also has land borders with the Special Administrative Regions of Hong Kong and Macau. which are for all practical purposes treated as international borders. Most of the border crossings in western China are located in remote mountain passes, which while difficult to reach and traverse, often reward travellers willing to make the effort with breathtaking, scenic views. India Edit Relations between the two nations are frosty, but the Nathu La Pass between Sikkim in India and Southern Tibet has recently reopened for cross-border trade. Currently the crossing is not open to tourists, and special permits are required to visit from either side. Myanmar (Burma) Edit Entering China from Myanmar is possible at the Ruili (China)-Lashio (Myanmar) border crossing, but permits need to be obtained from the Burmese authorities in advance. Generally, this would require you to join a guided tour. Vietnam Edit For most travelers Hanoi is the origin for any overland journey to China. There are currently three international crossings: You can catch a local bus from Hanois eastern bus station (Ben Xe Street, Gia Lam District, tel: 04827-1529) to Lang Son, where you have to switch transport to minibus or motorbike to reach the border at Dong Dang. Alternatively there are many offers from open-tour providers for those in a hurry, they might be a good option if they offer a direct hotel to border crossing transfer. You can change money with freelance money changers, but check the rate carefully beforehand. Border formalities take about 30 minutes. On the Chinese side, walk up past the Friendship-gate and catch a taxi (about 20, bargain hard) to Pingxiang. Guangxi. A seat in a minibus is 5. There is a Bank of China branch right across the street from the main bus station the ATM accepts Maestro cards. You can travel by bus or train to Nanning. You can take a train from Hanoi to Lao Cai for about 420,000 VND (as of 112011) for a soft sleeper. The trip takes about 8 hours. From there, its a long walk (or a 5 minute ride) to the Lao CaiHekou border. Crossing the border is simple, fill out a customs card and wait in line. They will search your belongings (in particular your bookswritten material). Outside the Hekou border crossing is a variety of shops, and the bus terminal is about a 10 minute ride from the border. A ticket to Kunming from Hekou costs about 165140 the ride is about 7 hours. At Dongxing, you can take a bus to Nanning, a sleeper bus to Guangzhou (approximately 180), or a sleeper bus to Shenzhen (approximately 230, 12 hours) (March 2006). From Luang Namtha you can get a bus leaving at around 08:00 going to Boten (Chinese border) and Mengla. You need to have a Chinese visa beforehand as there is no way to get one on arrival. The border is close (about 1 hr). Customs procedures will take another hour. The trip costs about 45k Kip. Also, there is a direct Chinese sleeper bus connection from Luang Prabang to Kunming (about 32 hours). You can get on this bus at the border, when the minibus from Luang Namtha and the sleeper meet. Dont pay more than 200. Pakistan Edit The Karakoram Highway from northern Pakistan into Western China is one of the most spectacular roads in the world. Its closed for tourists for a few months in winter. Crossing the border is relatively quick because of few overland travelers, and friendly relations between the two countries. A bus runs between Kashgar (China) and Sust (Pakistan) across the Kunerjab pass. Nepal Edit The road from Nepal to Tibet passes near Mount Everest, and through amazing mountain scenery. Entering Tibet from Nepal is only possible for tourists on package tours, but it is possible to travel into Nepal from Tibet Mongolia Edit There are two border crossings between Mongolia and China. The are the Erenhot (Inner Mongolia )Zamin Uud border crossing, and the Takashiken (Xinjiang )Bulgan border crossings. From Zamiin Uud. Take a local train from Ulaanbaatar to Zamiin Uud. Then Bus or Jeep to Erlian in China. There are local trains leaving in the evening most days and arriving in the morning. The border opens around 8:30. From Erlian there are buses and trains to other locations in China. Kazakhstan Edit The sole border crossing to China is located at Khorgos. Buses run almost daily from Almaty to Urumqi and Yining. No visa-on arrival is available so ensure both your Chinese and Kazakh visas are in order before attempting this. Kyrgyztan Edit It is possible to cross the Torugart pass tofrom Kyrgyztan, but the road is very rough and the pass is only open during the summer months (June-September) every year. It is possible to arrange crossings all the way from Kashgar, but ensure that all your visas are in order. Alternatively, while less scenic, a smoother crossing is located at Irkeshtam to the south of Torugart. There are public (sleeper) buses taking 24 hours running this route between Kashgar and Osh, roughly 2-3 times week. Tajikistan Edit There is a single border crossing between China and Tajikistan at Kulma. which is open on weekdays from May-November. A bus operates across the border between Kashgar in Xinjiang and Khorog in Tajikistan. However, it currently remains closed to foreigners (non-TajiksChinese). Russia Edit The most popular border crossing at Manzhouli in Inner Mongolia. Buses run from Manzhouli to Zabaikalsk in Russia. There are also ferries across the Amur from Heihe to Blagoveshchensk, and Fuyuan to Khabarovsk. Farther east, there are land border crossings at Suifenhe. Dongning, and Hunchun. Ensure both your Russian and Chinese visas are in order before attempting. North Korea Edit Crossing overland into North Korea is possible at the Dandong Sinuiju border crossing, but must be pre-arranged on a guided tour from Beijing. In the reverse direction, the crossing is fairly straightforward if you have arranged it as part of your North Korean tour. Several other border crossings also exist along the Yalu and Tumen rivers, though these crossings may not be open to tourists. Ensure both your Chinese and North Korean visas are in order before attempting this. Hong Kong Edit There are four road border crossings into the mainland from Hong Kong at Lok Ma Chau . Sha Tau Kok . Man Kam To and the Shenzhen Bay Bridge . A visa on arrival is available for some nationalities at Lok Ma Chau, but visas must be arranged in advance for all other crossings. Both sides on the above crossings offer good connections to many places. Macau Edit The two border crossings are at the Portas do Cerco and the Lotus Bridge . A visa-on-arrival can be obtained by certain nationalities at the Portas do Cerco. Others Edit It is currently not feasible for travellers to cross the borders with Afghanistan and Bhutan. By boat Edit Hong Kong and Macau Edit There is regular ferry and hovercraft service between Hong Kong and Macau to the rest of the Pearl River Delta, such as Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and Zhuhai. Ferry service from Hong Kong International Airport allow arriving passengers to proceed directly to the mainland without having to clear Hong Kong immigration and customs. Japan Edit There is a 2-day ferry service from Shanghai and Tianjin to Osaka. Japan. Service is once or twice weekly, depending on season. A twice-weekly ferry also connects Qingdao to Shimonoseki. A once-weekly ferry between Shanghai and Nagasaki has recently started29. South Korea Edit There is a ferry service from Shanghai and Tianjin to Incheon. a port city very close to Seoul. Another line is from Qingdao or Weihai to Incheon or Dalian to Incheon. Taiwan Edit Hourly ferries (18 departures per day) run between Kinmen and Xiamen. with the journey time either 30 minutes or 1 hour depending on port. There is also a regular ferry between Kinmen and Quanzhou with 3 departures per day. A twice-daily ferry links Matsu with Fuzhou. with journey time about 2 hours. From the Taiwanese main island, there are weekly departures from Taichung and Keelung aboard the Cosco Star to Xiamen. Thailand Edit Golden Peacock Shipping company operates a speedboat three times a week on the Mekong river between Jinghong in Yunnan and Chiang Saen (Thailand). Passengers are not required to have visas for Laos or Myanmar, although the greater part of the trip is on the river bordering these countries. The ticket costs 650 yuan Cruise ship Edit In the fall, several cruise lines move their ships from Alaska to Asia and good connections can generally be found leaving from Anchorage. Vancouver. or Seattle. Star Cruises operates between Keelung in Taiwan and Xiamen in mainland China, stopping at one of the Japanese islands on the way. Get around Edit By plane Edit China is a huge country, so unless you enjoy spending a couple of days on the train or on the road getting from one area to another, you should definitely consider domestic flights. China has many domestic flights connecting all the major cities and tourist destinations. Airlines include the three international carriers: Air China, China Southern, and China Eastern, as well as regional ones including Hainan Airlines, Shenzhen Airlines, Sichuan Airlines and Shanghai Airlines. In recent years, it has been popular for large cities and provinces to open their own (dubiously funded) airline. These include Chongqing Airlines, Chengdu Airline and Hebei Airlines, amongst others. The parent company behind Hainan Airlines has spawned some 13 airlines in the region, including Grand China Air, Yangtse Express, Hong Kong Airlines and Deer Jet. Flights between Hong Kong or Macau and mainland cities are considered to be international flights and so can be quite expensive. Hence if arriving in, or departing from, Hong Kong or Macau, it is usually much cheaper to fly to or from Shenzhen or Zhuhai, just across the border, or Guangzhou, which is a little further afield but offers flights to more destinations. As an example, the distance from Fuzhou to Hong Kong, Shenzhen or Guangzhou is about the same, but as of mid-2005 flying to Hong Kong cost 1400 while list price for the other cities was 880 and for Shenzhen discounts to 550 were available. Overnight bus to any of these destinations was about 250. Prices for domestic flights are set at standard rates, but discounts are common, especially on the busier routes. Most good hotels, and many hostels, will have a travel ticket service and may be able to save you 15-70 off the price of tickets. Travel agencies and booking offices are plentiful in all Chinese cities and offer similar discounts. Even before considering discounts, traveling by plane in China is not expensive. For travel within China, it is usually best to buy tickets in China via a high street travel agent, or on Chinese websites. Most domestic flights when bought abroad (e. g. on Expedia or even via an Air China office) will be much more expensive, as only full fare tickets are sold. Discounted tickets are only sold within China, or as a tag on fare on an international ticket. Schedules for domestic flights are generally not finalised or released until around 2-3 months before a flight. Unlike most air markets, early buyers will pay higher rates, as discounts tend to increase with time. For most flights, the optimum purchase period is between 2-4 weeks before a flight. On emptier flights, it can be easy to get a very discounted rate in the days before the flight. Once you know your intended route, its advisable to monitor the fares to see when they rise and fall (which they will almost definitely do). However, when travelling during a busy period (e. g. Chinese New Year), its wise to buy earlier to guarantee yourself a seat. Some more expensive tickets are flexible, allowing you to cancel for a nominal amount (between 5-20), then rebook at a lower fare. Recently, discounts have been made available in premium cabins on domestic flights. On some routes, the buy-up from economy is very minimal, and is worth it for the extra space. Beware, however, than often perks of the ground (e. g. lounge, extra luggage, points) are not included on the discount rates. Be prepared for unexplained flight delays as these are common despite pressure from both the government and consumers. For short distances, consider other, seemingly slower options. Flight cancellations are also not uncommon. If you buy your ticket from a Chinese vendor they will likely try to contact you (if you left contact information) to let you know about the change in flight plan. If you purchased your ticket overseas, be certain to check on the flight status a day or two before you plan to fly. Chinese airlines are generally quick to offer meals when a particular flight has been delayed, although the mealssnacks might not be suited to Western tastes. Its always advisable to travel with emergency rations in China. water cannot be brought through security, but all Chinese airports have hot water machines, so bring a plastic mug and some tea bags. As everywhere in the world, prices for food and drink at Chinese airports are vastly inflated. Coffee that is 25 in a downtown shop is 78 at the same chains airport branches. KFC seems to be the one exception their many airport shops charge the same prices as other branches. Paying 20 or more for a KFC meal may or may not be worthwhile when there are 5 noodles across the street, but at the airports it is usually the best deal around. By train Edit Train travel is the major mode of long-distance transportation for the Chinese themselves. Their extensive, and rapidly expanding, network of routes covers the entire country. Roughly a quarter of the worlds total rail traffic is in China. China is in the process of building a network of high-speed trains, similar to French TGV or Japanese Shinkansen bullet trains. These trains are already in service on several routes. They are called CRH and train numbers have a G, C or D prefix. If your route and budget allow, these are much the best way to get around . For more detail, see High-speed rail in China. Train types Edit Chinese trains are split into different categories designated by letters and numbers indicated on the ticket. A guide to the hierarchy of Chinese trains from fastest to slowest are as follows: G-series ( gos ) 300 kmh long-haul high-speed expresses - currently on WuhanGuangzhou, ZhengzhouXian, Beijing-Xian, ShanghaiNanjing, ShanghaiHangzhou, BeijingShanghai, Haerbin-Dalian, and GuangzhouShenzhen lines. C-series ( chngj ) 300 kmh short-haul high-speed expresses - currently only on BeijingWuqingTianjinTanggu line. D-series ( dngch ) 200 kmh high speed expresses. Z-series ( zhd ) 160 kmh nonless-stop services connecting major cities. Accommodation is mostly soft seat or soft sleeper, although they often have a couple of hard sleepers too. T-series ( tkui ) 140 kmh intercity trains calling at major cities only. Similar to Ztrains although they usually stop at more stations. K-series ( kuis ) 120 kmh fast trains, the most often seen series, calls at more stations than a T train and has more hard-sleepers and seats. General fast trains ( pkui ) 120 kmh trains, with no letter designation, four digits starts with 15. These trains are the cheapest, although slowest long-distance trains General trains ( pk ) - 100 kmh short-distance trains with no letter designation, four digits starts with 5, 6, or 7. Slowest trains, stop almost everywhere. Commuting trains ( tngqn) Service trains ( lyng) - four digits starts with 8, or five digits starts with 57, very slow local trains, mostly used by rail staffs. L-series ( lnsh ) seasonal trains suitable to K - or four-digit-series. Y-series ( lyu ) trains primarily serving tourist groups. S-series ( shjio ) - Currently the only on the Beijing Suburban Railway between Beijing North and Yanqing County via Badaling (Great Wall). Classes Edit On the regular non-CRH trains there are five classes of travel: T-train soft sleeper compartment Soft sleepers ( runw ) are the most comfortable mode of transportation and are still relatively cheap by Western standards. The soft sleeper compartments contain four bunks stacked two to a column (though some newer trains have two-bunk compartments), a latchable door for privacy, and are quite spacious. Try to get the lower bunk as climbing up to upper bunk is not that easy, also if you can sit on th bed and look out the window if you dont want to sleep. note: Ticker holder of this class can go to the VIP waiting room at station. Hard sleepers ( yngw ), on the other hand, have 3 beds per column open to the corridor. The highest bunk is very high up and leaves little space for headroom. Taller travelers (63 and above) may find this to be the best bunk since when sleeping your feet will extend into the passageway and they will not be bumped. The top bunk is also useful for people with things to hide (e. g. cameras). When placed by your head they are harder for would-be thieves to reach. It should be noted that the hard sleeper is not hard the beds have a mattress and are generally quite comfortable. All sleepers have pillows and a blanket. Soft seats ( runzu ) are cloth-covered, generally reclining seats and are a special category that you will rarely find. These are only available on day trains between destinations of about 4-8 hours of travel time, as well as on all high speed trains (class D and above). Hard seats ( yngzu ), which are actually padded, are not for everyone, especially overnight, as they are 5 seats wide, in a three and two arrangement. It is in this class, however, that most of the backpacker crowd travels. Despite the no smoking signs, there almost always remain smokers within the car. There is invariably a crowd of smokers at the ends of the cars and the smoke will drift endlessly into the cabin. On most trains, particularly in Chinas interior, the space between the cars is a designated smoking area although the signs for designated smoking area are only in Chinese so this fact may not be clear to many travelers. Overnight travel in the hard seats can safely be deemed uncomfortable for just about everyone and will cause a great deal of discomfort for nearly including many restless endless hours of no sleep. Standing ( wzu ) allow access to the hard seat car but give no seat reservation. Consider carrying a tripod chair in your backpack to make such journeys more comfortable. The soft seat and soft sleeper cars, and some of hard seat and hard sleeper cars are air-conditioned. The CRH trains have usually five classes - second class (32 seat layout), first class (22 layout) and three VIP class es (21 layout just behind the drivers cabin). There are three different VIP classes, named (business class), (sightseeing class) and (deluxe class). Unlike on airliners, (business class) is in fact better than (first class) on CRH trains. (business class) and (sightseeing class) priced the same, while is usually more expensive than (first class), but cheaper than and . The second class is equivalent to economy class on airplanes but offers much more comfortable seat and huge legroom. On the other hand, the premium classes cost only a little more and offers luxury rides. Train tickets Edit Chinese train ticket with fields description At the point where a given train starts, train tickets can usually be bought up to seven days in advance. After the point where a given train starts, a small number of tickets might be reserved for purchase in larger towns along the route of travel. Usually these are the standing class. If you want to get a seat assignment (zuowei) or a sleeper (wopu), then find the train conductor and he will tell you if there is availability. The biggest demand is for hard seats and hard sleepers, so it is a good idea to ask a local friend to buy hard seat tickets as the sellers are not always willing to sell them to foreigners although this is rapidly changing. As of January 2012, nationals and foreigners alike must present ID in order to purchase a ticket (e. g. national ID card or passport). The purchasers name is printed onto the ticket and each individual is required to be present, with ID, to pick-up their ticket. There are local state railway ticket agencies in many locations remote from train stations, clearly marked Booking Office for Train Tickets in English and Chinese and a locomotive emblem, but easily overlooked as these are simple hole in the wall shops. They are equipped with computers networked with the central booking system. Tickets purchased at these types of locations can be bought up to 10 days in advance at face value prices which can be half of what commercial travel agencies charge. Staff usually does not speak English. An easy fix is finding someone who looks like a college student and he will be usually very willing to help. Do not expect English-speaking staff at station cash desks either, even in big cities. And if the cashier finds some English-speaking colleague, dont expect that he can work with the reservation system. If you dont speak Mandarin, write the departure and destination station, date and time of departure, train number and required class on paper. You can write the station name in pinyin, as the cashier enters them in the same way to the reservation system. Beware that many cities have different stations for normal trains and high-speed trains. High-speed station names usually consist of city name and cardinal direction (for example Hngyngdng Hengyang East) During busy seasons (Chinese New Year, for example) tickets sell out rapidly at train stations. It may be better to get tickets in advance through an agent. In major cities there are also agents who sell tickets in the normal time frame with a nominal markup. The convenience of avoiding a trip to the train station and waiting in the queue is well worth the small increase in cost. Travel agencies will accept money and bookings for tickets in advance but no one can guarantee your ticket until the station releases them onto the market, at which point your agency will go and buy the ticket they had previously guaranteed you. This is true anywhere in China. Travel tips Edit The toilets on trains tend to be a little more usable than on buses or most public areas because they are simple devices that empty the contents directly onto the track and thus dont smell as bad. Soft sleeper cars usually have European throne-style toilets at one end of the car and Chinese squat toilets at the other. Be aware that on non-CRH trains if the train will be stopping at a station, the conductor will normally lock the bathrooms prior to arrival so that people will not leave deposits on the ground at the station. Long distance trains will have a buffet or dining car, which serves hot, but generally overpriced, at 25 or so and frankly not very tasty, food. The menu will be entirely in Chinese, but if youre willing to take the chance, interpret some of the Chinese characters, or ask for common dishes by name, you can eat very well. If you are on a strict budget, wait until the train stops at a station. There are normally vendors on the platform who sell noodles, snacks, and fruit at better prices. Trains generally have boiled water available so bring tea, soups and instant noodles to make your own food. Be careful with your valuables while on the train property theft on public transportation has gone up in recent years. On most higher-level trains (T, K, Z and CRH trains) pre-recorded announcements are made in Chinese, English and occasionally Cantonese (if the train serves Guangdong province or Hong Kong), Mongolian (in Inner Mongolia), Tibetan (in Tibet) or Uyghur (in Xinjiang). On local trains there are no English announcements so knowing when to get off can be harder. Motion sickness pills are recommended if you are inclined toward that type of ailment. Ear plugs are recommended to facilitate uninterrupted sleep. In sleeper cars, tickets are exchanged for cards on long distance trains. The cabin attendants return the original tickets when the train approaches the destination station thus ensuring everyone gets off where they should even if they cant wake themselves up. If you have some things to share on the train, youll have fun. The Chinese families and business people traveling the route are just as bored as the next person and will be happy to attempt conversation or share a movie shown on a laptop. All in all, the opportunity to see the countryside going by is a neat experience. Youll need your ticket to enter and exit the station - usually there will be an inspection at the departure hall entrance or the boarding gate and another at the exit gate. Once in the departure hall, follow the digital indicator boards to find the right boarding gate (they are in Chinese but will display the train service number which is printed at the top of your ticket). Approx 10 minutes before boarding your train and platform will be announced and the gate will be opened, just follow the crowd to the platform - at larger stations the train will already be waiting, in smaller stations look for your car number written on the platform edge - make sure youre waiting in the right place because often the train will only stop for a couple of minutes. Some newer stations have high-level platforms that are level with the door, but at smaller stations the platforms are very low and you have to ascend several steep steps to board the train so be prepared if you have a large suitcase. Generally passengers are friendly and will offer to help you with bulky luggage. Smoking is not permitted in the seating or sleeping areas but is allowed in the vestibules at the end of each car. On the new CRH trains, the Guangzhou-Kowloon shuttle train and the Beijing Suburban Railway smoking is completely forbidden. Smoking is banned inside station buildings apart from in designated smoking rooms, although these places are often unpleasant and poorly ventilated. Useful websites Edit CTrains 30 is the first China train ticket online booking website for English users. Travelers can book China train tickets online in realtime for 247. It also doesnt charge any booking fees. The Man in Seat 61 31 has a good section on Chinese trains, and the China Tibet Trains 32 ) operate the trains to Lhasa from Beijing, Chengdu, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chongqing. CNVOL 33 has an extensive (pretty much exhaustive) and frequently updated list of all the trains that travel in China. Just enter the names of the places you with to start and end your trip in, and you will find a list of all trains that ply the route (including all trains that are just passing by your selected stations), listed with their start and end cities and times. Click on a train number you like, and you can find the prices for all the classes of seats or berths that are available by clicking check price further down the price. The most important thing here is to get your town names right in pinyin, the characters are never separated by a space, ie: Lijiang, Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Kunming etc. China DIY 34. it is a webpage where you can book train tickets or check the scheduale and prices of all the trains around China. By bus Edit A sightseeing bus in Shanghai Travelling by public city buses ( gnggngqch ) or long distance buses ( chngtqch ) is inexpensive and ideal for in-city and short distances transportation. City buses vary from city to city - generally expect plastic seats, many people, no English signs and unhelpful drivers. However, if you can understand the bus routes then they are cheap and go almost everywhere. Buses will normally have recorded announcements telling you the next stop - examples of which might include xia yi zhan - zhong shan lu (next stop Zhongshan Road) or Shanghai nan huo che zhan dao le (Shanghai South railway station - now arriving). Some major cities such as Beijing or Hangzhou will have English announcements on some major routes. Fares are usually about 1 or 2 yuan (the former for older buses with no air-conditioning, the latter for air-conditioned modern buses) or more if travelling into the suburbs. Most buses simply have a metal cash-box next to the entrance where you can insert your fare (no change - save up those 1 yuan coins and notes) or on longer routes a conductor that will collect fares and issue tickets and change. Note that the driver usually prioritises speed over comfort so hold on tight. Sleeper buses Sleeper buses are common in China instead of seats they have bunk beds. These are a good way to cover longer distances 8212 overnight at freeway speeds is 100 km or more 8212 but they are not all that comfortable for large or tall travelers. Generally, these are fast smooth and comfortable in the prosperous coastal provinces and less so in less developed areas. Try to avoid getting the bunk at the very back of the bus if the bus hits a major bump, passengers there become airborne. At some places you have to remove your shoes as you enter the bus a plastic bag is provided to store them. Follow the locals. If there are food or restroom stops, you put the shoes back on. If you normally travel in boots, it is worth getting a pair of kung fu slippers to make this easy. Coaches, or long-distance buses . differ drastically and can be a reasonably comfortable or very unpleasant experience. Coaches originating from larger cities on the east coast tend to be air conditioned with soft seats or sleepers. The roads are very good and the ride is smooth, allowing you to enjoy the view or take a snooze. Coaches are often a better, though more expensive option than trains. Bus personnel tend to try to be helpful, but they are much less familiar with foreigners than airline personnel and English ability is very rare. Some coaches have toilets, but they are frequently dirty and using them can be difficult as the bus turns a corner and water in the basin splashes around. A coach or bus in rural China is a different experience altogether. Signs in the station to identify buses will only be in Chinese or another local language, routes may also be posted or pasted on bus windows and drivers or touts will shout their destinations as you pass, the coachs license plate number is supposed to be printed on the ticket, but all too often that is inaccurate. Due to different manners and customs, foreigners may find bus personnel to be lacking in politeness and other passengers lacking in manners as they spit on the floor and out the window and smoke. The vehicle can get crowded if the driver decides to pick up as many passengers as he can cram into the bus. The roads in rural China are frequently little more than a series of potholes, which makes for a bumpy and painful ride if you have a seat in the back of the bus youll spend much of your trip flying through the air. Scheduled times of departure and arrival are only rough estimates, as many buses wont leave until every seat is sold, which can add hours, and breakdowns and other mishaps can significantly extend your trip. The misery of your ride is only compounded if you have to travel for 10 or 20 hours straight. As gut-wrenching as all this sounds, short of shelling out the cash for your own personal transport, rural coaches are the only forms of transportation in many areas of China. On the bright side, such rural coaches are usually more than willing to stop anywhere along the route should you wish to visit more remote areas without direct transport. Buses can also be flagged down at most points along their route. The ticket price the rest of the way is negotiable. Everywhere in China drivers often disregard the rules of the road, if there are any, and accidents are frequent. Sudden swerves and stops can cause injury, so keep a good hold wherever possible. Horn honking is widespread among Chinese drivers, so a set of earplugs is a good idea if you plan on sleeping during the trip. Getting a ticket can be fairly hard. Large bus stations have ticket counters who sell printed tickets displaying the departure time, boarding gate and license plate number of your bus (not always accurate) and have fixed prices. Smaller bus stations will have touts shouting destinations and will direct you to your bus where you pay on board. Even large stations have touts outside - generally they will call the bus driver of a departing bus, who will wait up the road while the tout takes you there on the back of a motorcycle to the waiting bus - you can then negotiate the fare with the driver. This is sometimes a complete scam and sometimes you can save around 30 of the fare - depending on your bargaining and Chinese abilities. There is an alternative now with an Independent Travel Network that has been created by a western company. Dragon Bus China now operates an Integrated transport and accommodation network across most of China. The Network is a Jump On amp Off style of travel which means that you can stay longer at any of the Cities that they travel through and be assured that another bus will be coming through that same City for you or you travel partners to board. This travel option has been operating for more than 25 years throughout Europe and is an extremely popular form of independent travel within New Zealand, Australia and Canada. Traveling by this method could greatly reduce the hassle of traveling by public buses and greatly increase the safety aspect. By subway Edit Major cities 8212 at least Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Wuhan, Shenyang, Xian, Chengdu and Nanjing 8212 have a subway ( dti ) system. Chongqing has monorail systems. Xiamen has a system of bus-only roads for bus rapid transit, mostly elevated. Generally these are modern, clean and efficient, and virtually all station signs, train signs, and ticket machines are bilingual in both English and Chinese. On both station platforms and in trains there is usually fully bilingual signage listing all stations on that particular line. One major caveat is that the subway network maps posted on the walls in the stations are not always consistently provided in fully bilingual form, or hard copy pamphlets with fully bilingual maps may not always be available in the stations. If you cant read Chinese, this can be a problem when trying to change lines in a hurry, because you need to know the correct line terminal to board at the correct platform. You should obtain a bilingual subway network map in advance and carry it with you while traveling by subway. Subway stations in Chinese cities generally have a security checkpoint before the turnstiles that is always manned when the station is open. They normally do not have walk-through metal detectors so you wont have to empty your pockets like in an airport. But these checkpoints do have an X-ray scanner large enough to take all bags up to small carry-ons, and all patrons are expected to run their bags through the scanner. Most of these systems are being expanded, and new lines are under construction (as of early 2009) in other cities such as Hangzhou, Xian and Chengdu. The long-term plans are quite ambitious, with multiple subway lines per city planned. By 2020 or so China seems likely to have some of the worlds most extensive urban transport infrastructure. Subway systems which link into regional rail systems such as between Guangzhou and Shenzhen are planned in many regions. By taxi Edit Taxis ( chzch or dish . pronounced deg-see in Cantonese-speaking areas) are generally common, and reasonably priced. Flagfalls range from 5 in some cities to 14 in others, with a per kilometer charge around 2. In most situations, you can expect between 10 and 50 for an ordinary trip within the city. There is no extra charge for luggage, but in many cities rates are a bit higher at night. Tips are not expected. While it is not unheard of for drivers to cheat visitors by deliberately selecting a longer route, it is not that common, and usually shouldnt be a nuisance. When it does happen, the fare difference will usually be minimal. However, should you feel you have been seriously cheated on the way to your hotel, and you are staying at a mid - or high-range hotel that has a doorman, you can appeal to him andor the desk staff for assistance: A single sharp sentence pointing out the deception may resolve the issue. Also beware of taxi hawkers who stalk naive travelers inside or just outside the airport terminals and train stations. They will try to negotiate a set price to bring you to your destination and will usually charge 2x or 3x more than a metered fare. If youre not familiar with the area then stick with the designated taxi areas that are outside most major airport terminals and insist that the driver use the meter. The fare should be plainly marked outside the taxi. Finding a taxi during peak hours can be a bit hard. But it really gets tough if it is raining. Away from peak hours, especially at night, it is sometimes possible to get a 10 to 20 discount especially if you negotiate it in advance, even if with the meter on and asking for a receipt. As with everything else in China you should not tip. (Its seen as a form of corruption.) Sitting in the front passenger seat of taxis is acceptable some taxis even mount the taxi meter down by the gearbox, where you can only see it from the front seat. Be warned that drivers may start smoking without asking by just opening their window and lighting up. In some cities it is also common for drivers to try and pick up multiple passengers if their destinations are in the same general direction. Each passenger pays full fare but it saves the time of waiting for an empty cab at rush hour. Even in major cities like Shanghai or Beijing, you are very unlikely to find an English-speaking taxi driver, though Beijing made progress toward this in preparation for the Olympics, and Shanghai has made some progress due to the World Expo. Anywhere else it is basically impossible. If you try say the name of your destination in Mandarin (but with your native pronunciation), you may not be understood. Therefore, it is advisable to keep a written note of the name of place where you want to go to by taxi. Chinese characters are far better for this than a romanized (pinyin) version, as many drivers cannot read pinyin, and the same pinyin may correspond to different characters. Get business cards for your hotel, and for restaurants you like, to show taxi drivers. It will be a good idea to equip yourself with sound tracked guide to conversation in Chinese. Such tools can be easily found on the Internet in different languages. If you are in China for any length of time, consider getting a cell phone so you can call Chinese friends and let them tell the driver where to take you. Cellphones are inexpensive, and pay-as-you-go GSM SIM cards are readily available. In some cities, taxi companies use a star-rating system for drivers, ranging from 0 to 5, displayed on the drivers name-plate, on the dashboard in front of the passenger seat. While no or few stars do not necessarily indicate a bad driver, many stars tend to indicate good knowledge of the city, and willingness to take you to where you ask by the shortest way. Another indicator of the drivers ability can be found on the same name-plate - the drivers ID number. A small number tells you he has been around for a long time, and is likely to know the city very well. A quick tip to get a taxi drivers attention if you feel you are being ripped off or cheated: Get out the car and start writing down his license plate number and if you speak some Chinese (or have a good phrasebook) threaten to report the driver to the city or the taxi company. Most drivers are honest and fares are not very high but there are the bad ones out there who will try to use your lack of Chinese skills to their advantage. Chinese can sometimes be very assertive when it comes to finding a taxi. The person who flags down a particular car is not necessarily entitled to that ride. Having locals move farther up in traffic to intercept cars or being shoved out of the way while trying to enter a taxi is not unheard of. If there are others in the area competing for rides, be ready to reach your car and enter it as soon as possible after flagging it down. Wear your seat belt at all times (if you can find it) however much the taxi driver insists you dont need it. By tram (trolley) Edit Above ground, certain cities like Dalian or Changchun, offer transport via tram. Making more frequent stops than light-rail, they may offer a practical way of getting around if the touring city possesses one. Single-cart trolleys may also be in use. Both modes are susceptible to traffic jams. By bicycle Edit Bicycles (zxngch, ), along with electronic bikes and motorcycle, are the most common form of transportation in China at rush hour almost anywhere in China there will be thousands of them. Many are traditional heavy single-speed roadsters, but basic multi-geared mountain bikes are pretty common as well. For travelers, bicycles can be a cheap, convenient means of transport that is better than being squeezed into a public bus for hours on end. There are two major dangers for cyclists in China: One is the rest of the traffic cars and motorcycles frequently pull out without any warning, and in some areas red lights are apparently optional. See the more extensive comment at Driving in China . Bicycle theft is rampant throughout cities in China. Observe how other people park their bikes. In some places you can still see local people causally parking their bikes, but in many cities, people tend to lock it inside restaurants and internet cafes. Dette er et advarselsskilt. Dont expect your high-grade locks can do much. Youre highly advised to park in designated areas with a guard as much as possible it usually costs around RMB1 to RMB2. Some local people also intentionally buy a second-hand, old, ugly bikes so that they wont tempt a thief. In most tourist areas 8212 whether major cities like Beijing or heavily-touristed villages such as Yangshuo 8212 bicycles are easy to rent and there is a repair shop around every corner. Guided bike tours are also readily available. Buying a bicycle is easy. Dahon, Merianda and Giant are three most popular brands in amatuer and semi-professional market and all cities have their distributors. Many supermarkets also carry a good stock of bikes. Prices vary from as little as 150 to over 10000. For a reasonably well-equipped mountain bike for riding to areas like Tibet, expect around 3000-4500 for a bike. Big cities like Shanghai and Beijing usually stock more professional upmarket bikes, but if you have very specific requirements, Hong Kong is still the last hope for buying them. Bicycle repair shops are frequent apparently anywhere in cities and rural areas Non-Chinese speaking tourists might find it a bit difficult, but you can just look for bikes and tires. For a quick fix to a sudden flat tire, there are also many people standing by along the road with a bowl of water and a repair kit ready. For special parts like disc brake, you may want to bring your spare one if you are not using them in big cities. China is a vast country and it provides professional bikers with challenges to bike across mountains and desert. However, as of May 2010, if foreign tourists want to bike across Tibetan Plateau, you are required by law to obtain a permit and hire a tour guide . See Karakoram Highway for one spectacular but difficult route. Companies such as Bike China and Intrepid Travel organize such tours for small groups. By car Edit The legal driving age in Mainland China is 18 . The PRC generally does not recognize International Driving Permits and does not permit foreigners to drive in China without a Chinese license. Note that Hong Kong and Macau licenses are also considered to be foreign and having one of them will not allow you to drive in the mainland. This supposedly changed in 2007 and short-term driving without a Chinese license became legal. However, as with many laws in China, official changes and changes in practice do not necessarily correspond as of December 2008 it is still illegal for foreigners to drive without a Chinese license. Unless you have diplomatic status, importing foreign vehicles is nearly impossible. Rented cars most often come with a driver, similar to the remises of South America this is probably the best way to travel in China by car. Driving yourself around China, even if you can read and speak basic Chinese and are able to qualify for a local license, is not recommended unless you are accustomed to extremely chaotic driving conditions. Driving in Chinas cities is not for the faint-hearted, and parking spaces are often very difficult to find. That said, driving in China is still easier than driving in Vietnam and other developing countries in Asia. Traffic moves on the right in mainland China. Many neighbors, such as India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan as well as the Special Administrative Regions of Hong Kong and Macau have traffic that moves on the left. English directional signs are ubiquitous in Beijing, Shanghai and other major cities which see many Western tourists. However, they are spotty at best in other cities and virtually non-existent in the countryside. As such, it is always a good idea to have your destination written in Chinese before you set off so that locals can point you in the right direction should you get lost. Foreigners should really avoid driving outside of major cities. One Way signs usually mean mostly but not always one way. Expect someone who misses an exit ramp on a freeway to slow down just before the upcoming entry ramp and make a 270 turn to engage on that ramp. Expect drivers to take creative shortcuts at traffic circles. As a pedestrian ALWAYS look both ways every time you cross any street. Not only may a bicycle come along traveling in the wrong direction, so may increasingly popular electric motorbike -- and they are silent. By motorcycle Edit Motorcycle taxis are common, especially in smaller cities and rural areas. They are usually cheap and effective but somewhat scary. The fares are negotiable. Regulations for riding a motorcycle vary from city to city. In some cases, 50cc mopeds can be ridden without a driving license although many cities have now banned them or reclassified them due to numerous accidents. Riding a proper motorcycle is much harder - partly because youll need a Chinese license, partly because they are banned in many cities and partly because production and importing have slowed with the focus on automobiles and electric scooters. The typical Chinese motorcycle is 125cc, can do about 100kmh and is a traditional cruiser style. They are gnerally slow, mundane to ride and have little sporting potential. Government restrictions on engine size mean that sports bikes are rare but can still be found. Another popular choice is a 125cc automatic maxi scooter based loosely on the Honda CN250 - its a bit quicker than a moped and more comfortable over long distances but has the benefit of automatic transmission which makes negotiating stop-start urban traffic much easier. Most cities will have a motorcycle market of some description and will often sell you a cheap motorcycle often with fake or illegal license plates - although a foreigner on a motorbike is a rare sight and it will grab the polices attention. Helmets are essential on proper bikes but optional on scooters. Technically youll need a license plate - they are yellow or blue on a motorcycle or green on a scooter and can cost several thousand RMB to register the bike yourself although fake plates are easily available at a lower price - do so at your own risk. By pedicab (rickshaw) Edit Whats in a name The terms pedicab and rickshaw are often used interchangeably by foreigners in China, but refer to two different modes of transportation - one of which no longer exists. The (in)famous rickshaw was a two-wheeled contraption with two poles at the front, which the operator held while walking or running passengers to their destinations. These proliferated in the late 19th century but were gradually phased out by the 1950s. Videos of Western elites playing polo on rickshaws propelled by Chinese workers showcased the exploitative nature of rickshaws. A distant relative of the rickshaw can still be seen when day-laborers in smaller or less developed cities gather with their rickshaw-like carts each morning waiting for work delivering construction materials, coal, or other odds and ends. The rickshaw has been replaced by the pedicab - a three-wheeled conveyance ridden much like a bicycle. In some mid-sized cities, pedicabs are a much more convenient means of traveling short distances. Sanlunche (), the Chinese term used both for pedal-powered and motorized rickshaws, are ubiquitous in rural China and lesser developed (which is to say, less touristy) areas of larger cities. Negotiating the fare in advance is a must. Reports that the drivers will frequently try and rip you off probably refer to rip-off artists working tourist destinations, like Sanlitun, Silk Street, Wangfujing areas in Beijing in particular. Perhaps the rule of thumb should be, Beware of anyone selling anything near tourist traps. If you see normal Chinese families using the sanlun - for instance, traveling between the Beijing Zoo and the nearest subway stop - then its safe. Dont patronize any sanlun wearing some old fashioned costume to attract tourists. Hell try to charge you ten times the going rate. Where possible try to choose pedicabs over motorized transport. Youll be helping the truly poor stay in business and preserving part of Chinas traditional charm. Electrified 3-whelled sanluns developed or converted from the pedicabs seem to be in the majority in Shanghai. Map of Chinese dialects The official language of China is Standard Mandarin . which is mostly based on the Beijing dialect, known in Chinese as Putonghua (, common speech). Mandarin has been the only language used in education on the mainland since the 1950s, so most people speak it. Unless otherwise noted, all terms, spellings and pronunciations in this guide are in standard Mandarin. As Mandarin is tonal, getting the four tones correct is necessary to be understood. Many regions, especially in the southeast and south of the country, also have their own dialect. These are really different languages, as different as French and Italian, although referring to Chinese dialects as separate languages is a touchy political issue. Like standard Mandarin, the dialects are all tonal languages. Even within Mandarin (the large brown language area on the map), pronunciation varies widely between regions and there is often a liberal dose of local slang or terminology to liven up the mix. After Mandarin, the largest groups are Wu . spoken in the region around Shanghai, Zhejiang and southern Jiangsu. followed by Cantonese . spoken in most of Guangdong Province, Hong Kong and Macau, and the Min (Fujian) group which includes Minnan (Hokkien) spoken in the region around Xiamen and in Taiwan, a variant of Minnan known as Teochew spoken around Shantou and Chaozhou. as well as Mindong (Hokchiu) spoken around Fuzhou. Most Chinese are bilingual in their local vernacular and Mandarin. Some who are older, less educated or from the countryside may speak only the local dialect, but this is unlikely to affect tourists. It often helps to have a guide who can speak the local language as it marks that person as an insider and you as a friend of the insider. While you can easily get by in most parts of China speaking Standard Mandarin, locals always appreciate any attempt to say a few words or phrases in the local dialect, so learning a few simple greetings will help you get acquainted with the locals much more easily. In general, an understanding of or appreciation for the local speech can be useful when traveling to more remote areas. But in those areas a phrase book that includes Chinese characters will still be a big help as written Chinese is more or less the same everywhere. Formal written Chinese is for all intents and purposes the same regardless of the local dialect. Even Japanese and Korean use many of the same characters with the same or similar meaning. There is a complication in this, however. Mainland China uses simplified characters, adopted to facilitate literacy during the mid-1950s. Traditional characters are used in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, and by many overseas Chinese, but also on the mainland in advertising and commercial signs. As a result you will just as often see ( ynhng ) as for bank. The simplification was however fairly systematic, which means that all hope is not lost for the traveler trying to pick up some sign-reading skills. On the other hand, native speakers usually do not encounter problems reading either script so learning how to write either one would usually suffice. Note that in calligraphy, the number of scripts is much more varied as different painters use different unique styles, though these have been grouped into five different styles. They are zhuanshu (), lishu (), kaishu (), xingshu () and caoshu (), of which kaishu is the official script used in China today. When calligraphy is written in kaishu . it is usually traditional Chinese characters that are used due to their superior aesthetic value. The casual traveler can easily get by without learning the other four styles though learning them would certainly help those with a deep interest in traditional Chinese art. In the far western reaches of the country, Turkic languages such as Uighur. Kirghiz, and Kazakh as well as other languages such as Tibetan are spoken by some of the non-Han ethnic minorities. In the north and northeast other minority languages including Manchu, Mongolian and Korean are also spoken in areas populated by the respective ethnic minorities. Yunnan, Guizhou, Hainan and Guangxi in the south are also home to many other ethnic minorities such as the Miao, Dong, Zhuang, Bai and the Naxi who speak their own languages. However, with the possible exception of the elderly, Mandarin is generally usable in these areas too, and most younger people are bilingual in their minority language and Mandarin. Sadly some of the minority languages such as Manchu are dying out. English and other foreign language speakers Edit For the last twenty years, Chinese students have been taught English as a compulsory subject starting from late elementary or middle school. Passing an English exam is a requirement to earn a four-year university degree, regardless of major. However, the focus of the instruction at all levels is formal grammar and, to a lesser degree, writing rather than speaking or listening. Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen do have a higher proportion of English-speaking locals. In certain cities, outside major tourist attractions and establishments catering specifically to foreigners, it is rare to find locals conversant in English. Airline staff and those at large hotels - particularly international chains - usually speak some basic to conversational English, although in-depth skills are seldom seen. When speaking, as anywhere English language skills are limited, it is helpful to simplify your English. Speak slowly, avoid slang and idioms, and use simple present tense declarative sentence structure. Dont say Would you mind if I come back tomorrow, stick to simpler, more abrupt phrasing like Tomorrow I will return. This brings the phrase closer to its Chinese equivalent and is therefore not necessarily condescending. One way to meet people is to ask about English Corner - a time and place in town where local residents, often with a foreign host or speaker, meet to practice spoken English. Typically, they are held on Friday evenings or Sundays in public parks, English training schools, bookstores, and university campuses. There may also be Corners for French, German, Russian and perhaps other languages. You may want to consider arranging the services of a tour guide before your trip commences if you wish to go to far flung areas. This will help you overcome the language barrier where locals in those places will unlikely know any foreign language, let alone English. However, due to lasting effects of the Sino-Soviet friendship treaty, in rural regions, particularly in the north west, Russian, is a commonly encountered language. It is advisable to have all places you want to visit written down in Chinese characters, also bunch frequent words - you know them from previous trips (even words like hotel, taxi or airport are unknown). Easy way to explain your need to locals is to have Baidu Fanyi (zh-cn: ) app installed. It will translate English and some other languages from and to Chinese. Look for (English) and click on and set your destination language to (Chinese). Learning Chinese Edit In the West, Chinese has an undeserved reputation for its difficulty. While it is very different from Western languages, a traveler may be surprised to learn that the basic grammar is pretty simple. Verbs are static regardless of subject and whether they are referring to the past, present or future. Genders of nouns do not exist, and there is no separate form of nouns for plurals. The main difficulties are the existence of several consonants not present in European languages (as well as a few vowels found in other European languages but not in English), the use of count words (i. e. the term head in the phrase head of cattle), serial verb stacking, the emphasis on verb aspect instead of verb tense, and, of course, the use of tones. Mandarin, like Vietnamese and Thai, is a tonal language that uses a pitch in sounds to inflict different meanings. Ma could mean mother, horse, numb, or blame, depending on the tone. Homophones are also common the same sound at the same pitch usually has dozens of meanings. Zhong1 (Zhong at the 1st tone) can mean China, loyalty, clock, chime, finish, a bowl, etc. All of them come with different Chinese characters, just the same sound at the same pitch. While homophones are unlikely a problem in most everyday conversations, it is very common for Chinese to ask how to write someones name by identifying the characters one by one. My name is Wang Fei (). Wang is the wang with three strokes, Fei is the fei in shifei(gossip), with a grass on top. Written Chinese looks like a mysterious secret code to some, but if you can recognize so many commercial logos -- usually not logically related, you will be impressed with your capacity to memorize so many characters - most of them are logically related and formed based on certain rules. If you have a smartphone, apps like Pleco, Waygo, and ChineseNow can identify the characters you dont recognize. There are, in theory, more than 50000 Chinese characters. The good news is that more than 85 have become obsolete, or are rarely used. Like native speakers of many languages, most Chinese couldnt tell you how many characters are required to read a book and never bother to count how many characters they know. One may argue that junior students are supposed to learn at least 2000 characters and graduates in university 5000 characters. To bridge the gap between recognizing and reading out loud, pinyin was developed, which uses the Roman alphabet as an aid to teaching Chinese. Pronouncing pinyin is not intuitive as certain letters and consonant clusters are used to represent sounds not present in European languages and are thus not pronounced as a westerner would expect. Chinese will not recognize place names or addresses in pinyin it is always better to use characters for written information. Translators and Interpreters Edit Foreign travelers in China will benefit from having a translator or interpreter supporting them for either leisure or business activities. Taxi drivers do not speak English, and most business meetings with either domestic Chinese companies or government agencies will likely be more successful if an interpreter is present. Prices and quality vary substantially, but some Western-managed organizations and marketplaces exist that specialize in translation and interpretation: SeekPanda. 1 303.997.0442 86 185.1170.8629 (infoseekpanda ), 35. 160edit Pricing is by the half day full day. Specializes in business travelers and bilingual eventsconferences. Interpreters available in most of mainland China and Taiwan, including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and Taipei. Can handle last-minute requests for in-person interpretation. Tripper. 36. 160edit Pricing is by the minute or daily weekly, accessed via smartphone app. Specializes in interpretation on-demand via telephone. Chinas attractions are endless and you will never run out of things to see. Especially near the coastal areas, if you run out of things to see in one city, the next one is usually just a short train ride away. Whether you are a history buff, a nature lover or someone who just wants to relax on a nice beach, China has it all from the majestic Forbidden City in Beijing. to the breathtaking scenery of Jiuzhaigou. Even if you live in China for many years, youll find that theres always something new to discover in another part of the country. Perhaps unsurprising due to its sheer size and long history, China has the third largest number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites, after Italy and Spain. Karst formations, Guilin Karst Scenery Edit The gumdrop mountains and steeply sloping forested hills with bizarre rock formations favored by traditional Chinese artists are not creative fantasy. In fact, much of southern and southwestern China is covered in strangely eroded rock formations known as Karst . Karst is type of limestone formation named after an area in Slovenia. As limestone layers erode, the denser rock or pockets of different stone resist erosion forming peaks. Caves hollow out beneath the mountains which can collapse forming sinkholes and channels leading to underground rivers. At its most unusual Karst erodes to form mazes of pinnacles, arches and passageways. The most famous example can be found in the Stone Forest ( Shln ) near Kunming in Yunnan. Some of the most famous tourist areas in China feature spectacular karst landscapes 8212 Guilin and Yangshuo in Guangxi. and much of central and western Guizhou province. Sacred sites Edit For sacred mountains, see the next section. Several sites in China have famous Buddhist art: Yungang Grottoes in Shanxi Province - more than 51,000 Buddhist carvings, dating back 1,500 years, in the recesses and caves of the Yangang Valley mountainsides Mogao Caves in Gansu province - art and manuscripts dating back to the 4th century Dazu Rock Carvings near Chongqing - dating from the 7-13th century Longmen Grottoes near Luoyang - 5-10th century Mountains Edit China is home to many sacred mountains. The Five Great Mountains ( wyu ), associated with Taoism: Mount Tai (), Shandong Province (1,545 meters) Mount Hua (), Shaanxi Province (2,054 meters) Mount Heng (Hunan) (), Hunan Province (1,290 meters) Mount Heng (Shanxi) (), Shanxi Province (2,017 meters) Mount Song (, Henan Province, where the famous Shaolin Temple () is located (1,494 meters) The Four Sacred Mountains ( sd fjio mngshn ), associated with Buddhism: The three main sacred mountains of Tibetan Buddhism: There are also several other well-known mountains. In China, many mountains have temples, even if they are not especially sacred sites: Mount Qingcheng (), Sichuan Province Mount Longhu (), Jiangxi Province Mount Lao (), Shandong Province Mount Wuyi (), Fujian Province, a major touristscenic site with many tea plantations Mount Everest. straddling the border between Nepal and Tibet, worlds highest mountain Mount Huang () (Yellow Mountain), in Anhui province, with scenery and temples Mount Wudang (), near Danjiangkou in Hubei, Taoist mecca, birthplace of taichi and Wudang kung fu ChangbaishanPaektusan (Chinese: Korean:), the most sacred mountain in the world to both ethnic Manchus and Koreans, located on the border with North Korea Revolutionary Pilgrimage Sites Edit Shaoshan () - First CCP Chairman and Chinese leader Mao Zedongs hometown Jinggangshan () - The first CCP rural base area after the 1927 crackdown by the KMT Ruijin () - Seat of the China Soviet Republic from 1929 to 1934 Zunyi () - Site of the Zunyi Conference where Mao Zedong joined the Politburo Standing Committee Luding () - Site of a famous forced crossing of a high mountain river Yanan () - Primary base area for the Communist Party from 1935 to 1945 Wuhan - Site of the 1911 Wuchang Uprising that led to the fall of the Qing Dynasty and the establishment of the Republic of China Guangzhou - Site of the Whampoa Military Academy where both KMT and Communist leaders (Chiang Kai Shek, Zhou Enlai, Mao Zedong) trained and led troops and poli tical study groups before the Northern Expedition of 1926-27. Itineraries Edit Some itineraries cover trips that are entirely within China: Others are partly in China: Massage Edit Massage is available all over China, often both high quality and reasonably priced. Traditionally, massage is a trade for the blind in Asia. Expert work costs 15 to 30 an hour. Almost any hairdresser will give a hair wash and head massage for 10. This often includes cleaning out ear wax and some massage on neck and arms. With a haircut andor a shave, 15 to 25. In large cities, expect to pay 40 or more for a cut and wash. Foot massage ( zlio ) is widely available, often indicated by a picture of a bare footprint on the sign. Prices are from 15 to about 60. Whole body massage is also widespread, at prices from 15 an hour up. There are two varieties: nm () is general massage tun () concentrates on the meridians used in acupuncture. The most expert massages are in massage hospitals, or general Chinese medicine hospitals, usually at 50 an hour or a bit more. The best value is at tiny out-of-the-way places some of whose staff are blind ( mngrn nm ). These three types of massage are often mixed many places offer all three. Some massage places are actually brothels. Prostitution is illegal in China. Except in the city of Foshan in Guangdong. where erotic massages also known as Happy Endings is legal. However it is quite common and often disguised as massage. Most hot spring or sauna establishments offer all the services a businessman might want for relaxation. As for the smaller places, if you see pink lighting or lots of girls in short skirts, probably considerably more than just massage is on offer, and quite often they cannot do a good massage. The same rule applies in many hair salons which double as brothels. The non-pink-lit places usually give good massage and generally do not offer sex. If the establishment advertises massage by the blind, it is almost certain to be legitimate. It is possible to take a nap for a few hours in many massage places and even to spend the night in some. Hairdressers generally do not have facilities for this, but you can sleep on the table in a body massage place or (much better) on the couch used for foot massage. Fees are moderate this is probably the cheapest way to sleep in China. Note, however, that except in high-end saunas with private rooms, you will share the staffs toilet and there may not be any way to lock up luggage. The best way to keep your luggage is at any railway station, they provided by charges of rmb5-10. Language for massage: tng () and b tng () are pain and no pain ho () and b ho () are good and not good hn ho () is very good or great yo () is want, b yo () dont want yng () is that tickles There are several ways a masseur or masseuse might ask a question. For example does this hurt might be asked as tng b tng or tng ma . For either, answer tng or b tng . Traditional arts Edit If you are planning to spend a longer time in China then you may want to consider learning some of the traditional arts. Traveling to China is after all a unique chance to learn the basics, or refine already acquired skills, directly from master practitioners in the arts home country. Many cities have academies that accept beginners, and not knowing Chinese is usually not a problem as you can learn by example and imitation. Calligraphy ( shf ), a term that covers both writing characters and painting scrolls (that is, classical landscapes and the like) remains a popular national hobby. Many calligraphers practice by writing with water on sidewalks in city parks. Other traditional arts which offer classes include learning to play traditional Chinese instruments (inquire in shops that sell these as many offer classes), cooking Chinese cuisine, or even singing Beijing Opera ( jngj ). Fees are usually extremely modest, and materials you need will not exactly break the bank. The only requirement is being in the same place for a long enough time, and showing sufficient respect it is better not to join these classes as a tourist attraction. Martial Arts and Taichi Edit As with traditional cultural arts, those with the time and inclination may be interested in studying Chinas famed martial arts. Some, such as tai chi ( tijqun ) can be studied by simply visiting any city park in the early morning and following along. You will likely find many eager teachers. Other martial arts require more in-depth study. Famous martial arts programs include those at the Shaolin Temple on Mount Song and Wu Wei Temple near Dali. Traditional pastimes Edit China has several traditional games often played in tea gardens, public parks, or even on the street. Players often attract crowds of on-lookers. Two famous strategy board games that originated in China are Go ( wiq ) and Chinese chess ( xingq ). Mahjong ( mjing ), a game played with tiles, is very popular and often (well-nigh always) played for money, although its vast regional variations mean that you will have to learn new rules everywhere you go. Among the most well known variants of this game are the Cantonese, Taiwanese and Japanese versions. Chinese checkers ( tioq ), despite its name, did not originate in China but can be found. Many Chinese are skilled card ( pkpi ) players Deng Xiaopings love for bridge ( qiopi) was particularly renowned. The official currency of the Peoples Republic of China is the renminbi (201542766524065 Peoples Money), often abbreviated as RMB. The base unit of this currency is the yuan (20803), international currency code CNY . All prices in China are given in yuan, usually either as or 20803. The RMB is not legal tender in the Special Administrative Regions of Hong Kong and Macau. both of which issue their own currencies although occasionally it will be accepted on an unfavourable (for those using yuan) 1 to 1 basis with Hong Kong Dollars. The yuan is currently hovering at 6.14 to the U. dollar and slowly rising in value (Oct 2014). The official subdivisions of the yuan are the jiao (35282), at 10 jiao to the yuan, and the fen (20998) at 10 fen to the jiao. The fen is essentially extinct nowadays but may still be seen in less developed areas. A coin worth 0.10 will thus say 2277735282 (1 jiao), not 10 fen, on it. But in colloquial Mandarin. people often say kuai (22359) instead of yuan . and the jiao is also dubbed the mao (27611). A price like 1653,7 would thus be read as 3 kuai 7 (although the trailing unit is usually omitted). When dealing with numbers, note that for example wu bai san . literally five hundred three, means 530 or five hundred three tens, with the trailing unit dropped. The number 503 would be read as wu bai ling san . literally five hundred zero three. Similarly yi qian ba . literally one thousand eight, means 1800. When using larger numbers, keep in mind that Chinese has a word for ten thousand, wn (), and thus for example 50,000 becomes wu wan . not wu shi qian . Nearly all present-day Chinese coins and bills A lot of Chinese currency will be in the form of bills 8212 even small change. Bills are more common in some areas, coins in others, but both are accepted anywhere. Even the jiao, at just one tenth of a yuan, exists as both a bill (the smallest) and two different coins. Conversely, one yuan exists both as a coin and as two different bills. You should be prepared to recognize and handle either version. Counterfeiting Edit Counterfeiting is a serious problem. Anyone staying in China for a few months would have certainly experienced it. From the 1 coin, to 10, 20, 50 and 100 bills, all currency is at risk. The main focus is on the texture of different parts, metal line, change of colours under different lights. Ask anyone how, all of them have their own way. One such strategy for bills is to hold it up to the light: all real bills will have a watermark in the white blank space off to the side. It is very common for a cashier to scrutinize the banknotes you use to pay a bill. Dont be offended they are not suggesting that youre using counterfeit currency. They just need to be responsible. When you get change, do the same, scrutinize the banknotes you get, especially notes over 50. Salespeople may try to give you counterfeit money that they took from other customers as change. Counterfeits from ATMs became a hot topic in recent years, although it is not common. If you are worried, withdraw your money from the bank counter and say I worry about jiabi (counterfeit). Bank staff seem to be very understanding on this. Its not unheard of a non licensed money exchanger on China borders to change counterfeits to travellers. If youre not experienced in checking notes, youre highly advised to go to banks. When you pay with a 50 or 100 banknote in a shop or taxi, its socially accepted that you remember the last few digits of your currency number as you pass it. Its possible that they say that your banknote is fake, just make sure you get back what you gave them. Changing money Edit Although still restricted, the yuan is readily convertible in many countries, especially in Asia. The Hong Kong dollar, US dollar, Canadian dollar, Euro, British pound sterling, Australian dollar, Japanese yen and South Korean won can all be easily changed in China. Southeast Asian currencies are generally not accepted, the exception being Singapore dollars (this is changing - certain branches of Bank of Communications, indicated by a sign at teller windows, will exchange Malaysian ringgit, and Travelex will accept almost anything - with a hefty commission). Currency should only be changed at major banks (Bank of China in particular) or with the licensed money changers usually found at airports or high end hotels although these offer very bad rates. A black market for currency exchange does exist but you are highly advised to avoid as Counterfeiting is a major issue when exchanging money in China. Beware the private money changers found in markets and hanging around large banks. While their exchange rates may look attractive, unless you have a local friend to help you out, do not exchange money with them. It is not uncommon to exchange a large amount of cash only to find that most of what you got is fake. Stick with the official exchange counter in the Bank of China or one of the other large banks as even though you get slightly worse rates, the risk of getting counterfeit bills is close to zero. Foreign exchange is under tight control in China. Private money changers, widely seen in many tourist spots or shopping malls around the globe, are still uncommon in China. In a bank, it usually takes 5 minutes to 60 minutes to process the exchange, sometimes a little faster in an hotel, depending on their experience. Generally speaking bank branches in major cities know the procedure and are relatively quick while even main branches in third and fourth tier cities can take much longer. Regardless of location, you will need to fill a form and show your passport. Your passport will be photocopied and scanned. Keep the exchange receipt if you plan to leave the country with larger sum of money. Note that not all banks with the Exchange logo will exchange money for non-customers or for all currencies in cash. For example, Standard Chartered will only exchange cash for its customers and will only do USD and HKD in cash (but opening an account is quick and doable even on a tourist visa, and they offer a better cash exchange rate than most local banks). Exchanging US currency for RMB can be simple, but expect the bills to be heavily scrutinized before the exchange is processed. Opportunities to buy RMB before entering China, for example when coming overland from Hong Kong or Vietnam, should be taken, as the rates are better. The same is true going the other way - selling just across the border will often net a more favourable rate. Also, most international banks will allow you to get a cash advance via a debit or credit card at a Chinese ATM. However, the rates for such actions are often unfavourable and may include steep service charges. Its useful to carry an international currency such as British pounds, US dollars, or Japanese yen to fall back on should you not have access to a cash machine. ATM cards Edit ATMs are all over the country but most ATMs outside the large cities that accept Cirrus, PLUS, VISA and MasterCard network are owned by Bank of China or the Industrial and Commercial Bank. In big cities like Shanghai most ATMs will take VisaPlusMCMaestroCirrus. However, cash advances from Diners Club, American Express, or JCB cards are more difficult. For visitors from Hong Kong or Macau, the only ATMs that natively take JETCO cards are Bank of East Asia ATMs. Most ATMs will charge a small and flat fee. Note: Minsheng Bank, Shenzhen Development Bank, and Bank of Shanghai ATMs will all display PLUSCirrusMaestro logos. In reality, only selected ATMs of theirs are linked into these networks, and there is usually no indication until you try. This is true of many other banks ATMs, even Agricultural Bank of China (one of the big four). Before travelling, find out if your home bank charges a currency conversion fee (often between 0-3) on such transactions. It is worth opening a zero conversion fee account beforehand if possible. Otherwise it would be better to open a local account on arrival to store money in if staying for a sufficiently long time. If you have trouble because the ATM requires a 6-digit PIN and your PIN only has 4 digits, try adding 2 zeros before it. If you find yourself in a town with a Bank of China branch but no international network-capable ATM, it is usually possible to get a cash advance on a credit card inside the bank. Just ask. UnionPay, the local ATM card network, has made agreements with various ATM card networks across the globe. If your card is covered, any ATM in China will accept withdrawals and balance inquiries from your card. Currently covered are NYCE and Pulse in America (also applies to cash advances from Discover cards), Interac in Canada, and LINK in the UK. Also, if your bank is part of the Global ATM Alliance, be aware that China Construction Bank is the local partner for fee-free withdrawals. Travellers cheques Edit Most major banks and upmarket hotels will exchange travellers cheques. You will need identification and your signature on the cheques, your ID, and your signature in front of the teller will be scrutinized very closely. In second-tier cities you will need to go to the head branch of Bank of China or Merchants Bank. Exchanging travellers cheques is usually slower than exchanging cash. Foreign currency Edit Foreign currencies, including the Hong Kong dollar or US dollar, are rarely seen as a substitute for RMB except in several 5-star hotels, some shops on the Hong Kong-Shenzhen border, and stock exchanges. You are unlikely to use other currencies in most transactions (after all, the average visitor comes to China to sight-see and shop, not to play day-trader, but for the curious, the minimum balance for US trading is USD1000 with USD19 account opening fee while the minimum for HKD trading is HKD5000). If you are running out of money and only have dollars in your pocket, it usually means that you dont have money to pay the bill without a trip to a bank or one of the very few automatic currency exchange machines scattered around Tier 1 cities. Many shops wont accept it, having no idea on exchange rate or how to check if the bills are counterfeit. However, with credit or debit cards, this can become a problem in reverse a merchant may choose to charge you in your home currency instead of local currency. When they do so (a practice referred to as dynamic currency conversion or DCC), they apply a commission on top of the exchange rate, typically 3, sometimes more. Make sure you understand what is happening, and to understand the terms associated with your card you may get charged by your bank on top simply for having the transaction occur overseas regardless of currency, or you may have a card that exchanges currency for you without any additional commission. In both cases DCC places you at a disadvantage. Ask the merchant to void the transaction and to process it again in local currency. Electronic transfers Edit Electronic money transfers to another country are no longer as difficult as they used to be. Just about every bank in the big cities offers this service nowadays. On the other hand, service charges are variable (depends on the sending and receiving bank), the staff is sometimes ill-trained, and the process can take up to a week to clear. Alternatively, you may choose to look for a Chinese branch of a foreign or Hong Kong-based bank to do transfers. This is easier in the big cities, though. It will be MUCH easier to do transfers if you have an dual-currency account with the Bank of China - opened at the branch from which you plan to get your money. Electronic transfers to dual currency accounts incur no or very low fees although it will usually take about one week. Transfers to Chinese accounts from overseas also take from three to ten business days. All you need to start an account is your passport, visa and a small initial deposit (can be RMB) plus the new-account fee (10-20). If you open a foreign currency account or a dual currency account, be sure to check if you will be able to access it in another province or overseas. Alternatively, for visitors from the US, Wells Fargo offers a service called ExpressSend that allows someone to send money from the US and have it arrive at a China Agricultural Bank account on the same day. Western Union Edit Western Union has deals with China Agricultural Bank and with China Post so there are a lot of Western Union signs around. China Construction Bank (ICBC) has also been known to accept Western Union. This method is what overseas Chinese sending money to relatives, or expats sending money out of China, generally use it is generally easier and cheaper than the banks. A list of locations is available through Western Unions website. There may, however, be problems. Their system may be down or the employee you deal with may ask for silly things 8212 for an overseas transfer, the recipients passport and visa numbers, or for a within-China transfer, cash in US dollars. It is sometimes difficult to find the branch listed on the Western Union website, and the process of getting the transfer completed can take a long time. Expect to take your time finding the branch, and spending 1 hours inside the bank completing the transaction. Foreigners will almost certainly need a passport. If you speak Chinese then this probably wouldnt take so long. Just try another branch if you are having difficulties. The exchange rate through Western Union has historically been quite good, and this can be a viable way to send money to yourself or to someone else in China. Just make sure you have a safe place to hold that big wad of RMB if you choose to receive the transfer in cash Credit cards Edit Outside of star-rated or chain hotels, major supermarkets, and high-class restaurants, credit cards are generally not accepted and most transactions will require cash. The most popular credit card in China is UnionPay, and due to an alliance between Discover and UnionPay, those with Discover credit cards will find that their card is much more widely accepted (under the UnionPay system) than those with VisaMastercardAmerican Express. Most convenience stores take UnionPay, as do most restaurant chains, stores selling high-value items, grocery store chains, and most ATMs. Beware of pickpockets. Many department stores and large grocery stores have point-of-sale terminals for Chinese bank cards typically these will not work for foreign cards (unless it is also a UnionPay card). However, because of the nature of Discovers agreement with the UnionPay network, it is treated as a domestic card at ATMs and point-of-sale. If you are going to spend a lot of time in China and use significant amounts of money, consider getting a Chinese bank account if signing up for a Discover card is impractical. Ideally, if in a big city and later travelling to smaller ones, try signing up for an account with smaller banks like Woori Bank or Ping An Bank these offer free inter-bank ATM withdrawals anywhere in China (Ping An Bank also offers free withdrawals overseas, a plus if travelling to nearby countries later). Alternatively, Travelex offers UnionPay Cash Passports in certain countries. As with debit cards, Chinese retail clerks will usually present the POS credit card terminal to the cardholder for entry of a PIN for chip-and-pin cards. Visitors from sign-only or chip-and-sign countries like the United States should attempt to explain that fact to the clerk or simply hit the green button or Enter for no PIN. Chinese terminals have old-fashioned miniature dot-matrix printers which print receipts on carbon-copy duplicate paper. If no PIN was entered, the clerk will then present the receipt to the cardholder for a hard copy signature, then separate the layers and give the carbon copy to the cardholder. Costs Edit While China is no longer the bargain destination it was during the 1990s, it remains quite affordable. Unless you are heading to Hong Kong or Macau, the mainland is generally much less expensive - from a travellers perspective - than industrialized countries. If you eat local food, use public transportation and stay in very inexpensive budget hotels or hostels then 200 to 300 is a serviceable daily backpacker budget. As of 2014 there were still many street vendors selling various products for 1 a piece. Its potentially risky to dine on street food but the point is there is a wide range of options. However, if you want to live an extravagant lifestyle and eat only the best Chinese delicacies or upmarket Western food and stay in luxury hotels, then even 3,000 a day would not be enough. There is a high degree of variation in prices depending on where you go. First-tier cities generally cost more than second-tier ones, and much more than rural and central and western parts of the country. Although accommodation, food, and travel can all still be done quite cheaply in China, the prices of tourist attractions (historical sites as well as national parks) are increasing rapidly. If you have a tick list of things you want to see, and are on a backpackers budget, this will be a sizeable portion of your budget (potentially 25-50). Entry fees range from 16530 to 165300 with the norm of major scenic sites tending around 165100. Tipping Edit As a general rule, tipping is not practised anywhere in China. When leaving a tip on your table, it is common to see a waiter chase after you to return the money you forgot to take. In a hotel, it is widely accepted not to tip for room service, airport service, taxis or anything else -- exceptions can be made and especially hotels which cater to foreign clients, staff will not be offended if they receive a tip. Masseurs in some areas such as Shenzhen have been known to ask for a tip. However, if they become pushy at getting tips most Chinese see this as extortion and an immoral practice, so just be firm if you dont wish to give any. In China, compliments over service is usually expressed in implicit ways. If you are a smoker, you are expected to pass a cigarette to the service staff or manager. Offering a seat or drink would also be seen as a nice gesture. Tipping in the wrong way can lead to embarrassment, and can sometimes be insulting, because you are suggesting that the relationship is based on money, not friendship. Banking Edit Opening a bank account in China is a very straightforward process. The big four banks in China are the Bank of China (), China Construction Bank (), Agricultural Bank of China () and Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (). For locally-owned banks you only need your passport with a valid visa (tourist visas are acceptable). Some banks such as Bank of East Asia will require proof of residence, but this restriction mostly applies to banks based in Hong Kong. For long-term travel or residence, a Chinese bank account is a very good idea. Depending on the bank, the PIN andor ID may be required for withdrawals at the counter (ask beforehand some foreign banks only require a signature for withdrawal if youre not comfortable with that dont open an account there) although deposits can be made no questions asked if you have the bank book or card they issued with your account. Depending on the bank, the minimum initial deposit is 1-100 (some multinational banks like Citibank or DBS require five-digit minimum deposits these banks are to be avoided for the average person). You may receive a bank book in which will record all transactions and balances - including foreign currency balances. However, most banks in big cities offer card-only accounts by default if you want a bank book youll have to ask unless they dont issue ATM cards at all (such as Shinhan Bank or Dah Sing Bank) Banks usually charge a fee (around 1) for depositing and withdrawing money in a different city than the one you opened your account in (if opening with Woori Bank, they offer unlimited ATM withdrawals at any ATM in China until June 2011, and Wing Hang Bank offers free withdrawals anywhere in the world, with the card fee waived until 2014). ATMs are now present in almost all towns and cities except in the most remote areas. Many ATMs accept Visa, Mastercard, AMEX, Maestro, and Plus debit and credit cards although some only accept UnionPay and Pulse, Interac, or Link ATM cards. Also, in Shanghai, most of the smaller local banks have relations with each other allowing for no-fee interbank deposits for any amount and withdrawals over 3,000. Also, any Bank of Shanghai deposit-capable ATM can do deposits for any bank with a Shanghai-issued account. Bank of China Bank of China ATMs are occasionally the only ATMs where an international bank card will work. This bank has good international banking experience. China Construction Bank amp Bank of America Bank of America and China Construction Bank have business ties, and because of this, Bank of America customers can use China Construction Bank ATMs without any fees to withdraw RMB. China Merchants Bank This bank gets best reviews from expatriates as of July 2009. Standard Chartered This bank is also very expat-friendly (it is based in the UK), however branches outside the big cities are lacking. They offer unlimited interbank ATM withdrawals within the city the card was issued in as long as the amount drawn is over 2000 each time and they also offer multiple foreign-currency investment products. Woori Bank It has even fewer branches than Standard Chartered, but offers the Shanghai Tourist Card, which gives discounts at assorted restaurants and half-price tickets to various attractions, as a debit card. Locally-owned banks only issue this as a credit card, which foreigners cant get, so this is the better choice if travelling to Shanghai. They also offer unlimited free ATM withdrawals anywhere in China. As a Korean bank, they typically cater to Koreans and it shows in the level of customer service. ICBC The largest bank in China. Do note that if you are employed in China, you may not get a choice: many companies and schools deposit into only one bank, and therefore you must have an account with that bank to get paid. Of course you may later transfer the money to an account with a bank of choosing. Shopping Edit Antiquities Banned From Export Chinas government passed a law in May 2007 banning the export of antiques from before 1911. It is thus illegal to take antiques out of China. Even antiques from before 1911 bought in proper auctions cannot be taken out of the country. As violation of this law could lead to heavy fines and a possible jail term, it would be wise to heed it. However if you let vendors know you are aware of this law they may lower their prices since they know you know their antiques really arent Ming Dynasty originals. As Chinas emergent middle class finds itself with increasing amounts of disposable income, shopping has become a national pastime. A wide range of goods are available to suit any budget. Do not expect everything to be cheap. The prices of imported brand name items, such as camping equipment, mountain bikes, mobile phones and electronics, cosmetics, personal care products, sportswear, cheese, chocolate, coffee and milk powder are often higher than overseas. Many Chinese tourists would buy such items in Hong Kong, not in mainland China. In most brand name shops, upscale malls and supermarkets, the prices already have Value-Added Tax (VAT) and any sales tax included. Thus, anything with a marked price tends to be sold at that price or, perhaps, slightly below especially if you pay cash and do not require a receipt for your purchase. For unmarked goods, there is wide room for bargaining. Regarding discounts, Chinese make sales using the character: ( zh ) which represented the fraction of the original price you pay. For example, 8 refers to 20 off 6.5 is equal to 35 off. China excels in handmade items, partly because of long traditions of exquisite artisanship and partly because labour is still comparatively inexpensive. Take your time, look closely at quality and ask questions, but dont take all the answers at face value Many visitors come looking for antiques, and hunting in the flea markets can be great fun. The overwhelming majority of the antique items you will be shown are fakes, no matter how convincing they look and no matter what the vendor says. Do not spend serious money unless you know what you are doing, since novices are almost always taken for a ride. Porcelain at Shanghais antique market Porcelain with a long history of porcelain manufacture, China still makes great porcelain today. Most visitors are familiar with Ming-style blue and white, but the variety of glazes is much greater, including many lovely monochrome glazes which are worth seeking out. Specialist shops near hotels and the top floors of department stores are a good place to start, though not the cheapest. The antique markets are also a good place to find reproductions, though it can be hard to escape from vendors attempts to convince you that their items are genuine antiques (with prices to match). Two of the most famous centers for porcelain are Jingdezhen and Quanzhou. Furniture in the 1990s and 2000s China become a major source of antique furniture, mostly sourced from the vast countryside. As the supply of old items has dwindled many of the restorers are now turning to making new items using the old styles. The quality of new pieces is often excellent and some great bargains can still be had in new and old items. Furniture tends to be concentrated in large warehouses on the outskirts of cities Beijing, Shanghai and Chengdu all have plenty of these and hotels can tell you how to find them. Major sellers can also arrange international shipment in most cases. Zhongshan in particular has a huge furniture market. Art and Fine Art the art scene in China is divided into three non-interacting parts. First, there are the traditional painting academies which specialize in classical painting (bird and flower, landscapes with rocks and water, calligraphy), with conservative attitudes and serving up painting that conforms to the traditional image of Chinese art. Second, there is a burgeoning modern art scene, including oil painting, photography and sculpture, bearing little relation to the former type. Both scenes are worth checking out and include the full range from the glorious to the dreadful. The centre of the modern scene is undoubtedly Beijing, where the Da Shan Zi (sometimes called 798) warehouse district is emerging as the new frontier for galleries, reminiscent of New Yorks Soho in the mid-80s. The third arts scene fits closely with Chinas prowess in mass-production. China has become famous for producing hand painted reproductions of great works. The Shenzhen suburb of Dafen is particularly renowned for its reproductions. Jade There are two types of Jade in China today: one type is pale and almost colorless and is made from a variety of stones mined in China. The other type is green in color and is imported from Myanmar (Burma) - if genuine The first thing to be aware of when buying Jade is that you will get what you pay for (at best). Genuine Burmese jade with a good green colour is extraordinarily expensive and the cheap green jade you will see in the markets is made either from synthetic stone or from natural stone that has been coloured with a green dye. When buying jade look closely at the quality of the carving: How well finished is it Is it refined, or crude with tool marks visible The quality of the stone often goes along with the quality of the carving. Take your time and compare prices before buying. If you are going to spend a fair sum of money, do it in specialist stores, not flea markets. Khotan in Xinjiang is a famous area for jade production. Carpets China is home to a remarkable variety of carpet-making traditions. These include Mongolian, Ningxia, Tibetan and modern types. Many tourists come looking for silk carpets although these are actually a fairly recent tradition with most of the designs being taken from middle-eastern traditions rather than reflecting Chinese designs. Be aware that though the workmanship is quite fine on these carpets they often skimp on materials, particularly dyes. These are prone to fading and colour change, especially if the carpet is displayed in a brightly lit place. Some excellent wool carpets are also made in China. Tibetan carpets are amongst the best in terms of quality and construction, but be aware that most carpets described as Tibetan are not actually made in Tibet, with a few notable exceptions. As with jade, best to buy from stores with a reputation to uphold. Pearls amp Pearl Jewellery cultured Akoya and freshwater pearls are mass-produced and sold at markets across China. The use of large scale aquaculture makes pearl jewellery affordable and widely available. Big, lustrous, near-round and round freshwater pearls come out with a variety of colours and overtones. In addition to jewellery, pearl-based cosmetics are also widely available. Silver Coins a variety of silver coins are sold in Chinas markets with good reason: in the 19th century, the emperor decreed that foreigners had to pay for all trade goods in silver. The United States even minted a special silver trade dollar just to meet this requirement. Collectors can find Mexican, U. S. French Indochinese, Chinese and other silver dollars available for purchase, mostly dated 1850-1920. Unfortunately, most of the coins on sale now are counterfeit. If you want to collect coins, carry a small portable scale to check their weights. In a tourist area, expect at least 90 to fail this simple test. Other arts and Crafts Other items to look for include Cloisonne (coloured enamels on a metal base), lacquer work, opera masks, kites, shadow puppets, Socialist-realist propaganda posters, wood carvings, scholars rocks (decorative rocks, some natural, some less so), paper-cuts, and so on. Luxury goods such as jade, expensive ceramics and other artwork, antiques or carpets are risky. Most of the antique furniture available today are replicas. Much of the jade is either glass or low quality stone that has been dyed a nice green some is even plastic. Various stone carvings are actually moulded glass. The samurai swords are mostly either inferior weapons mass produced for the Japanese military and Manchurian soldiers in World War II or modern Chinese copies. At the right price, any of such goods can be a very good buy. However, none of them are worth anywhere near the price of real top-quality goods. Unless you are an expert on whatever you want to buy, you are quite likely to get sold low quality merchandise at high prices. There are two solutions. Either stick to the cheaper products, some of which are quite nice as keepsakes, or if you do decide to spend a substantial amount, then deal with a large and reputable vendor you may not get the bargains an expert could find elsewhere, but you probably wont get cheated either. Clothing Edit Nanjing Road in Shanghai China is one of the worlds leading manufacturers of clothing, shoes and accessories. Name-brand goods, whether Chinese or foreign, tend to be expensive when compared with the unbranded clothing sold in markets throughout the country. See next section for additional comment. Chinese brands, similar in look, feel and style to their foreign counterparts, are often an excellent deal. Cheap unbranded clothing is also often cheaply manufactured check the seams and stitching before making a purchase. Travellers would be wise to try on any item they wish to purchase as sizes tend to be very erratic. Items of clothing which may be a size XL in the US can be anywhere from an L to a XXXL in China. Most nicer stores have a tailor on call who will adjust the length and hem of pants in 15-30min for free. There are very affordable tailors anywhere in China. In the major cities, some of them can make a fine job of Western-style garments. Shirts, pants and suits can be measured, fitted, assembled and delivered within three days in many cases. Some tailors have their own fabric selections while others require customers to purchase it in advance from fabric markets. The quality of the tailors, as everywhere, varies widely. More reputable tailors will often come to hotels to do measurements, fittings and final sales. Brand-name goods Edit Items with big worldwide brand labels sold in China may be bogus, especially expensive and exclusive popular brands. By no means all are bogus virtually all major brands market in China, but some will be unauthorized or downright bogus. If you are buying genuine branded foreign goods, particularly haute couture brands such as Gucci, Louis Vuitton and Prada, or popular brands such as Nike or Adidas, be aware that they will not be cheaper than buying them in Western countries. Wealthy Chinese who can afford to travel often purchase luxury brand name goods in Hong Kong or overseas, as it is significantly cheaper than buying them in mainland China. There are a number of sources of potential knock-offs or fake brand name goods. The most common variant comes from a Chinese firm that gets a contract to deliver, say, 100,000 shirts to BigBrand. They actually have to make a few more than that because some will fail quality control. Maybe 105,000 What the heck, make 125,000. Any extras will be easy to sell after all they have the BigBrand label. So 25,000 shirts 8212 a few factory seconds and many perfectly good shirts 8212 arrive on the Chinese market, without BigBrands authorization. A traveler might be happy to buy these 8212 just check carefully to avoid the seconds and you get exactly the shirt BigBrand sells for a much better price. However, it doesnt end there. If the factory owner is greedy, he goes on to crank out a bunch more. Only now he doesnt have to worry about BigBrands strict quality control. He can cut a few corners, slap the BigBrand label on them, and make a great profit. These may or may not be a good buy, but in any case they are not what you would expect from BigBrand. Finally, of course, some other factory may be cranking out utterly bogus BigBrand shirts. These outright forgeries often misspell the brand name which is a dead giveaway. Fake brand oddities include items such as a reversible jacket with Adidas on one side and Nike on the other or shirts with more than one brand. While these might be interesting curiosities, they obviously are not genuine examples of either brand. There are two basic rules for dealing with expensive brand name goods in China. First, you cannot just trust the brand inspect the goods carefully for flaws. Check the spelling on labels. Second, if the deal seems too good to be true, be very suspicious. China makes a lot of good cheap products, but a hundred dollar LV handbag is utterly certain to be bogus. Bogus goods can cause legal problems. Selling pirate DVDs or forged brand name goods is illegal in China, but enforcement is lax. It is generally much less lax at customs for travelers home countries. Customs officials will seize pirated DVDs or bogus brand name goods if they find them. Some Western travelers have even reported having to pay hefty fines after being caught returning home with bogus products. Counterfeit and swing production markets in Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Beijing are nonetheless fantastically amusing and a great place to get a completely new designer wardrobe for a fraction of the cost in a Western country. Feel free to purchase these items but remove the tags prior to taking them home. If you have a suitcase full of brand new tagged designer knock-offs or swing produced clothes, you are likely to be hassled by customs. The likely worst case scenario is you will lose the items and receive a fine the best case scenario is you will lose the items. Simply remove the tags and they will almost certainly go unnoticed with the rest of your belongings. Software, Music and Movies Edit Most CDs (music or software) and DVDs in China are unauthorized copies. The ones that sell for 6-10 and come in cheap flat paper envelopes are absolutely certain to be bogus. Some of the ones at higher prices with better packaging might be legal copies, but it can be hard to tell. Probably the best way to avoid bogus discs is to buy at one of the larger bookstores or department stores most of these have a CDDVD section. The prices are 15-40. Some good checks, or dead giveaways, for a fake are: Credits on the back of the case which do not match the movie. Covers which are obviously made from cinema poster images (Coming Soon, the release date, etc. mentioned on them.) Covers which feature uncomplimentary reviews (Heavy on the spice and light on the meat, Nothing more than you could get from an episode of CSI, etc.) In stores, it is usually acceptable to ask the owner to test the DVD to make sure it works and has the correct language soundtrack. If you buy DVDs or CDs and plan to take them home, be sure to get a receipt that will prove your good faith to Western customs officers. Endangered species Edit There are products that are fairly common in China which you should avoid purchasing 8212 coral, ivory, and parts from endangered animal species. Chinas economic miracle has been a disaster for the worlds wildlife and has left such species as the elephant, tiger, rhinoceros, Tibetan antelope and Snow Lotus decimated or on the verge of extinction. The city of Pingyao and several markets on the outskirts of Beijing are notorious for selling rare animal skins, furs, claws, horns, skulls, bones, and other parts from endangered (even extinct) species. Anyone purchasing such items is encouraging the further destruction of the species in question. It is illegal to trade in such products in nearly all countries, including China, under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species. Enforcement in China is somewhat lax, but anyone buying such products risks serious hassles either when trying to leave China with them or when trying to import them into another country. This can bring substantial fines andor jail time. So if a store clerk seems eager to sell you a leopard skin or an ivory trinket, use your better judgment and move on. Ivory is an odd special case. Trade in modern ivory is illegal worldwide, but some antique ivory items are legal. If you want to take any ivory items home, there will be paperwork 8212 at an absolute minimum, you will need a letter from a reputable dealer stating the date of origin. Check with your own countrys customs department for other requirements. Also remember that China restricts export of anything older than 1911 (see infobox), and that many of the ivory items in China are fakes made from various synthetics or ground bone. Bargaining Edit Bargaining is a national pastime in China. You can bargain over almost anything, and sometimes its even possible to ask for discount in a restaurant at the last minute before you check the bill. Many restaurants or bars will willingly offer a free dish or two (such as a fruit plate in a KTV) if you have made a particularly large order. Shopping malls are less willing to bargain, but why not ask Will I get a gift Unlike many southeast Asian countries, the tourism industry in China is overwhelmingly dominated by Chinese businesses, not westerners running businesses for their own such as seen in places like Bangkoks Khao San Road or Saigons Pham Ngu Lao. Merchants in touristy areas, particularly street and sidewalk-stall sellers, are masters in exploiting the wallets of foreigners. They can also be very pushy, sometimes even grabbing your hands. Prices are almost always posted, but they are all substantially marked up, normally 2-3 times. Some items like silk fans (largest size: 12) are posted as 16560-75, but the lowest price is actually just 16510. Therefore its often better to buy souvenirs somewhere just a few blocks away from the tourist spots. Local Chinese tourists have no issue with posted prices because they are all well trained in the art of bargaining. Foreigners always pay more for everything negotiable in China but remember that Chinese whose accents identify them as being from other provinces also pay higher prices than locals. The purchasing power of the nouveau riche in China makes the place not always cheap any more. When you go to tourist spots, it is possible to see a 1651,000 skirt tailor-made by a designer, 1652,000 per a bag of tea, or dozens of thousands for silverware. It is hard to tell what price to offer when starting negotiations. Depending on the city, product or market in question, 5 to 50 of the posted price or vendors first offer is common. Do note that if someone offers you too-great-to-be-true discount, it could be a sign that the goods are of less than great quality. The rule of thumb is to walk around and compare. In tourist spots, its common to ask for a 30-50 discount, but in a place catering to local people, asking for a 50 discount will only make a fool of yourself. In a tourist places, dont take what merchants say seriously. When you ask for a 50 discount, they may be appalled and show scorn its a favourite drama. Souvenirs, including antiques, are almost all standard products from factories. Compare more. Do be aware that in tourist markets, the room for negotiation is not as wide as it used to be. With so many tourists all shopping for the same products, vendors know they can make high margins and may not be as amenable to negotiating. If your starting price is too low, they may dismiss you because trying to get the margin they want isnt worth their time. Souvenirs in some places may have no connection with the history of the place, and change frequently, often appearing to be cheap nick nacks the stallholders association picked up cheap and in bulk from a disposal sale. In this former communist country, most local people still expect a standard price for grocery products and see it as black-hearted ( hixn) to charge too much, even if the shops are in a major business district. However, in a tourist place where rental payments are skyrocketing, if someone sells you a bottle of Coca Cola for 1655 (usually 1653 in most places), you may have a chance to bargain a little bit too. It sometimes works, but not all the time. Souvenir shops for jewellery, herbs, and tea recommended by hotel staff can also be tricky. While it is common that the staff takes tourists to places that give them commission, it is also common that they take you to certain places because the establishment actually offers decent products and prices. If you make a show of being overly cautious, it is likely to offend your hosts because you are suggesting a good guy is actually a cheater. In several places like the Lijiang Ancient City, when the ethnic horse carriage drivers stop by a souvenir shop, assume that youre paying commission. These carriage operators are notoriously known for extorting money from shops, or creating trouble if the shops refuse to pay. The local government usually avoids intervening in these cases where minority ethnic groups are involved. Many group tours include mandatory visits to Chinese medicine hospitals such as the National Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, silk. tea, or jade factories or similar shops. The goods are often expensive and include a commission for the tour guide or group. Use your judgement if you want to buy anything. However, the shops visited on tours can offer competitive prices and safe, reliable, international shipping for goods like silk and jade. Basics Edit Unless you are fortunate enough to have a major supermarket or expat-focused grocery store within walking distance of your hotel (see next section below), the most convenient option for basic supplies and groceries will almost always be a convenience store. Major chains in China include Kedi, Alldays, FamilyMart, and 7-Eleven. China has belatedly caught up with East Asias love affair with convenience stores, to the point where the first-tier cities like Beijing and Shanghai have become oversaturated with them. Many convenience stores sell individual toilet paper rolls, which are a necessity for touring China as many public restrooms do not have toilet paper. Although supermarkets also sell toilet paper, they tend to sell it in 6 or 10-packs which are too much for tourists. Some discount and mid-market department stores in China also have groceries sections. Western goods Edit Areas with large expatriate communities like Beijing. Shanghai. Guangzhou and Shenzhen have specialty grocery stores catering to those communities. Size and selection may vary, between city to city and store brand. They usually stock imported snacks, alcohol, and specialty groceries such as meats and cheeses and are often more expensive. See individual articles for details. Several Western-owned supermarket chains are widespread in China 8212 Wal-mart ( Wrm), Metro ( Midlng), TESCO, and Carrefour ( Jilf). All have some Western groceries - often at high prices. However, the availability of foreign products diminishes at their branches in second or third-tier cities. Metro is probably the best of these in particular it usually has a fine selection of alcohol. Asian-owned chains include Jusco ( Jishk), RT-Mart ( Drnf). LOTTE Mart ( Letianmate), Lotus, and SM these also carry imported goods. Some larger Chinese chains such as Beijing Hualian ( Bijng Hulin) also carry a limited selection of foreign products. Furthermore, there are a lot of online services providing home delivery of food and drinks. Two most famous nationwide websites are M1NT Cellars, offering imported wines and all kinds of alcoholic beverages, and Sherpa, delivering food and soft drinks right at your door step. Tobacco products Edit While China has experienced a declining trend for smoking, it is still a popular habit and cigarettes ( xingyn) are generally cheap. Cigarettes can be purchased from small neighbourhood stores, convenience stores, counters located in supermarkets and in department stores. Most mainstream Chinese brands sell at around 5-20 for a 20-pack. Popular national brands include Zhongnanhai ( zhngnnhi), Honghe ( hngh), Baisha, Nanjing, Liqun, and Double Happiness ( shungx). Some local brands sold in certain regions can be much cheaper whilst others are more expensive. Chinese cigarettes are stronger than many foreign cigarettes (13mg tar is the norm) although Zhongnanhai is popular with foreign visitors, having a similar taste to Marlboro Light but only half the price. Western brands are available including Marlboro ( wnbol), 555 ( sn w), Davidoff ( dwidf), Kent, Salem and Parliament. Western cigarettes are a little more expensive - stick to major convenience store chains such as C-Store or Kedi as many smaller stores sell counterfeit or illegally imported cigarettes. Premium-brand cigarettes are often ridiculously overpriced and are vary rarely smoked personally - they are usually offered as gifts or bribes as an expression of wealth. The two most famous premium brands include Zhonghua ( zhnghu) (60-100) and Panda (100). If you choose to buy them then stick to major department stores - those sold in neighbourhood cigarette stores are likely to be fake. Rolling tobacco and papers are rare in urban China. Lighters ( dhuj) are usually cheap (about 1) but flimsily made. Zippos are widely available but expensive whilst counterfeits cheaper. Cigars can be bought from some specialty tobacco stores and Chinese-made cigars can be good - expect to pay around 16520-30 for 10 locally produced cigars. Beware of counterfeit western-brand cigars sold in bar-districts they are usually terrible and ridiculously overpriced. Genuine Cuban cigars are available in cigar bars and upscale establishments in large cities but are often very expensive (luxury goods are heavily taxed). Duty-free stores in international airports, international rail stations (e. g. Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou East) and at land borders sell a greater range of imported brands - expect to pay between 16580-150 for a 200-cigarette carton. A food street in Jinan Food in China varies widely from region to region so the term Chinese food is pretty much a blanket term, just like Western food. While visiting, relax your inhibitions and try a bit of everything. Be aware that some Chinese food, such as Beef and Broccoli or Chow Mein should be avoided (if you could even find them), as these are not real Chinese dishes and will get you strange looks from locals. Do keep in mind that undercooked food or poor hygiene can cause bacterial or parasitic infection, particularly during warm or hot weather. Thus it is advisable to take great care about (and perhaps abstain from) eating seafood and meat on the street during the summer. In addition, unless youre in Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai or other large cities, raw meat and seafood should be avoided. That all being said, the hygiene conditions of a restaurant are usually satisfactory which means that diarrhea is usually not a risk to most people. Chinese gourmands place emphasis on freshness so your meal will most likely be cooked as soon as you order it. Searing hot woks over coal or gas fires make even street food usually safe to eat. Indeed freshly prepared street food, as noted by many travel writers, is often safer than the food sitting on the buffet lines of 5-star hotels. China is no exception. The two-menu system where different menus are presented according to the skin color of a guest remains largely unheard of in China. Most restaurants only have one menu - the Chinese one. Learning some Chinese characters such as beef (), pork (), chicken (), fish (), stir-fried (), deep-fried (), braised (), baked or grilled (), soup (), rice (), or noodles () will take you a long way. As pork is the most common meat in Chinese cuisine, where a dish simply lists meat (), assume it is pork. Certain Chinese dishes contain ingredients some people may prefer to avoid, such as dog, snake or endangered species. However, it is very unlikely that you will order these dishes by a mistake. Dog and snake are usually served in specialty restaurants which do not hide their ingredients. Obviously, products made from endangered ingredients will have astronomical prices and would not be listed on the regular menu anyway. Generally speaking, rice is the main staple in the south, while wheat, mostly in the form of noodles, is the main staple in the north. Regional Cuisines Edit Four Great Traditions () Edit Jiangsu Zhejiang Shanghai ( Huiyng ci,,S Ci, Huaiyang cuisine): Huaiyang cuisine tends to have a sweet side to it and is almost never spicy. Pork, freshwater fish, and other aquatic creatures serve as the meat base in most dishes, which are usually more meticulous and light compared to the more brash eating styles of northern China. Huaiyang cuisine also includes several breakfast choices such as crab soup dumplings ( xehang tngbo), thousand-layered cake ( qincng go), steamed dumplings ( zhngjio), tofu noodles ( dzh gns), and wild vegetable steamed buns ( ci bozi). Cantonese Guangzhou Hong Kong ( Gungdng Ci . Yu Ci ): the style most Western visitors are already familiar with to some extent. Not too spicy, the emphasis is on freshly cooked ingredients and seafood. Dim Sum ( Dinxn ), small snacks usually eaten for breakfast or lunch, are a highlight. That being said, authentic Cantonese cuisine is also among the most adventurous in China in terms of variety of ingredients as the Cantonese are famous, even among the Chinese, for their extremely wide definition of what is considered edible. Shandong ( Shndng ci . L Ci . Shandong cuisine): Although modern transport has greatly increased the availability of ingredients throughout China, Shandong cuisine remains rooted in its ancient traditions. Most notable is the staggering array of seafood, including scallops, prawns, clams, sea cucumbers, and squid. Sichuan ( Chun Ci ): Famously hot and spicy. A popular saying is that it is so spicy your mouth will go numb. However, not all dishes are made with live chilies. The numbing sensation actually comes from the Sichuan peppercorn (). Sichuanese food is widely available outside Sichuan and also native to Chongqing. If you want really authentic Sichuanese food outside Sichuan or Chongqing, look for small eateries sporting the characters for Sichuan cuisine in neighborhoods with lots of migrant workers. These tend to be much cheaper and often better than the ubiquitous up-market Sichuan restaurants. Famous Traditions Edit (The Other Four of the Eight Culinary Traditions of Chinese cuisine) Fujian ( Fjin Ci . Mn Ci ): uses ingredients mostly from coastal and estuarial waterways. Buddha Jumps over a Wall ( F Tio Qing ) is particularly famous. According to legend, the smell was so good a monk forgot his vegetarian vows and leaped over the wall to have some. Fujian cuisine can be split into at least two distinct cuisines: Minnan cuisine from the area around Xiamen and Mindong cuisine from the area around Fuzhou. Zhejiang ( Zh Ci ): includes the foods of Hangzhou, Ningbo, and Shaoxing. A delicately seasoned, light-tasting mix of seafood and vegetables often served in soup. Sometimes lightly sweetened or sometimes sweet and sour, Zhejiang dishes frequently involve cooked meats and vegetables in combination. Hunan ( Hnn Ci . Xing Ci ): the cuisine of the Xiangjiang region, Dongting Lake and western Hunan Province. Similar, in some ways, to Sichuanese cuisine, it can actually be spicier in the Western sense. Anhui ( nhu ci) . hu ci ): Anhui cuisine is known for its use of wild herbs, from both the land and the sea, and simple methods of preparation. Braising and stewing are common cooking techniques. Frying and stir frying are used much less frequently in Anhui cuisine than in other Chinese culinary traditions. Anhui cuisine consists of three styles: the Yangtze River region, Huai River region, and southern Anhui region. Anhui has ample uncultivated fields and forests, so the wild herbs used in the regions cuisine are readily available. Other traditions Edit Shanghai ( H Ci ): because of its geographical location, Shanghai cuisine is considered to be a good mix of northern and southern Chinese cooking styles. The most famous dishes are xiaolongbao ( Xiolngbo ) and chives dumplings ( Jici Jiozi ). Another specialty is pulled noodles ( lmin ), from which Japanese ramen and Korean ramyeon are believed to be derived. Fried dishes are often somewhat sweet. Teochew Chaozhou ( Chozhu Ci ): originating from the Shantou area in northern Guangdong, a unique style which nonetheless will be familiar to most Southeast Asian and Hong Kong Chinese. Famous dishes include braised duck ( Ly ), yam paste dessert ( Yn ) and fishballs ( Ywn ). Guizhou ( Guzhu Ci . Qin Ci ): combines elements of Sichuan and Xiang cuisine, making liberal use of spicy, peppery and sour flavors. The peculiar zhergen ( Zhrgn ), a regional root vegetable, adds an unmistakable sour-peppery flavor to many dishes. Minority dishes such as Sour Fish Hot Pot ( Sun Tng Y ) are widely enjoyed. Hainan ( Qing Ci ): famous among the Chinese, but still relatively unknown to foreigners, characterized by the relatively heavy use of coconuts. The signature specialties are the Four Famous Dishes of Hainan ( Hi Nn S D Mng Ci ): Wenchang chicken ( Wnchng j ), Dongshan goat ( Dngshn yng ), Jiaji duck ( Jij y ) and Hele crab ( Hl xi ). Beijing ( Jng Ci ): home-style noodles and baozi ( bread buns), Peking Duck ( Bijng Koy ), cabbage dishes, great pickles. Not fancy but can be great and satisfying. Imperial ( Gngtng Ci ): the food of the late Qing court, made famous by the Empress Dowager Cixi, can be sampled at high-end specialized restaurants in Beijing. The cuisine combines elements of Manchu frontier food such as venison with exotica such as camels paw, sharks fin and birds nest. Fast food Edit Various types of Chinese food provide quick, cheap, tasty, light meals. Street food and snacks sold from portable vendors can be found throughout Chinas cities. Wangfujing districts Snack Street in Beijing is a notable, if touristy, area for street food. In Cantonese-speaking areas, street food vendors are called gai bin dong such ventures can grow into a substantial business with the stalls only barely mobile in the traditional street food sense. Various quick eats available nationwide include: Various, usually sweet, items from the ubiquitous bakeries (, ). A great variety of sweets and sweet food found in China are often sold as snacks, rather then as a post-meal dessert course in restaurants as in the West. Barbecued sticks of meat from street vendors. Yang rou chuan (), or fiery Xinjiang-style lamb kebabs, are particularly renowned. Jiaozi (), which Chinese translate as dumplings, boiled, steamed or fried ravioli-like items with a variety of fillings. These are found throughout Asia momos, mandu, gyoza, and jiaozi are all basically variations of the same thing. Baozi (), steamed buns stuffed with savoury, sweet or vegetable fillings. Mantou (), steamed bread available on the roadside - great for a very cheap and filling snack. Lanzhou-style lamian (), fresh hand-pulled noodles. This industry is heavily dominated by members of the Hui () ethnic group37 - look for a tiny restaurant with staff in Muslim dress, white fez-like hats on the men and head scarves on the women. In Guangdong and sometimes elsewhere, dim sum (). At any major tourist destination in China, you may well find someone serving dim sum for Hong Kong customers. The Western notion of fast food is arguably as popular as the domestic variety. KFC (), McDonalds (), Subway () and Pizza Hut () are ubiquitous, at least in mid-sized cities and above. Although common, the menus and flavors in these Western chains have been altered to suit Chinese tastes, such as Mcdonalds Red Bean Mcflurry. There are a few Burger Kings (), Dominos and Papa Johns () as well but only in major cities. Chinese chains are also widespread. These include Dicos () - chicken burgers, fries etc. cheaper than KFC and some say better - and Kung Fu () - which has a more Chinese menu. Another Western brand that takes on a surprising incarnation in China is Hagen-Dazs. If you see a Hagen-Dazs in a larger city like Shanghai or Guangzhou, note that it is in fact a formal dining experience, where an ice cream sundae will cost about 100 RMB. Also note that some other Western brands that are considered casual in the West may take on a more formal atmosphere in China. Pizza Hut is an example of this. Etiquette Edit China is the birthplace of chopsticks and unsurprisingly, much important etiquette relates to the use of chopsticks. While the Chinese are generally tolerant about table manners, you will most likely be seen as ill-mannered, annoying or offensive when using chopsticks in improper ways. Stick to the following rules: Never use your chopsticks to examine a dish piece by piece, making everyone taste your saliva. Implicitly use your eye to target what you want, and pick it. Once you pick a piece, you are obliged to take it. Dont put it back. Confucius says never leave someone what you dont want. When someone is picking from a dish, dont try to cross over or go underneath his arms to pick from a dish further away. Wait until they finish picking. In most cases, a dish is not supposed to be picked simultaneously by more than one person. Dont try to compete with anyone to pick a piece from the same dish. Dont put your chopsticks vertically into your bowl of rice as it is reminiscent of incense sticks burning at the temple and carries the connotation of wishing death for those around you. Instead, place it across your bowl or on the chopstick rest, if provided. Dont drum your bowl with chopsticks. Only beggars do it. People dont find it funny even if youre willing to satirically call yourself a beggar. Other less important dining rules include: Many travel books suggest that cleaning your plate suggests that your host did not to feed you well and will feel pressured to order more food. In general, finishing a meal involves a delicate balance. Cleaning your plate will typically invite more to be served, while leaving too much may be a sign that you didnt like it. When youre stuffed, you will please your host by lifting up a thumb, telling your host how much you enjoy it, and theatrically rubbing your belly to show that youre stuffed. Communal chopsticks () are not always provided. Diners typically use their own chopsticks to transfer food to their bowl. While many Westerners consider this unhygienic, it is usually safe. However, if desired, it is acceptable to request communal utensils. Making slurping noises when eating is common but could be considered inappropriate, especially among well educated families. However, slurping is seen by some gourmands as a way to enhance flavor. Spoons are used when drinking soups or eating watery dishes such as porridge. In China, the dish should be scooped towards you, and not away from you as done in the West, as the Chinese believe that this rakes in wealth. If a piece is too slippery to pick, do it with the aid of a spoon do not spear it with the sharp end of the chopstick. All dishes are shared, similar to family style dining in North America. When you order anything, its not just for you, its for everyone. Youre expected to consult others before you order a dish. When youre asked about your opinion, being overly picky is usually seen as annoying. It is normal for your host or hostess to put food on your plate. It is a gesture of kindness and hospitality. If you wish to decline, do it in a way so that it does not offend. For example, you should insist that they eat and that you serve yourself. Fish heads are considered a delicacy and may be offered to you as an honored guest. In truth, the cheek meat is particularly savory. Treating Edit In China, restaurants and pubs are very common entertainment places and treating plays an important part in socializing. While splitting the bill is beginning to be accepted by young people, treating is still the norm, especially when the parties are in obviously different social classes. Men are expected to treat women, elders to juniors, rich to poor, hosts to guests, working class to non-income class (students). Friends of the same class will usually prefer to split the opportunity to treat, rather than split the bill, i. e. This is my turn, and you treat next time. It is common to see Chinese competing sweatily to pay the bill. You are expected to fight back and say Its my turn, you treat me next time. The smiling loser will accuse the winner of being too courteous. These dramas are becoming somewhat less common among young urban Chinese despite still being widespread among all generations and usually played wholeheartedly. Unless you only hang out with non-Chinese tourists, you will have fair chances of being treated. For budget travelers, the good news is that Chinese tend to be eager to treat foreigners, although you shouldnt expect much from students and working class families and individuals. That being said, Chinese tend to be very tolerant towards foreigners. If you feel like going dutch, try it. They tend to believe that all foreigners prefer to go dutch. If they try to argue, it usually means that they insist on paying for your bill as well, not the opposite. Drink Edit The Chinese love a tipple and the all-purpose word ji () covers quite a range of alcoholic drinks. Toasting Edit Chinese toast with the word gnbi (, literally dry glass). Traditionally one is expected to drain the glass in one swig. During a meal, the visitor is generally expected to drink at least one glass with each person present sometimes there may be considerable pressure to do this. And it can be considered rude, at least early during the meal, if you do not make a toast every time you take a drink. Exercise caution. Fortunately, the glasses are usually small 8212 even beer is often drunk from an oversized shot glass. The Chinese liquor, baijiu . is definitely potent (up to 65 alcohol). Baijiu is often drunk in small shot glasses for a good reason. US president Nixon practiced drinking before his first trip to China to be ready to drink with Mao Zedong. Unless you are used to imbibing heavily, be very careful when drinking with Chinese. If you want to take it easy but still be sociable, say subin () before you make the toast, then drink only part of the glass. It may also be possible to have three toasts (traditionally signifying friendship) with the entire company, rather than one separate toast for every individual present. Alcohol Edit The legal drinkingpurchasing age in China is 18 . except in Macau where there is no legal drinkingpurchasing age. Merk . alcohol regulations of Hong Kong and Macau are different from Mainland China Beer ( pji ) is very common in China and is served in nearly every restaurant. The most famous brand is Tsingtao () from Qingdao, which was at one point a German concession. Other brands abound and are generally light beers in a pilsner or lager style with 3-4 alcohol. In addition to national brands, most cities will have one or more cheap local beers. Some companies (Tsingtao, Yanjing) also make a dark beer ( hipji ). In some regions, beers from other parts of Asia are fairly common and tend to be popular with travellers 8212 Filipino San Miguel in Guangdong, Singaporean Tiger in Hainan, and Laotian Beer Lao in Yunnan, The typical price for beer is about 2.5-4 in a grocery store, 4-18 in a restaurant, around 25 in an ordinary bar, and 40 in a fancier bar. Most places outside of major cities serve beer at room temperature, regardless of season, though places that cater to American and Canadian tourists have it cold. Locally made grape wine ( ptaoji ) is common and much of it is reasonably priced, from 15 in a grocery store, about 100-150 in a fancy bar. That said, most of the stuff bears only the faintest resemblance to Western wines. The Chinese like their wines red and very, very sweet, and theyre typically served over ice or mixed with Sprite. Great Wall and Dynasty are large brands with a number of wines at various prices their cheaper (under 40) offerings are generally not impressive. Chang Yu is another large brand some of their low end wines are a bit better. If youre looking for a Chinese-made, Western-style wine, try to find these labels: Suntime 38. with a passable Cabernet Sauvignon Yizhu, located in Yili and specializing in ice wine Les Champs Dor, French-owned and probably the best overall winery in China. Imperial Horse and Xixia, from Ningxia Mogao Ice Wine, Gansu Castle Estates, Shandong Shangrila Estates, from Zhongdian. Yunnan There are also several brands and types of rice wine . Most of these resemble a watery rice pudding, they are usually very sweet and only have a very small amount of alcohol for taste. These do not generally much resemble Japanese sake, the only rice wine well-known in the West. Travelers reactions to these vary widely. Biji () is distilled liquor, generally 80 to 120 proof, made from sorghum and sometimes other grains depending on the region. As the word ji is often loosely translated as wine by Chinese beverage firms and English speakers, baijiu is frequently referred to as white wine in conversation. Baijiu will typically be served at banquets and festivals in tiny shot glasses. Toasts are ubiquitous at banquets or dinners on special occasions. Most foreigners find baijiu tastes like diesel fuel, while a liquor connoisseur may find high quality, expensive baijiu quite good. Baijiu is definitely an acquired taste, but once the taste is acquired, its quite fun to ganbei a glass or two at a banquet. The cheapest baijiu is the Beijing brewed rgutu () (4.5 per 100 mL bottle). It comes in two variants: 53 and 56 alcohol by volume. Ordering xio r (Erguotous diminutive nickname) will likely raise a few eyebrows and a chuckle from working class Chinese. Moti (), made in Guizhou Province, is Chinas most famous brand of baijiu and Chinas national liquor. Made from sorghum, Maotai and its expensive cousins (such as Kaoliang in Taiwan) are well-known for their strong fragrance and are actually sweeter than western clear liquors as the sorghum taste is preserved - in a way. Chinese brandy () is excellent value, about the same price as grape wine or baijiu . and generally far more palatable than either. A 16-20 local brandy is not a 200 imported brand-name cognac, but it is close enough that you should only buy the cognac if money doesnt matter. Expats debate the relative merits of brandies from French-owned Louis Wann 39. Chinese brand Changyu 40. and several others. All are drinkable. The Chinese are also great fans of various supposedly medicinal liquors . which usually contain exotic herbs andor animal parts. Some of these have prices in the normal range and include ingredients like ginseng. These can be palatable enough, if tending toward sweetness. Others, with unusual ingredients (snakes, turtles, bees, etc.) and steep price tags, are probably best left to those that enjoy them. Bars, discos and karaoke Edit Western style pubs are becoming increasingly popular across the country. Especially in the more affluent urban centers such as Shenzhen, Shanghai, and Hangzhou one can find painstakingly recreated replicas of traditional Irish or English pubs. Like their Western counterparts most will have a selection of foreign beers on tap as well as provide pub food (of varying quality) and often feature live cover bands. Most of these pubs cater to and are frequented by the expatriate communities so you should not expect to find many Chinese in these places. Be aware that imported beer can be very expensive compared to local brew. To just go out for a few drinks with friends, pick a local restaurant and drink beer at around 5 for a 600 ml bottle. It will be Chinese lager, around 3 alcohol, with a limited choice of brand and may be served warm. Most mid - to high - range restaurants will have small private suites for gatherings (usually offered free if there is more than around 5 people), and the staff will generally not try to hustle you out even if you decide to stay until closing time. Many residents frequent outdoor restaurants or roadside stalls and barbecues (shoko - ) for a nice and inexpensive evening. In discos and fancy bars with entertainment, you normally buy beer 100 at a time this gets you anywhere from 4 import-brand beer (Heineken, Bud, Corona, Sol. ) to 10 local beers. A few places offer cocktails fewer have good ones. Other drinks are sold only by the bottle, not by the glass. Red wine is in the 80-200 range (served with ice and Sprite) and mediocre imported whiskeys (Chivas, Johnny Walker, Jim Beam, Jack Daniels extremely rarely single malts) and cognacs, 300-800. Both are often mixed with sweet bottled green or red tea. Vodka, tequila and rum are less common, but sometimes available. Bogus brand name products are fairly common and may ruin your next day. These places often have bar girls . young women who drink a lot and want to play drinking games to get you to consume more. They get a commission on whatever you buy. In general, these girls will not leave the bar with you they are professional flirts, not prostitutes. Karaoke (OK) is huge in China and can be broadly split into two categories. More common is the no-frills karaoke box or KTV . where you rent a room, bring your friends and the house gives you a mike and sells you booze. Much favored by students, these are cheap and fun with the right crowd, although you need at least a few people for a memorable night. Bringing your own booze can keep the price tag down but must be done on the sly - many places have windows in the door so the staff can make sure you only drink liquor they sold to you. Rather different is the distinctly dodgier special KTV lounge, more oriented to businessmen entertaining clients or letting their hair down, where the house provides anything and everything at a price. At these often opulent establishments 8212 over-the-top Roman and Egyptian themes are standard 8212 youll be joined by short-skirted professional karaoke girls, who charge by the hour for the pleasure of their company and whose services may not be limited to just singing badly and pouring your drinks. Its highly advisable not to venture into these unless youre absolutely sure somebody else is footing the bill, which can easily run into hundreds of dollars even if you keep your pants on. As elsewhere, never never accept an invitation to a restaurant or bar from an available-looking woman who just picked you up in the street sometime after sundown. At best, suggest a different place. If she refuses, drop her on the spot. More than likely, she will steer you into a quiet little place with too many doormen and you will find yourself saddled with a modest meal and beer that will cost you 1,000 or worse. And the doormen wont let you leave till you pay up. This is somewhat rare. But it does happen. China is the birthplace of tea, and at the risk of stating the obvious, theres a lot of tea ( ch ) in China. Green tea ( lch ) is served up for free in some restaurants (depending on region) or for a small fee. The most common types served are: gunpowder tea ( zhch ): a green tea so-named not after the taste but after the appearance of the bunched-up leaves used to brew it (the Chinese name pearl tea is rather more poetic) jasmine tea ( mlihuach ): green-tea scented with jasmine flowers oolong ( wlng ): a half-fermented mountain tea. However, specialist tea houses serve a vast variety of brews, ranging from the pale, delicate white tea ( bich ) to the powerful fermented and aged puer tea ( prch). Tea in Chinese culture is akin to wine in Western culture, and even the same type of tea will come in many different grades. Always check prices carefully before ordering as some of the best varieties can be very pricey indeed. Most tea shops have some teas at several hundred yuan per jing (500 g) and prices up to 2,000 are not uncommon. The record price for top grade tea sold at auction was well over 7000 a gram . Various areas of China have famous teas. Hangzhou, near Shanghai, is famed for its Dragon Well ( lngjng ) green tea. Fujian has the most famous oolong teas, Big Red Robe ( dhngpo ) from Mount Wuyi and Iron Goddess of Mercy ( tigunyn ) from Anxi. Pr in Yunnan has the most famous fully fermented tea, prch (). This comes compressed into hard cakes, originally a packing method for transport by horse caravan to Burma and Tibet. The cakes are embossed with patterns some people hang them up as wall decorations. Most tea shops will be more than happy to let you sit down and try different varieties of tea. Ten Fu Tea is a national chain and in Beijing Wu Yu Tai is the one some locals say they favor. Black tea, the type of tea most common in the West, is known in China as red tea ( hngch ). While almost all Western teas are black teas, the converse isnt true, with many Chinese teas, including the famed Pr also falling into the black tea category. Normal Chinese teas are always drunk neat, with the use of sugar or milk unknown. However, in some areas you will find Hong Kong style milk tea ( nich ) or Tibetan butter tea. Taiwanese bubble tea ( Zhnzh Nich ) is also popular and widely available. Coffee Edit Coffee ( kfi ) is becoming quite popular in urban China, though it is nearly impossible to find in smaller towns. Several chains of coffee shops have branches in many cities, including Starbucks (), UBC Coffee (), Ming Tien Coffee Language and SPR. All offer coffee, tea, and both Chinese and Western food, generally with good air conditioning, wireless internet, and nice decor. 15-40 or so a cup. There are also lots of smaller independent coffee shops or local chains. These may also be high priced, but often they are around 15 a cup. Quality varies from excellent to abysmal. For cheap coffee just to stave off withdrawal symptoms, there are several options. Go to a Western fast food chain (KFC, McD, etc.) for some 8 coffee. Additionally, almost any supermarket or convenience store will have both canned cold coffee and instant Nescaf (black or pre-mixed with whitener and sugar) - just add hot water. Cold drinks Edit Many drinks that are usually served chilled or with ice in the West are served at room temperature in China. Ask for beer or soda in a restaurant, and it may arrive at room temperature, though beer is more commonly served cold, at least in the summer. Water will generally be served hot. That is actually good, because only boiled (or bottled) water is safe to drink, but its not pleasant to drink hot water in the summer. You can get cold drinks from small grocery stores and restaurants, just look for the cooler (even though it might not actually be cool). You can try bringing a cold beverage into a restaurant. Most small restaurants wont mind--if they even notice--and there is no such thing as a cork charge in China. Remember that most people will be drinking tea, which is free anyway, so the restaurant is probably not expecting to profit on your beverage consumption. Asking for ice is best avoided. Many, perhaps most, places just dont have it. The ice they do have may well be made from unfiltered tap water and arguably unsafe for travelers sweating bullets about diarrhea. Sleep Edit WARNING: Foreigners MUST present an original passport with a valid visa for checking in a legal hotel or hostel. Many wikitravellers have reported troubles during check-in when their passports were held by other consulates or PBS office for applying or extending a visa. Without an original passport, you will be refused to check in under any circumstances. Presenting a receipt from the police or consulates to prove the whereabout of your passport will NOT help. Therefore, before applying a new visa, travellers should stay at the same hotelshostels and move until taking back the passport. Travelers will also be denied to stay when their visas or passports have expired. Because every passport must be submitted to the Public Security System, an illegal visa or passport will trigger an alarm and the police may come to you immediately. Hotels in China are subject to a tough control of Public Security Bureau, which strictly requires all legal hotel and hostels to register guests passport and visa information. The offender may be jailed and the relevant property may face a suspension. Do not expect exemption. As of Nov, 2014, the China government does not have a policy to help those who have lost their passports to check in. Due to the tough penalty especially in big cities, it is impossible to ask for the mercy of a receptionist to break the law for you. In this situation, you should call the police and require them to arrange a place for you to stay. In the worst case, you may also look up a list of illegal hostels in a hostel booking website. There are plenty of homestay (, jiating lvguanwhich are illegal accommodations located somewhere in a residential building. These types of accommodations are subject to frequent crackdowns. Be aware that they can also be a magnet of unemployed, criminals and those who overstay with their visas. You should not ditch your common sense when staying at those places. ( 26 May 2015 ) Types of accommodation for tourists range from shared dorm rooms to five-star luxury hotels. In certain areas, foreign tourists are only allowed to stay at several approved hotels. although this is slowly changing. Some cheap establishments are still locally state-run affairs and havent changed much since the Maoist era. Other ultra-cheap options are used as temporary housing by migrant workers and would not appeal to most travelers for security and cleanliness reasons. That said, theres a dizzying number of sleeping options in most Chinese towns, and despite language and legal barriers you should be able to fin d something in your budget and comfort range. Finding a hotel when first arriving in a Chinese city can be a daunting task: a mob of passengers is pushing to disembark from the train or bus, touts are tugging at your arm and screaming in your face to go with them, everything is in incomprehensible Chinese and you are just looking for a place to put down your bag. It doesnt get any better once you get in a cab because the driver doesnt speak any English and every hotel in your guide book is full or closed This can be the experience for many travelers in China, but the pains of finding a hotel room can be avoided if you know where to look and what youre looking for. In addition, star ratings especially for two and three-star hotels generally cannot be trusted in China. Pricing is a much better guide. If youre willing to pay 200 or more for a room, then youll probably have little problem finding a room. But if you want something cheaper yet still comfortable, youll need more information than many guide books provide. The cheapest options include hostels . dorms . and extra rooms called zhusu . Every city has plenty of hotels charging 150 and up. Sleeper trains and sleeper buses can also be a decent option if you schedule your long-distance travel overnight (see the Get around section of this page for more information). If youre in a town and you cant find a hotel, try looking near the bus or train station, an area that typically has a larger selection of cheap hotels. Hotels that are not licensed to accept foreigners can be heavily fined if they are caught housing foreign occupants, but enforcement of this law appears spotty and many unlicensed hotels will find you a room anyway. In the cheapest range of hotels it is important to ask if hot water is available 24 hours-a-day ( yumiyu rshis ge xiosh de rshu ), and check if the shower, sink and toilet actually work. It is also advisable to avoid checking into a room next to a busy street as traffic may keep you up late and wake you up early. If you do plan on just showing up in town and looking for a place to sleep, its best to arrive before 6PM-7PM. or the most popular places will be booked for the night. Note that if you are absolutely at a loss for finding housing, you should seek out the local police () or Public Security Bureau (). They can help you find a place to crash - at least for one night. Prices are often negotiable, and a sharp reduction from the price listed on the wall can often be had, even in nicer hotels, by simpy asking whats the lowest price ( zud dusho ). When staying for more than a few days it is also usually possible to negotiate a lower daily rate. However, these negotiating tactics wont work during the busy Chinese holiday seasons when prices sky-rocket and rooms are hard to get. Many hotels, both chains and individual establishments, have membership cards offering discounts to frequent guests. In mid-range and above hotels, it is common for guests to receive phone calls offering massage services this is actually a thinly-veiled front for prostitution. Booking a room over the Internet with a credit card can be a convenient and speedy method of making sure you have a room when you arrive at your destination, and there are numerous websites that cater for this. Credit cards are not widely used in China, particularly in smaller and cheaper hotels. Such hotels usually ask to be paid in cash, with a security deposit, up front. Some new online services 41 allow you to book without a credit card and pay cash at the hotel. During Chinese holidays, when it is difficult to get a room anywhere, this may be an acceptable option, but in the off-season rooms are plentiful almost everywhere and it may be just as easy to find a room upon arrival as it is to book one over the Internet. Low-cost Housing Edit There are various ways to sleep very cheaply in China: hostels, dorms, zhusu, massage shops, saunas, and spas. Hostels () are, by far, the most comfortable low-cost options. They typically cater to foreigners, have English speaking employees, and can provide cheap, convenient transport around town. Some of them are even cleaner and better furnished than more expensive places. Hostels also have a cozy, international atmosphere and are a good place to meet other travelers and get some half-decent Western food, which can be a godsend after days or weeks surviving off rice and noodles. In most cities of any size there is at least one hostel available, and in travel hot spots such as Beijing, Yangshuo. Dali, and Chengdu there are plenty of hostel options, although they can still fill up quickly because of their popularity with backpackers. Hostels can often be booked on-line in advance although you definitely should bring a print out of your confirmation as not all hostels are aware you can book their rooms (and pay a portion of the cost) on-line in advance. In Beijing, many hostels are located in Hutongs - traditional courtyard homes in the midst of a maze of traditional streets and architecture. While many of Beijings Hutongs have been demolished a movement to save those which remain has led to a boom in youth hostels for backpackers and boutique hotels for the mid-range traveler. Dorm rooms () are located on university campuses, near rural tourist attractions and as part of some hotels. Most travelers have spotty luck with dorms. It is not unusual to have rowdy or intoxicated roommates, and shared bathrooms can take some getting used to, especially if youre not used to traditional squat toilets or taking cold showers. However in some areas, especially on top of some of Chinas holy mountains, dorm rooms might be the only budget option in a sea of luxury resorts. Zhs () . which simply translates as accommodation, can refer to any kind of sleeping accommodation, but those places that have the Chinese characters for zhusu written on the wall outside are the cheapest. A zhusu is not an actual hotel, but simply rooms for rent located in homes, restaurants, and near train and bus stations. Zhusu rooms are universally spartan and bathrooms are almost always shared. The price can be quite low, costing only a few dozen renminbi. Officially a zhusu should not provide a room to a foreigner, but many times the caretaker is eager to get a client and will be willing to rent to anyone. There are never any English signs advertising a zhusu, so if you cant read Chinese you may have to print out the characters for your hunt. Security in zhusus is sketchy, so this option is not recommended if you have valuables with you. Massage shops, saunas, and spas . spa costs vary but can be as low as 25. Entering a spa very late at night (after 1AM) and leaving before noon may get you a 50 discount. When in the spa there are beds or reclining couches in addition to showers, saunas etc. Admission to a spa is typically for 24 hours, and a small locker is provided for bags and personal possessions. This is ideal if you are traveling light. Furthermore spas often provide complimentary food, and paid services such as massages and body scrubbing. There is no privacy because usually everyone sleeps in one room. However, there is more security than in a dorm, since there are attendants who watch over the area, and your belongings (even your clothes) are stored away in the lockers. Dont be fooled when receptionists try to make up reasons why you have to pay more than the listed rate. They may try to convince you that the listed rates are only for members, locals, women, men, or include only one part of the spa (i. e. shower, but no bedcouch). To verify any claims, strike up a conversation with a local a good distance away from the spa and inquire about the prices. Dont let them know that you are checking the spas claims. Just act as if you are thinking about going there if the price is good. If they know that the spa is trying to overcharge you, they will typically support the spas claim. Budget Hotels Edit The next level of hotels, which cater to Chinese clients, are usually officially off-limits to foreigners but you may be able to convince them to accept you, especially if you can speak a smattering of Chinese. The cheapest range of Chinese budget hotels (one step above the zhusu) are called zhodisu (). Unlike zhusu these are licensed accommodations but are similarly spartan and utilitarian, often with shared bathrooms. Slightly more luxurious budget hotels and Chinese business hotels may or may not have English signs and usually have the words lgun (, meaning travel hotel), bngun or jidin ( and , respectively, meaning hotel) in their name. Room options typically include singles and doubles with attached bathrooms, and dorms with shared baths. Some budget hotels include complementary toiletries and Internet. In small, rural towns a nights stay might be as cheap as 25 in bigger cities you can usually get a room for 80-120. One problem with such hotels is that they can be quite noisy as patrons and staff may be yelling to each other across the halls into the wee hours of the morning. Another potential inconvenience is booking a room with a shared bath as many of these hotels have one bathroom for twenty or thirty rooms. You may have to wait a while to use the toilet and half an hour or more to take a shower. In smaller budget hotels the family running the place may simply lock up late at night when it appears no more customers are coming. If you plan on being late, try to explain this in advance or else you may have to call the front desk, bang on the door, or climb over the gate to get in. Mid-range hotels Edit These are usually larger hotels, clean and comfortable but not too expensive, with rooms ranging from 150 at the low end to over 300. Frequently the same hotels will also have more expensive and luxurious rooms. The doubles are usually quite nice and up to Western standards, with a clean private bathroom that has towels and free toiletries. A buffet breakfast may be included, or a breakfast ticket can be purchased for around 10. Sprouting up around China are a number of Western-quality budget hotels that include the following chains, all of which have rooms in the 150-300 range and on-line advance booking in English: Splurge Edit At the high end of the hotel food chain are international hotel chains and resorts, such as the Marriott, Hyatt and Shangri-La and their Chinese competitors. These charge hundreds or thousands of yuan per night for luxurious accommodations with 24-hour room service, satellite TV, spas, and western breakfast buffets. There are suites in Shanghai, for example, for over 10,000 a night. Many of these establishments cater to traveling business-types with expense accounts and charge accordingly for food and amenities (i. e. 20 for a bottle of water which costs 2 at a convenience store). Internet (wired or wireless) which is usually free in mid-range accommodations is often a pay service in high-end hotels. Some hotels in the 400-700 range such as Ramada or Days Inn are willing to lower their prices when business is slow. Chinese three and four-star hotels will often give block pricing or better deals if you negotiate or book a room for more than 5 days. If you are coming to China on a tour, the tour company may be able to get you a room in a true luxury hotel for a fraction of the listed price. Learn Edit A statue of Confucius in a Chinese high school Foreign students have different educational needs. Chinas universities offer many different types of courses and teaching methods to cater to these needs as well as to the different educational levels of the students that come from abroad. Peking University () and Tsinghua University (), both based in Beijing, are Chinas most prestigious universities, and are regularly ranked among the top universities in the world. Language trainees Universities accept students who have achieved the minimum of a high school education for courses in the Chinese language. These courses usually last 1 or 2 years. Students are given certificates after they complete their course. Students who do not speak Chinese and want to study further in China are usually required to complete a language training course. Private language schools also offer more flexible language training courses to get prepared to study, live or work in China. Mandarin House ( ), 46. was established in 2004 and is a well known Chinese school offering intensive group courses or tailor-made private tutoring lessons. Students can start every month and choose for how long they want to learn. Xian is also a popular destination for language learners due to its low population of foreign workers and good standard Mandarin. International House Xian ( IH Xian ), 47. offers intensive language training 160edit 160edit Undergraduates Undergraduate degrees usually require 4-5 years of study. International students have classes together with native Chinese students. In accordance with each students past education, some classes of a degree course can be cancelled and some have to be added. Students receive a Bachelors degree after passing the necessary exams and completing a thesis. Postgraduates Masters degrees are granted after 2-3 years of study. Oral examinations are also taken as well as written exams and a postgraduate thesis. Doctoral students Usually 4-5 years of study are needed to obtain a PhD. Research scholars Research is usually conducted independently by the student under the supervision of an assigned tutor. Any surveys, experiments, interviews, or visits that a research scholar has to make need to be arranged beforehand and authorised. Short-term training courses Short-term courses are now offered in many areas such as Chinese literature, calligraphy, economics, architecture, Chinese law, traditional Chinese medicine, art, and sports. Courses are offered in the holidays as well as during term time. Foreign students are encouraged to continue their studies and obtain Masters or doctoral degrees in Chinas universities, and those who have graduated in China are welcome to return for further education. Some universities offer courses taught in foreign languages, but most courses are in Chinese, and you need to demonstrate a sufficient proficiency in Chinese before you can enroll. You do this by passing the HSK test ( hny shupng kosh ), the official way to certify your skills on a Basic, Intermediate or Advanced level. The test involves reading, writing and listening, but no speaking. See the HSK homepage 48 for dates and locations. Scholarships Edit In order to promote its culture and language, the Chinese government offers scholarships to foreigners who want to study in China. Partial scholarships will cover the tuition fees of the study of your choice. Full scholarships cover pretty much everything, including books, rent, some medical coverage, and a monthly allowance for food and expenses. Although studying pins you down to a specific city and limits the time you can spend travelling, a scholarship is a great way to help you cut through some red tape, get a Residence Permit, and, if youre lucky, live in China practically for free. To inquire about scholarships, you can directly contact the embassy in your area, or ask around at universities and language schools that have China-related courses. Scholarships are pre-distributed by quota to every country, so if too many people want one, you will be competing against your fellow citizens, not against the entire world. The procedure varies from country to country, but normally requires the following paperwork160: authorized copies of your highest (preferably university) degree, including the exam scores two letters of recommendation proof of a full health check-up (blood-test, ECG, X-Ray. ) a motivation plenty of passport-sized photos All of this is shipped by the embassy to Beijing, which then decides who is accepted, where, and under what modalities. Application usually rounds up by the end of march, and the answer may not come until as late as august, with classes starting in September. If all goes well, this will net you a letter of acceptance by the university of your choice, plus a visa that lets you stay in China for about two months. Once in China, you will have to do the medical tests all over again, and upgrade the visa to a residence permit. This however is where being part of a university comes in handy, as they should be able to handle all of the paperwork, going so far as to bring a medical team on campus to check you up 8212 much preferable over you running from police station to hospital to consulate, especially if you dont speak Chinese When all is said and done, you will have a residence permit that lets you stay one year in China, lets you leave and enter the country as you want, and a fair ability to travel during weekends, holidays, and the occasional class-skipping stint. For more information, visit the China Scholarship Council 49 and China Service Center for Scholarly Exchanges 50 websites. Teaching a language, most commonly English, is a very popular source of employment for foreigners. There are English-teaching jobs all over China. The market for teachers of other languages is more limited. However most universities require all English majors to study another foreign language as well, and there are specialised universities for foreign languages in major cities such as Beijing 51. Guangzhou 52. Xian 53. Dalian and Shanghai 54 which teach most major world languages. Guangzhou is establishing itself a reputation as a hub for so-called rare languages. Requirements and qualifications range from just having a pulse and speaking a bit of English up to needing an MA and experience. Typically the good jobs want at least one, preferably two or three, of: a 4-year degree a teaching certificate for primary school or high school from your own country a recognised TEFL certificate, e. g. Cambridge CELTA 55 teaching experience If you want to go and do not already have good qualifications, get a TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) certificate. It really helps. There are a fairly strong preferences for native English speakers and for citizens of major English-speaking countries. Job ads routinely include a list of acceptable passports UK, US, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand are on every list, Ireland and South Africa on most. Some schools will not even read the rest of your resume if you do not have one of those passports. Various prejudices may also come into play overseas Chinese (even with perfect English), Filipinos, Indians, Malaysians, American Blacks, and especially Africans all report some difficulties finding jobs, or getting lower offers. Members of all those groups are happily employed in other schools, and many are well-paid, but getting a job is easier for people who fit a stereotype 8212 Caucasians especially Americans or British. Some schools want blue-eyed blondes, because they hope that will help their marketing. Accent can also be an issue Chinese people generally hope to acquire American accents, so a really thick Scots or Aussie accent will bother some employers, for example. Pay and conditions vary greatly depending on location, experience and qualifications. Free accommodation, provided by the institution, is common. Generally this means an apartment of your own, though some tightfisted schools want teachers to share. Most jobs pay for all or part of an annual trip home. Teachers nearly always make enough to live well in China, though some have a problem in summer because many university or high school jobs pay for only the 10 months of the academic year. It is often possible to teach private lessons on the side - in fact your students or their parents may ask about this incessantly. Foreign teachers generally earn two or three times their Chinese colleagues salaries but the differences are gradually narrowing. A public college or university will often pay less than a private school, but will also require fewer teaching hours. Make certain you understand your employers policies on outside work as some are quite restrictive. The standard government-provided contract56. which most schools use (perhaps amended a bit), prohibits it enitirely unless you get permission from the employer. If you plan to work as a teacher in China, research very carefully. You might get your dream job or a nightmare. Take great care in your selection of employer broken contracts and general unscrupulousness and dishonesty are common. As a rule, government schools give the best all-around deals and if there is any dispute, you can appeal to the Foreign Experts Office of the provincial education ministry. If you can document your case and it is a valid one, they will take action. And it tends to be fast. Before filing an appeal, try to resolve the issue through direct discussion. If that fails, ask someone to function as a go-between -- a Chinese if possible, but otherwise another expatriate will do. Only appeal as a last resort: as in other aspects of life everywhere, the threat of action is often more effective than action itself. When looking for a teaching job in China its generally a good idea to apply through a reputable recruiter and ask them about the schools, the contracts, the work, the hours, the pay and anything that may be a cause for concern. With the size of the Chinese ESL market exploding, there are many private academies sprouting up and many unscrupulous businessmen trying to make a buck. Be careful, and let the recruiter do the work of screening an employer for you. Recruitment services are completely free of charge for teachers. The fee is covered by the schools or the language centers. Work visas Edit To work as a teacher in China you need either a Foreign Teachers Certificate (FTC) or a Foreign Experts Certificate (FEC). Both are issued by the State Administration for Foreign Experts Affairs (SAFEA) 57. In theory, the FTC is for elementary or high school teachers and the FEC is for tertiary education. In practice, everyone seems to get the FEC. In theory, both require a degree this is usually, but not always, enforced. Whether it is depends at least on where you are, how well-connected your school is, and how much trouble they are willing to go to. If you lack a degree, it helps if you have other certifications or diplomas. Once you have the FEC, getting a Residence Permit is routine. The Residence Permit is generally good for a year and it acts as a multiple entry visa you can leave China and return with no problem. There can be difficulties. Universities and other public institutions can easily get Foreign Expert Certificates for staff, but not all private schools can. Before they can even apply for certificates, they must be authorized to employ foreigners by SAFEA. Getting the authorization takes many months and a significant amount of money. They also have to comply with SAFEA standards such as providing housing, health insurance and annual air fare home for all staff. Large established schools have the permission, but many of the smaller ones dont want the expense, so all their teachers are illegal. Some lie to teachers about this. People over 60 often have trouble getting visas because of their age, and some job ads specify an age range. There are conflicting reports on whether this is SAFEA policy, SAFEA advice to provincial departments that make their own policies, or a question of health insurance. There are some exceptions, including a few people in their seventies still working legally. The Foreign Experts Certificate may get you a teachers discount on some products and services including domestic flights. Much the safest way to come to a job in China is to enter the country on a Z visa. There can be some confusion with the terms a few years ago, the Z was a one-year working visa but now the Residence Permit is the long-term visa and the Z is just an entry visa good for 30 days, long enough to get the FEC and Residence Permit. The Z visa can only be obtained outside of China, and it requires a letter from the employers to accompany your passport when you apply. Generally the school will request a signed contract, a health certificate from a health professional, a copy of your passport details, and a copy of your diploma. If you are over 60 and they are asking for their provincial office to accept you, they may also require that you have your own health insurance. It used to be common for people already in China to go to Hong Kong or Macau for the Z visa. Around the time of the 2008 Beijing Olympics, the rules tightened up considerably they have relaxed some since, but not entirely. This is also true for getting Chinese visas in other nearby countries such as Vietnam, Korea, Japan or Singapore. Some people have been told they must return to their home countries to obtain a Z visa. Others have been able to get a Z in Hong Kong, provided the invitation paperwork clearly stipulates it. Some employers ask teachers to come in with a tourist visa, and say they can get a residence permit from that. The official regulations require the Z but moving from a tourist visa to Residence Permit is sometimes possible, depending on policies at the local PSB (Public Securty Bureau, the cops) office and the employers contacts there. On the other hand, working on a tourist visa is illegal and some of the employers who want you to come on one are stringing you along they do not have SAFEA permission to hire foreigners legally and are trying to wriggle around that. Do not even consider taking a post anywhere that wants you to come on a tourist visa unless you have talked to current foreign teachers already there and been assured that they came that way and had no problem getting FEC and Residence Permit. If you complete your health certificate in your home country, be sure to get copies of the x-ray, lab reports and other machine documents. Also have the form stamped with the official seal of the hospital. Even though you do all of this you mayand most likely will, be required to take another physical in China. Request before coming to China that if the physical is required inside of China after you arrive, that the school pay for the service. The physical is usually very quick: EKG, chest x-ray, sonogram of heart and stomach area, blood test, and urine check. However, the time of completion and various tests may change depending on the province. An appearance at the local PSB is required to get your residency permit. Again, negotiate with the school for them to pay for the permit prior to your leaving for China. Children and spouse going with you may require an even higher amount for their residency permit. Schools range from completely reliable to crooks who leave foreigners stranded without a legitimate work visa after they arrive. It is illegal to work with a tourist visa, but some schools want teachers to do that, and some even want you to foot the bill for visa runs to Hong Kong to renew it, although with restrictions on renewals this has become more difficult. Be sure to speak with current or former teachers from the school before you sign up. If the school wont put you in touch with them, or if current teachers dont have Foreign Experts Certificates, dont go near the place. Stay safe Edit Crime Edit CCTV cameras are a very common sight across Mainland China. China is a huge country that shows a big regional difference over crime rates. Most of major cities in China are extremely safe. Violent crime remains rare and it is generally safe for even women at night. There is some scam, such as teahouse scam, and petty crimes can happen especially at the transportation hub and crowded area. Some petty crimes such as bicycle theft and pickpocket are known. For bicycle riders, follow what local people do. If you see bikes are parked anywhere, just tie yours to a pole. It is common to park a bike without securing it to any fixed object, instead only locking the wheel. In a place where everyone takes their bikes inside restaurants or internet cafes, its a warning sign. Bike parking is common outside supermarkets or shopping centers, and usually charges RMB1 to 2 per day (usually until 8-10pm). If you have an electric bicycle or scooter, pay extra caution as the battery-packs may be targeted. On long journey buses especially departing from Shenzhen, passengers are required to take a mug shot before boarding. You are not expected to discuss privacy issues raised. Since this measure was introduced, reports of muggings on bus have dropped drastically. The Triads or gangs group are quite rare in mainland China as long as you avoid getting involved in illegal activities such as drug trading and human trafficking. Scams Edit Beijing and Shanghai continue to be plagued by the notorious teahouse scam, the most common safety concern for foreign travelers in China. The scam goes something like this. Around Tiananmen Square and Wangfujing in Beijing and the Bund, Peoples Square, and Nanjing Road in Shanghai, scam artists stroll up to foreigners and attempt to start a conversation in English. They sometimes help you bargain and show you around. Everything is fine until they invite you to go to a teahouse, cafe or pub. Every item you consume there including each cup of tea, each biscuit or slice of fruit is priced at an extortionate rate. In some cases scam artists may ask to split the really high bill and convince the victim to pay at least half of it. A variant of this scam may happen when you are invited by art students to shabby art shops and pressured to buy overpriced reproductions. Having said that, in real life, it is very common for curious Chinese to genuinely start a conversation with you, show you around, invite you for a drink and a meal. If you are paranoid about all invitations and interactions with the Chinese, it will ruin your travel experience. Remember the following tips: If you feel suspicious about the place you are invited to go, choose your own place such as McDonalds, Starbucks, KFC. If they are persistent at going to their place and make endless excuses to turn down your suggestions, use your common sense to tell if its a scam. In a genuine tea shop, tea sampling is always for free. They just want you to taste and buy the tea leaves. If you have to pay, you will know it beforehand. In a teahouse, it is unusual if they serve you any premium tea without your knowledge. Remember that you are Laowai, a foreigner, you should not feel embarrassed to ask about the price. If you are asked to foot a bill at a ridiculous amount (more than Y500) without your prior knowledge, you know its a scam. Dont pay. Call 110 and report the scam. If you are forced to pay, ask for a fapiao (), an official sales invoice issued by the taxation department. It is against the law for an owner to refuse to give it to you. If you have the receipt, you can use it as evidence when making a report later. You should also pay by a credit card, because it is possible to cancel the payment later. However, high prices do not necessarily indicate a scam. In a teahouse, 16550-200 per cup or pot of tea is common. In a bar, price range is even bigger, in which 16510-80 per bottle of beer is a norm and having a new bottle of wine can cost from a few hundred to many thousands. However, in all genuine places, prices should be stated clearly on a menu. Finally, although it is perfectly possible to pay more than RMB1000 in a high-end teahouse and bar, run-of-the-mill teas and bars should not be nearly this expensive. Such delicate tea would only be offered to tea gourmets, not a casual tea taster. Furthermore, it is considered socially offensive to take a new friend to spend so much money and expect them to pay the bill. If this happens, it is most likely a scam. Beware of the counterfeit 100 RMB note scam. In this case, a taxi (or other merchant) that you have given one or more 100 RMB notes to purchase your good or service will perform a sleight of hand trick and swap your real 100 RMB notes for counterfeit ones. Next they will inspect your 100 RMB notes (the fake ones that they swapped for yours) and point out that they are counterfeit. They will then try and give you back your counterfeit 100 RMB notes and ask for other ones, perhaps closely inspecting the other ones. This is most easily employed by a taxi driver when youre sitting in the back and cant see what theyre doing with the money. It is not very likely that you got fake 100 RMB notes out of an ATM so if someone is questioning your money that came from an ATM, theyre probably scamming you. Traffic Edit Traffic jam in Beijing Driving in China can range from nerve-rattling to outright reckless. Traffic rules are practiced half-halfheartedly and rarely if ever enforced. Zebra crossings are for display, cars are allowed to turn right on a red light and rarely stop for pedestrians. Biker tend to do as they like. Dont be fooled by following any signs and pedestrian paths it is very common to see a motorcycle driving in a pedestrian lane. On occasion even cars will take to bike lanes and motor bikes to the sidewalk. Equally, pedestrians often walk in the roadways, especially at night, as they are better lit. Look in all directions when crossing Expect or assume that anything will come at or behind you from any direction at any time. Begging Edit Chinese people traditionally hold strongly negative views against begging, so unsurprisingly, begging is not a major issue in most places. However, it is never off the scene in a big city and is particularly common just outside major tourist attractions and around major transportation hubs. Beggars may also show up outside some major temples which are popular among local worshippers because it is a tradition for buddhism practitioners to give money to beggars. Be aware that child beggars may be victims of child trafficking. Fortunately it is becoming much less common compared to the early 2000s due to a strong crackdown from all over the society. You should avoid giving them any money. In China, local people usually only give money to those who have obviously lost the ability to earn money. Professional beggars have very clear deformities. If you feel like giving them some, bear in mind that many Chinese make only 30-70 a day doing hard labor jobs. See begging for more detailed discussion. Pollution Edit Pollution is a serious problem in the worlds factory. Beijing, by some accounts, is the most polluted city in the world. 16 out of the worst polluted cities in the world are in China. Talking about air pollution has become a part of life for both locals and expatriates. Even the countryside, depending on the province in question, is not immune. The nature of air pollution makes it highly variable from day to day, depending on the weather. On days with strong wind or rain, the sky will be clear of any pollution. Places at higher altitudes or plains like parts of Yunnan and Sichuan, Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, Tibet and outlying islands such as Hainan usually have good air quality. Visitors should be prepared to see smog, which can be quite heavy, in nearly all large cities, including those on the coast. You will also hear a lot of noise. Construction and renovation are full-time activities. Chinese and long-time residents ears are trained to filter and tolerate it. Illicit Drugs Edit Possession or trafficking of illicit drugs is a gross serious offence in China. Enforcement is generally weak, but penalty is extremely tough once an offender get caught. Possession of certain drugs such as weed even for personal use may lead to a prison term. Be aware that the Chinese generally hold a strong negative against the use of drugs probably because their humiliation in the past 150 years are often linked to the spread of drugs. Weed, heroin, LSD are the same to many of them, especially to the elder generations. It may make you appear foolish if you try to inform them that weed is common in the West. It is totally irrelevant to them. Drug trade could result in a capital punishment and foreigners will not be exempted. In some cities such as Beijing, the police tend to see foreigners as high risk group. Body inspection can happen in a bar which is popular among expats. Random searches of cars may occur in the countryside and if caught with drugs, do not expect lenient treatment from the police. In 2009, a British national was executed for trafficking heroin amid the protest of the British government, but it just did not stop any execution. Banned items Edit The Chinese government is known to try to control the media. Books, magazines and CDs can be confiscated if the content is considered inappropriate, although customs usually doesnt bother to confiscate English books so long as there are no explicit photos depicting Chinese politics. Your belongings will be searched even if you enter from Macau, Hong Kong, or Taiwan. In general, use common sense. So-called Anti-Chinese materials will generally be confiscated: These include the Tibetan Lion-Mountain flag, and Falun Gong or Tiananmen Square incident materials. Books: Any books with photos of the Dalai Lama or Tiananmen Square incidents will be subject to confiscation. Expect to be questioned if you bring a book with Chairman Maos portrait on it. George Orwells novels Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-Four have been seized at Chinese airports despite the fact that the very same books are legally published and sold in both English and Chinese within China. Some of the more sensitive books are muck-raking publications regarding the current government, or specific high-level leaders, usually published in Hong Kong or Taiwan. The aforementioned books will be only available in China through illegal street vendors, which are plentiful in major cities. Pornography: A heavy penalty is imposed on all pornography and penalties are counted based on the number of pieces you bring into the country. If customs considers what you bring to be too much, lets say, more than 100 videos on your laptop, they will likely detain you. Privacy and Security Edit The Chinese police (locally called Public Safety Bureaus) is a well-known monitor of any communication inside China, including phone calls and Internet data. All unencrypted data transmitted on the Internet (including emails and HTTP transmissions), encrypted Chinese web services (including WeChat, QQ, Chinese-language Skype), and phone calls will be recorded for a 3 month period in a police database. Any of this data can be used for court evidence if you are arrested (, xngsh jli). Stay healthy Edit A domestic desiccant may be useful in Eastern Chinas humid summer Personal hygiene Edit Outside major cities, public washrooms vary from mildly unpleasant to utterly repulsive. In cities, it varies from place to place. High quality bathrooms can be found inside major tourist attractions (e. g. the Forbidden City), at international hotels, office buildings, upper-class department stores, and shopping malls. Washrooms in McDonalds, KFC, Pizza Hut, or any of the coffee chains listed in the drink section are usually more or less clean. While those in common restaurants and hotels are barely acceptable, those in hotel rooms are generally very clean. Some public facilities are free, others cost from a few mao up to one or two kuai (1-2). Separate facilities are always provided for men ( nn) and women ( n), but sometimes there are no doors on the front of the stalls. The sit-down toilet familiar to Westerners is rare in China in public areas. Hotels will generally have them in rooms, but in places where Westerners are scarce, expect to find squat toilets more often than not. Many private homes in urban areas now have sit down toilets, and one major benefit from having a local host is that they have clean bathrooms. As a rule of thumb, a western establishment such as McDonalds will have a western toilet. Carry your own tissue paper ( wishngzh, or minzh) as it is rarely provided. You can sometimes buy it from the money-taker at a public toilet you can also buy it in bars, restaurants and Internet cafes for 2. Put used paper in the bucket next to the toilet do not flush it away as it may block the often poor plumbing systems. The Chinese tend to distrust the cleanliness of bathtubs. In hotels with fixed bathtubs, disposable plastic bathtub liners may be provided. Wash your hands often with soap, or better carry some disposable disinfectant tissues (found in almost any department or cosmetics store), especially after having used public computers the main cause for getting a cold or flu is through touching your face, especially the nose, with infected hands. Food amp drink Edit There are no widely enforced health regulations in restaurants. Restaurants generally prepare hot food when you order. Even in the smallest of restaurants, hot dishes are usually freshly prepared, instead of reheated, and rarely cause health problems. Most of the major cities have chain fast food places, and the hygiene in them tends to be good. Use common sense when buying food from street vendors. This is especially true for meat or seafood products they can be very unsafe, particularly during warm weather, as many vendors dont have refrigeration. A rule of thumb regarding street food is to make certain it is cooked thoroughly while you are watching also, visit stalls frequented by locals, and look for plastic-wrapped disposable chopsticks. Minor stomach discomfort may still be experienced from street food and restaurant food alike, but is said to pass as one becomes accustomed to the local food. Ginger is effective against nausea, though it does not kill bacteria. Even in the cities, Chinese people do not drink water straight from the tap, and you should not either. All hotels (even boats) provide either a thermos flask of boiled water in your room (refillable by your floor attendant) or - more commonly - a kettle you can use to do it yourself. Generally, tap water is safe to drink after boiling. Purified drinking water in bottles is available everywhere, and is generally quite cheap. 1 is normal for a small bottle, but it will be more in some places. Check that the seal on the cap is not broken. Beer, wine and soft drinks are also cheap and safe. Health care Edit Many drugs are generally available from a pharmacist without a prescription. You can usually ask to see the instructions that came with the box. Western medicine is called xyo (). However, some drugs which are commonly used elsewhere do require a prescription, such as dextromethorphan, which is widely used as a cough suppressant in Western countries. Caught a cold: gnmo Fever: fsho Headache: tutng Stomach ache: dztng Sore throat: hulngtng Cough: ksu Diarrhoea: ldz Most Chinese doctors and nurses speak no English, even in larger cities. However, medical staff are in plentiful supply and hospital wait times are generally short - usually less than 10 minutes at general clinics ( mnzhnsh), and virtually no wait time at emergency rooms ( jzhnsh). Ensure that needles used for injections or any other procedure that requires breaking the skin are new and unused - insist on seeing the packet being broken open. In some parts of China it is acceptable to re-use needles, albeit after sterilization. For acupuncture, although the disposable needles are quite common in mainland China, you can provide your own needles if you prefer. The disposable type, called Wujun zhenjiu zhen (, Sterilized acupuncture needles), usually cost 16510-20 per 100 needles and are available in many pharmacy. Note that there should be minimal to no bleeding when the needle is inserted and removed if the acupuncturist is sufficiently skilled. While Traditional Chinese Medicine is widespread in China, regulation tends to be lax and it is not unheard of for Chinese physicians to prescribe herbs which are actually detrimental to ones health. Do some research and ensure you have some trusted local friends to help you out if you wish to see a Chinese physician. Alternatively, head to Hong Kong or Taiwan instead, as the practice is better regulated there. If making more than a short trip to China, it may be a good idea to get vaccinated against Hepatitis A and Typhoid as they can be spread via contaminated food. Parts of southern China have mosquitoes which transmit malaria. dengue fever. etc. The CDC has a complete list of recommended vaccines when traveling to China. China has only officially recognised the threat of an AIDSHIV epidemic since 2001. According to the United Nations China is currently experiencing one of the most rapidly expanding HIV epidemics in the world. Since 1998, the number of reported cases has increased by about 30 yearly. By 2010, China could have as many as 10 million infections and 260,000 orphans if without intervention Chinese President Hu Jintao has recently pledged to fight the spread of AIDSHIV within China. Sex workers, clients of sex workers and injecting drug users are the most infected groups. New diseases are sometimes a threat in China, particularly in its more densely populated parts. In 2003 China experienced a serious SARS outbreak this is no longer considered a major threat. More recently, there have been cases of bird flu avoid undercooked poultry or eggs. Partly as a result of the SARS experience, Chinas government has taken the global threat of Swine Flu very seriously. If you are running a fever or otherwise obviously ill, as of Summer 2009, it is possible you will face several days in quarantine upon entry into China. If you speak the local tongue or Standard Mandarin, DO NOT mention you are a foreigner. Respect Edit A few basic guidelines and tips can help you avoid faux pas in China. Tipping . is not necessary or advised. No tip is needed for taxi drivers and most restaurants. Leaving a few coins in most restaurants, you will likely be chased by staff to give you back the money you forgot to take. In some cases, a fee regarded as tipping in America is actually a fixed fee, such as a fee for a doorman allowing you into a building at a late hour. Business Cards . When presenting or receiving a business card or handing over an important paper, always use both hands, and never put it in pant pockets. Visitation . A small gift taken to a hosts home is always welcome. Wine, fruit, or some trinket from your native country are common. If the hosts are wearing slippers at home, and especially if there is carpet on the floor, remove your road shoes and ask for a pair of slippers before you enter your hosts home, even if the host asks you not to. Hosting meals . Hosts tend to order more food than you can eat because it is considered shameful if they cant stuff their guests. If you attempt to finish all food, it means that youre still hungry and may prompt your hosts to order more food (i. e. never totally clean your plate). However, this is changing in some parts of China where it has become more acceptable and preferable to minimise wastage at the end of a meal. It could be a good idea to observe other guests and follow suit. Dining . Table manner varies from different places among different people in different scenarios. Sometimes you can see Chinese spit on a restaurant floor, pick their tooth in front of you and yell whilst dining but it is not always welcome. Follow what other people do. It very much depends on what kind of party you are involved in. Drinking . When offered a drink, you are expected to take it or your friends will keep pushing you. Excuses like Im allergic to alcohol is usually better than I dont feel like drinking. Sometimes you can pretend that you are drunk. Dont panic as usually foreigners are tolerated much on these customs. Tobacco . If you smoke, it is always considered polite to offer a cigarette to those you meet, as long as they are of adult age. This rule applies almost exclusively to men, but under certain circumstances, such as a club, it is okay to apply the rule toward women. If someone offers you a cigarette and you dont smoke, you can turn it down by politely and gently waving your hand. Staring . As a traveler, you may find that your language, color of hair and skin, behavior, and manner of dress will draw long and sustained stares, especially outside the major cities. Saving Face . The Chinese tend to be very concerned about saving face. Pointing out mistakes directly may cause embarrassment. If you have to, call the person to one side and tell himher in private, and try to do it in a polished manner. Pointing . Never point to statues of Buddhas or other deities with your index finger, as it is considered to be very rude. Instead, point at them with your thumb. Religion . Swastikas have been widely used in Buddhist temples since the 5th century to represent Dharma, universal harmony, and the balance of opposites. Simillar to India, it does not represent Nazism. It is also worth noting that the local Jews have historically lived peacefully with their non-Jewish neighbours, and save for the Cultural Revolution, during which people of all religions and not just the Jews were persecuted. China does not have a history of significant anti-Semitism unlike the Inquisition in Europe. Gay and lesbian travelers Edit Homosexuality was de-criminalized in 1997 and taken off the state list of mental disorders in 2001. Chinese people have a range of opinions when it comes to sexuality. Though there are no laws against homosexuality in China, films, websites, and television shows involving themes of homosexuality tend to be self-censored or banned. Whilst there is no obvious gay scene or community in China, most Chinese cities have at least 1 gay bar, although itll be well hidden. Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou are more in the open, with a range of gay bars and clubs, albeit nowhere near as brash and outspoken as their counterparts in other international cities. Most Chinese are reluctant to discuss their sexuality in public, as it is generally considered to be a personal matter. But dont be surprised to find younger people in the cities openly discussing their sexual orientation. Homosexual marriages and unions are not recognised in the country. Nevertheless, while openly displaying your sexual orientation in public may draw stares and whispers, gay and lesbian visitors should generally not run into any major problems, and unprovoked violence against homosexual couples is almost unheard of. Electricity is 220 volts50 hz. Two-pin European and North American, as well as three-pin Australian style plugs are generally supported. However, be careful to read the voltage information on your devices to ensure they accept 220V (twice the 110V used in many countries) before plugging them in you may cause burnout and permanent damage to some devices such as hairdryers and razors. Universal extension cords that can handle a wide variety of plug shapes (including British) are widely used. Unless you plan to stay in some exotic rural location or you are from a country that does not use European, North American, or Australian style plugs, you will generally not need a plug adapter. Wall outlets designed to be compatible with all three types of plugs are found throughout the country, even in the aging three-star hotels commonly favored by tour groups on a budget. Names of long streets are often given with a middle word indicating the part of the street. For example, White Horse Street or Baima Lu () may be split up into Baima Beilu () for the northern ( bi ) end, Baima Nanlu () for the southern ( nn ) end and Baima Zhonglu () for the central ( zhng ) part. For another street, dng ( east) and x ( west) might be used. In some cities, however, these names do not indicate parts of one street. In Xiamen. Hubin Bei Lu and Hubin Nan Lu (Lakeside Road North and Lakeside Road South) are parallel, running East-West on the North and South sides of the lake. In Nanjing. Zhongshan Lu, Zhongshan Bei Lu and Zhongshan Dong Lu are three separate major roads. Laundry services may be expensive or hard to locate. In upper end hotels it will cost 10-30 to wash each article of clothing. Cheap hotels in some areas do not have laundry services, though in other areas such as along the Yunnan tourist trail the service is common and often free. In most areas, with the exception of the downtown areas in big cities, you can find small shops that do laundry. The sign to look for on the front door is ( xy ), or spot the clothes hanging from the ceiling. The cost is roughly 2-5item. In even the smallest of cities dry cleaning ( gnx outlets are widely distributed and may be able to wash clothes. But in some areas youre going to be stuck washing clothes by hand, which is time consuming and tiresome. It may take days for a pair of jeans to dry, which is especially difficult if youre in a dorm room with no hangers, so fast drying fabrics, such as polyester or silk, are a good idea. If you do find a hotel that does laundry, usually they will put all your clothes into the wash together or even with other items from the hotel, so lighter colours are best washed by hand. Smoking is banned in public buildings and public transport except for restaurants and bars (including KTVs) - many of which are outright smoke dens, although many multinational restaurant chains do ban smoking. These bans are enforced across the country. Generally, smoking laws are most strict in Shanghai and Beijing, whilst they are more lightly enforced elsewhere. Many places (particularly train station s, hospitals, office buildings and airports) will have smoking rooms, and some long-distance trains may have smoking areas at the end of each car. Facilities for non-smokers are often poor most restaurants, bars and hotels will not have non-smoking areas apart from top-end establishments although many modern buildings have a smoke extraction systems which suck cigarette smoke out of the room through a ceiling vent - meaning that the smoke doesnt hang in the air. The Chinese phrase for May I smoke is ky chuyn ma and No Smoking is b ky chuyn. Contact Edit Internet Edit Internet Censorship Edit WARNING: As of September, 2014, Google Search, Gmail, Google Map and Google Translate all cannot be accessed in China without a VPN. Before you come to China, better redirect your Gmail account to another email service such as Hotmail. Travellers may switch to Bing for search engine and Bing Maps for map service. If you prefer to subscribe a VPN service, please be aware that the websites of many major providers, including StrongVPN, Astrill or Ninja VPN are blocked although their services are still working. ( 26 May 2015) Internet censorship in China, which (as with most parts of this page) does not apply to Hong Kong and Macau. covers a wide range of internet services. Pornographic, political sites, some Chinese language foreign-based news sites are routinely blocked. Since the end of May in 2014, all google-related services, including Google Search, Gmail, Google Map, Google Translate fail to work in China. That is an unprecedented block on Google services and no reasons have been announced. YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Blogspot, Wordpress, Picasaweb are all banned. Websites of many universities are not accessible as well, probably because those servers are also active in hosting China-related political materials. Most Google-related services, including Gmail, Google Maps, Play Store, and Translate. Facebook, Twitter and Instagram Youtube and Vimeo Most Hong Kong-based media websites. Most English news services are generally accessible, but their Chinese versions may be banned. University websites may be banned, because their servers may also host so-called anti-China materials. Complied as of December 2015 . Wikipedia and Flickr are available, although certain web pages that contain sensitive keywords (usually in Chinese language only) may trigger the censorship system, called the Golden Shield () (or euphemistically, the Great Firewall or GFW ) and result in the message your connection has been reset. Censorship is often tightened during certain sensitive periods, such as the annual meeting of Chinas parliament in March, the CCP congress every fourth October, and anniversaries such as the National Day in October and the Tiananmen massacre in June. The most common way to access blocked sites is to use a proxy server. VPN (Virtual Private Network) which usually provides users with more stable and reliable access to banned websites for a fee starting from a few dollars per month. Other ways to bypass censorship include downloadable software such as Freegate, Tor 58 and Psiphon 59. These introduce certain levels of encryption, and therefore so-called sensitive content can be seen. These should be downloaded before entering China as access to their official websites are blocked. Another possibility for short-term visitors is to purchase a Hong Kong-based SIM with an internet plan and use it to access the internet. Because all data passes through servers based in Hong Kong, nothing is blocked, and there is no need to purchase a separate VPN subscription or to perform any additional set-up work. This is especially helpful for users of most Android phones due to tight integration with Google services, which are all blocked in China otherwise. It is a legal offence to upload and submit any materials seen as subversive. However, regular internet users, especially English-speakers without political backgrounds, are usually free to write and send anything without a problem. Certain companies like Yahoo have a track record of helping the government crackdown on political dissidents. In 2005, Shi Tao, a journalist in China, was imprisoned for ten years for releasing a document of the Communist Party to an overseas Chinese democracy site after Yahoo China provided his personal Yahoo emails to the Chinese government. Access Edit An Internet caf in Lijiang China has more Internet users than any other country in the world and internet cafes ( wngb ) are abundant throughout China. Many of them are designed for gamers though and are not useful places to do business. It is cheap (1-6 an hour) to use a computer, albeit one with Chinese software. Internet cafes are supposed to require users to show identification (passport). Traffic may be monitored, and be aware that there maybe background malware recording keystrokes. WIFI is pervasive in coffee shops and many restaurants. Free WIFI is provided especially in cafes such as Starbucks, Costa Coffee, some McDonalds and many private coffee houses. However, many free networks (including that in the Beijings PEK Airport) require submitting a Chinese mobile number to which they can text an access code, thus rendering them off-limits to many foreigners. Some hotels and hostels provide access from the rooms that may or may not be free others may provide a wireless service or a few desktops in the lounge area. You may also purchase a mobile data card for use with your own computer instead (these generally cost 400 and data plans run 10-200 per month depending on your usage). Printing and CD burning service is provided in many hotels and hostels. You may also look for the characters (fyn) meaning photocopy. Printing costs about 1-3 per page and photocopies are 0.5-1 per page. Printingphotocopy shops are scattered around university campuses and prices are usually cheaper. Getting news Edit Please fix it China Daily . the nationally distributed English newspaper, sometimes publishes constructive criticism of China from frustrated tourists. If you think something about China for travelers needs to be fixed, you should send a letter to letterschinadaily. cn and it could possibly be published. China has some local English language news media. State-run CCTV 9 is an English channel available 247 in most cities CCTV 4 has a short newcast in English every day. China Daily is a state English language newspaper available in hotels, supermarkets, and Beijing newstands. There are also a few English magazines such as China Today and 21st Century . There is no longer any problem getting most foreign news (provided it is in a foreign language, like English) in China. The better hotels often have satellite TV in the rooms. More and more business hotels have Internet links for your laptop in each room: 7 Day Inn and Home Inn are two nationwide chains of impeccable cleanliness with such links and cost 150-200 per night. Other locally-owned hotels offer the same standard for 60night. Top hotels also sell major newspapers from around the world and business-oriented publications like The Economist . albeit at very high prices. Some provide international newspapers free for reading in their coffee shops. The Chinese Post Office is generally reliable and sometimes quick. There are a few things you need to adapt to: Incoming mail will be both faster and more reliable if the address is in Chinese. If not, the Post Office has people who will translate but that takes time and is not 100 accurate. It will be very helpful to provide the receivers phone number with packages or expedite mails. The customs and delivery postmen usually need it. Do not seal outgoing packages before taking them to the Post Office they will not send them without inspecting the contents. Generally it is best to buy the packing materials at the Post Office, and almost all Post Offices will pack your materials for you, at a reasonable price. Most Post Offices and courier services will refuse to send CDs or DVDs, this can be circumvented by placing them in CD wallets along with lots of other things and finally packing the space in with clothes, giving the appearance of sending your stuff home, also easier to send by sea as they care less. International fax ( Chunzhn ) services are available in most large hotels for a fee of a dozen renminbi or more. Inexpensive faxes within China can be made in the ubiquitous photocopy outlets that have the Chinese characters for fax written on the front door. Telephone Edit Telephone service is more of a mixed bag. Calling outside the country is often difficult, and usually impossible without a calling card, which can often only be bought locally. The good news is these cards are fairly cheap, and the connection is surprisingly clear, uninterrupted and delay-free. Look for IP Telephone Cards . which typically have a value of 100 but sometimes can be had for as little as 25. The cards have printed Chinese instructions, but after dialing the number listed on the card English-spoken instructions are available. As a general indication of price, a call from China to Europe lasts around 22 minutes with a 100 card. Calls to the U. S. and Canada are advertised to be another 20 cheaper. If your line allows for international direct dialling (IDD), the prefix for international calls in China is 00 . So if you wish to make an overseas call, you would dial 00-(country code)-(area code)-(tel number) . Note that calls from the mainland to Hong Kong and Macau require international dialling. IDDs could be very expensive. Ask the rate before calling. MobileCellular Phones Edit Cellular phones are using widespread offer very good service in China. They play an essential role in daily life for most Chinese and for nearly all expatriates in China. The typical expat spends a few hundred yuan buying a phone, then about 100 a month for the service tourists might use it less. If you already have a GSM 9001800 cellphone, you can roam onto Chinese networks, but calls will be very expensive (12-35minute is typical). UMTSHSDPA roaming is not available with every carrier, but you can buy a local SIM card for 3G data access (see below). Chinese CDMA networks require R-UIM (SIM card equivalent), so most American CDMA phones will not work off the bat, but its possible to program a new Chinese prepaid number into one at some shops for a fee of 100-400 8212 just dont forget to restore your old number before you leave. The exceptions are iPhones 5 and above plug in a China Telecom R-UIM and it will work after a few minutes of automatic reconfiguration. Droid-series phones will have functioning calltext but making the data work will require perusing Chinese forums or finding a specialist shop at an electronics market to do the reconfiguration. Japanese CDMA phones require similar amounts of reconfiguration SIM-unlocking and sticking to GSM may be easier. If you have a non-CDMA smartphone and are planning on using 3G, China Unicom is your only option, as China Mobile uses a different technology which is unique to China. Calls and messages will still work but data wont, at least not at 3G speeds. 4G is a different story, as some phones sold overseas do support China Mobile 4G. The iPhone 66 (if purchased directly from Apple) and iPhone 6S6S all support China Mobiles 4G, but not 3G. Its very difficult to get a Chinese SIM unless you speak Chinese, or have an interpreter with you. There are companies who can send these to you before you leave for China. A vending machine in Terminal 3 at Beijing airport sells China Mobile and China Unicom SIM cards for 100 each, and 50 or 100 recharge vouchers. For a short visit, consider renting a Chinese cell phone from a company such as Pandaphone 60. Rates are around 7 a day. The company is based in the US but has staff in China. Toll free numbers are 866-574-2050 in the U. S. or 400-820-0293 in China. The phone can be delivered to your hotel in China prior to your arrival and dropped off there at the end of your trip, or shipped to you in the US. When you rent the phone, they will offer you an access code for calling to your country, which is cheaper than buying a SIM card from a local vendor and dialing directly. If youre staying for more than a few days, it will usually be cheaper to buy a prepaid Chinese SIM card this gives you a Chinese phone number with a certain amount of money preloaded. Chinese tend to avoid phone numbers with the bad-luck digit 4, and vendors will often be happy to offload these unsellable SIM-cards to foreigners at a discount. If you need a phone as well, prices start around 100200 usednew. Chinese phones, unlike those sold in many Western countries, are never locked and will work with any SIM card you put in them. Chinas two big operators are China Mobile 61 and China Unicom 62. Most SIMs sold by the two work nationwide, with Unicom allowing Hong KongMacauTaiwan usage as well. There is usually a surcharge of about 1RMBmin when roaming outside the province you bought the SIM, and there are some cards that work only in a single province, so check when buying. You may also need to manually activate national roaming, which may incur a small daily surcharge as long as its active. For China mobile, you can get your credits balances by calling 1008611 and get a sms with balance. International calls have to be enabled separately by applying for China Mobiles 12593 or China Unicoms 17911 service both require a simple application with no deposit requirement. Usually there will be an English speaker, and let himher know what you want. Ask for the special dialing code, and for 1RMBmonth extra on China Mobile (free on China Unicom), this will be provided to you. Enter the code, the country code, then the local number and you will be talking cheaply in no time. Dont be fooled by cellphone shops with the China Mobile signage, be sure to go a to a corporate-operated location. The employees will wear a blue uniform and there will be counter services. At time of writing, China Mobile is the cheaper of the two with calls to North AmericaAsia around 0.4min. You can also use prepaid cards for international calling just dial the number on the card as with a regular landline phone, and the charges will go to the prepaid calling card. To recharge, visit the neighborhood office of your mobile service provider, give the staff your number and pay in cash to recharge your account. You can also recharge at any post office. Alternately, many shops will sell you a charge card, which has a number and password that must be used to call the telephone company to recharge the money in your account. You will be calling a computer and the default language is Chinese, which can be changed to English if you understand the Chinese. Charge cards are sold in denominations of 30, 50 and 100. (If youre on Unicom, you have a local bank account, and you understand Chinese, you can recharge by bank transfer online this is cheaper and sometimes there will be special offers for recharging this way) For mobile data addicts, the Wo 3G USIM from China Unicom starts at 66month for 240 nationwide minutes, 10 videocall minutes, 300MB data, and some free multimediatext content (ringtones, mobile news reports, wallpapers, music videos, etc). Incoming transmissions (videovoice call, text) from anywhere is completely free. For short-term use there is no longer a basic service fee, with calls around 13 min, text messages 0.10 each and data 10MB (overage for the 96 plan is a more reasonable 0.15min, 0.10 per text 0.3MB). The student plan (66 for 50 minutes, 240 texts, everything else same as 96 plan) is also an option. China Mobile offers their Easy Own prepaid card, the offer also includes data plan options: 100 or 200 for 1 or 2 GB of data a month. Its possible to de-activate this service with a short message to the number 10086. There is also a 5 G cap (maximum charge per month) of 500. An alternative for those who want a Hong Kong number, the ability to recharge with a VisaMasterCard credit card, andor access to certain overseas websites that are otherwise blocked without paying a small fortune is to get dual-number Hong Kong-based SIM cards. A Hong Kong-based China Unicom SIM costs somewhat more at HK0.60minute (HK0.45minute in Guangdong), HK0.50text, and internet is HK38300MB daily or HK78500MB weekly for unfiltered internet (removing the need to pay for an outside VPN) but is not as unreasonably priced as roaming from most other countries. They now offer another plan with a unified mainland call pricing of HK0.39minute, free incoming calls, and data at HK48300MB weekly or HK68500MB monthly, but comes with a HK18 basic monthly fee. For those who want more data at the cost of speed (no 3G access), China Mobile Hong Kong actually charges less than China Mobile proper at HK148 for 2.5GB data compared to 200 for 2GB, but charges the same higher voice rates as China Unicom HK. They now offer a SIM with unfiltered 4G access at higher prices-HK48 daily (1GB at full speed, then throttled to no less than 128k), HK1181GB monthly or HK1982GB monthly. Note that the downside to using a HK-based SIM is no cheap international calls China Mobile HK, for instance, charges HK5.80minute to call all other countries from China, but softens the blow by offering a recharge bonus that increases with the amount of the top-up applied (for instance, a recharge of HK300 gets you an extra HK100, a recharge of HK200 gets you an extra HK50, and anything less than that but more than HK50 gets a 10 bonus applied to it). For the very short-term, the truly data-heavy users, or those to whom money is no object, Three HK data SIMs offer unlimited data in China (again unfiltered because everything runs through Three servers in HK) for HK98day. With their recharge bonus scheme a HK300 recharge will last four days on top of the credit included with the SIM (2 days for the 198 SIM 4 days from a 300 recharge make 6 days and HK10 left over, for instance). All of these can be purchased in HK, from specialist SIM dealers in larger cities, or online. Area codes Edit The country dialing code for mainland China is 86 . Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan have their own separate country dialing codes which are 852 for Hong Kong, 853 for Macau and 886 for Taiwan. Major cities with eight-digit numbers have a two-digit area code. For example, Beijing is (0)10 plus an eight-digit number. Other places use seven - or eight-digit local numbers and a three-digit area code that does not start with 0, 1 or 2. So for example: (0)756 plus 7 digits for Zhuhai. The north uses small numbers, the south has larger numbers. Normal cell phones do not need an area code. The numbers are composed of 130 to 132 (OR 156186) plus 8 digits (China Unicom, GSMUMTS), 133153189 plus 8 digits (China Telecom, CDMA) or 134 to 139 (OR 150152158159188) plus 8 digits (China Mobile, GSMTD-SCDMA). There used to be a service ( xio lngtng ) that offered landline numbers at lower prices but at the cost of not being able to move your phone between provinces this is no longer available as the PHS networks in China have been completely shut down. Emergency numbers Edit The following emergency telephone numbers work in all areas of Mainland China calling them from a cell phone is free. Patrol Police: 110 Fire Department: 119 (Government-owned) AmbulanceEMS: 120 (some areas private-owned) Ambulance: 999 Traffic Police: 122 Directory inquiries: 114 Consumer Protection: 12315There are as many as 20,000 street vendors in New York City hot dog vendors, flower vendors, t-shirt vendors, street artists, fancy food trucks, and many others. De er små forretningsfolk som sliter med å få endene møtes. De fleste er innvandrere og farger. Noen er amerikanske militære veteraner som tjente sitt land. De jobber lange timer under tøffe forhold, og ber om noe annet enn en sjanse til å selge sine varer på den offentlige fortauet. Likevel, i de senere årene har leverandørene blitt ofre for New Yorkers aggressive livskvalitet. De har blitt nektet tilgang til salgstillatelser. Mange gater har blitt stengt for dem ved oppfordring av kraftige bedriftsgrupper. De mottar ublu billetter til mindre brudd som salgsautomat for nær en krysstur mer enn noen store bedrifter må betale for tilsvarende brudd. Street Vendor Project er et medlemskapsbasert prosjekt med nesten 2000 leverandører medlemmer som jobber sammen for å skape en leverandørbevegelse for permanent forandring. Vi kommer ut til leverandører i gatene og lagringshusene og lærer dem om deres juridiske rettigheter og ansvar. Vi holder møter der vi planlegger kollektive tiltak for å få våre stemmer hørt. Vi publiserer rapporter og saksøksmål for å øke offentlig bevissthet om leverandører og det enorme bidraget de gjør til vår by. Til slutt hjelper vi leverandører til å vokse sine virksomheter ved å knytte dem sammen med småbedrifter og lån. Street Vendor Project er en del av Urban Justice Center. en ideell organisasjon som gir juridisk representasjon og advocacy til ulike marginaliserte grupper av New Yorkere. Siste nytt
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